a standing of 1.0 in all previous college work. In other respects,
the requirements and conditions of transfer are the same as for
resident students.
Written applications for admission with advanced standing
should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office on forms furnished by
that office.
Admission as a Special Student
A graduate of another university or college may enter the Uni-
versity as a special student. Other persons may be admitted as
special students provided they are fully prepared to do the work
desired and provided they are at least twenty-one years of age.*
Before a special student can become a candidate for a degree
he must have his status changed to that of a regular student. This
may be done in one of two ways:
1. Satisfying the requirements for admission to the freshman i
2. Completing in residence one hundred quarter hours of
credit with a standing of at least 1.5 in all work attempted.
A special student is eligible to take any course for which he has
satisfied the prerequisites except one numbered 200 or above.
Admission as an Auditor
By payment of the required fees any person may be admitted
to a class or classes as an auditor. A student regularly enrolled in
any college must apply to the Dean of the College in which he is
registered in order to be an auditor. Other persons should apply
to the Registrar’s Office for admission. No credit can be given for
a class audited, nor is the student permitted an examination for
credit. No instructor is authorized to admit an auditor to any of
his classes except on presentation of an auditor’s card from the
Registrar’s Office.
Admission to Colleges and Schools
College of Arts and Sciences. Admission to this college is
governed by the general admission requirements of the University
outlined on the preceding pages. .
College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Admission to
this college is governed by the general admission requirements of
the University outlined on thc preceding pages.
College of Engineering. Admission to the freshman class of
the College of Engineering is limited to students rated in the upper
three—fourths on the University placement tests.
In addition to meeting the general requirements for admission
to the University, the high school credits presented by the appli-
°An exception to the age requirement may be made in the case of n.
veteran of World War II who has demonstrated, through tests and per-
sonal interviews, his ability to do the work desired.