E; courses requiring no outside work are reckoned at three hours for
one quarter hour.
Requirements for Graduation
Undergraduate Colleges. To be eligible for graduation from
any undergraduate college of the University, a student must have
completed the requirements of the curriculum as approved by the
_ University Faculty. In addition to gaining the specified number
°S of quarter hours, he must have an equal number of quality points
H —that is a standing of 1.0. t
H. Curriculum substitutions may be made on recommendation of
,€ the college dean to the Registrar’s Office.
i" To be eligible for a degree at any commencement, the student
is must file with the Registrar an application for such degree at least
four weeks prior to the commencement date. The University re-
n quires the student to use his full and proper name in registering,
in applying for a degree, and in other similar circumstances. The
E institution accepts no responsibility for difficulties arising from
I a student’s failure to comply with this requirement.
1 Regardless of the length of time the student has attended the
University, a minimum of forty-five of the last fifty-four quarter
I hours presented for the degree must be completed in residence at
T the University. The last eighteen quarter hours of residence work
Q must be completed while registered in the college through which
‘ the degree is granted. With respect to graduation requirements for
' ex-service men or women, the rule requiring the final year of resi-
{ dence may be waived for former students, provided that the total
' previous residence credit has been not less than forty-five quarter
Not more than forty-eight of the quarter hours required for an
undergraduate degree may be gained by extension, special exam-
ination, or both. A student may not satisfy in excess of one-hali
the requirements for a major by extension, special examination, or
The Graduate School. For the requirements for graduate de-
grees see the statement of the Graduate School, page 125.
Commencement Honors. Students are graduated "With High
Distinction" who attain a standing of 2.6 or higher for at least three
years of residence work.
Students are graduated "With Distinction" who attain a stand-
ing of 2.4 up to 2.6 for at least three years of residence work. ~
. A student who does only two years at the University may
receive the appropriate commencement honors if he attains a stand-
Univ.—2 ‘