i cant shall include one unit in Plane Geometry, one-half unit in
  Solid Geometry, and one and one-half units in Algebra. If the
{ student lacks only the half unit in Solid Geometry, he may be
Q admitted, but this subject will be added to the requirements of
l g the freshman year.
  College of Law. An applicant for admission to the College of
i Law must offer ninety quarter hours completed in residence in col-
  leges other than Law, nine of which must be in English and not
  more than nine of which may be in physical education, military
  science, or other "non-theory" courses. A standing of 1.0 is the
Q minimum qualitative requirement, but in other than exceptional
`Q cases an applicant will not be accepted unless he has maintained a
§ standing of 1.3 on all previous work. While there is no prescribed ·
* pre-law curriculum, the applicant’s record is evaluated in terms of
-, - its relationship to the study of law, and in terms of the require-
{ ments of the Association of American Law Schools.
_; College of Education. Admission to the freshman class of the
— College of Education is limited to students rated in the upper
i three-fourths bn the University placement tests. In order to trans-
fer to the College of Education from another institution or from
another college of the University, a student must have a standing
of 1.0 or higher. The freshman applicant must meet the general
admission requirements of the University.
College of Commerce. Admission to the freshman class of the
College of Commerce is limited to students rated in the upper
»; three-fourths on the University placement tests. The freshman
applicant must meet the general admission requirements of the
X The Graduate School. A student may be admitted to the Grad-
uate School upon evidence of having completed the requirements
- for graduation from a fully accredited institution of higher learn-
ing and an official transcript of undergraduate courses, together
with a written application. These should be sent to the Registrar’s
Office. The application form may be obtained from that office.
However, such admission does not obligate the University to accept
all credit granted by the undergraduate school. When full credit
is not granted, the student will be required to do more than the
normal amount of work to complete a graduate degree. Applica-
tions from graduates of institutions not fully accredited will be
individually evaluated. However, a student from such a school is
encouraged to secure a bachelor’s degree from a fully accredited
institution before applying.
Fees at the University vary according to the privileges granted
and the classification of the student; that is, as a resident, non-