Wiggin, G. H., B.S., Instructor in Forestry; Forester, Robinson - 
Substation .
Wightman, Ernest T., M.S., Assistant Professor of Poultry Hus- · 
bandry; Assistant in Poultry Husbandry, Experiment Station A 
Wilford, Edward James, M.S. in Agr., Professor of Animal Hus- ° 
bandry; in charge of Meats Laboratory; Assistant in Animal _  HE
Husbandry, Experiment Station `· Ja,
Willson, Louise, M.A., Third Grade, University School , LU
Wilmore, Helen, M.S. in H.E., Assistant Professor of Home Eco-  
nomics ‘
Wilson, Goldie M., A.B., Part-Time Instructor in Commerce  
Wilson, Jessie Louise, M.A., Recorder LG
Wilson, William Clark, B.S. in Agr., Assistant State Agent, County   *F
Agent Work, Agricultural Extension Division I  *l\
Wofford, Azile May, M.S., Associate Professor of Library Science . *E
Wood, Julia Clarke, B.S. in H.E., Assistant Analyst, Department r
, of Agronomy, Experiment Station . 
*Woods, Ralph Hicks, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Edu- P,
cation M
Wooldridge, Mary Terrell, M.S., Instructor in Home Economics Id
Wyant, Zae, M.H.E., M.A., Technician, Department of Animal Path- W
ology, Experiment Station .  M
*Wyatt, Charles Early, B.S. in Agr., Field Agent in Test Demonstra-
tion, Agricultural Extension Division A
Young, David Marion, M.S., Assistant Professor of Geology, Curator g V
of Museum °
Young, Earl Robert, M.S. in Agr. Engr., Associate Professor of ` R
Agricultural Engineering ‘  ,5
Young, Harry M., B.S., Assistant in Farm Management, Depart- I `
ment of Farm Economics, Experiment Station L
Young, Ruth Theobald, B.S. in L.S., Visiting Instructor in Library {  ,6.
Zemp, Gertrude M., Manager of Residence Halls for Women ` “
* See appended list of leaves of absence, resignations, deaths, etc. p. 379. 2 C
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