is Sunday Musloales ·
_€ October 21- March 8-
M“dn° u§t°1h§°°’ %’r°I;°’ University Women’s Glee
_ M€*’°P° an Pm “°° °‘ ciub, Miiarea s. Lewis, ni-
) ti°n rector
g November 18-
d Zadel Skolovsky, Pianist, March 10__
n Columbia Comérts Era Wilder Peniston, Organ-
December 16—(4.00 p. m. and _ t U i ,t f K tucky
‘t 8:00 p. m.) - Christmas is ’ n versl Y ° en
B- Choral Program by the Uni- March 17_
*“ versity Choristers, Mildred _ _
._ . . Nikolai and Joanna Graudan,
~ S. Lewis, Director. .
’Cello and Piano Duo, Col-
February 3- b, C me ts
William Hain, Tenor, Colum- um la ° T
d F T"   mu 7-
e ru .
E cxmumsu cousge or Music %°‘?°"* ,:{“h;";<“‘AtuB1a{*;*°“°·
if String Trio mversi y o e c
L February 17- April 14...
L, University Men’s Grlee Club, University Mixed Chorus,
=- LEWIS H' H°rt°n• Du`°°t°r Lewis H. Horton, Director;
February 24- Leia w. cuuis organist
Program by University '
Chapter of Phi Beta, Honor- June I"'
,- ary Music and Dramatics University Baccalaureate ,
- Fraternity Service
` Other Cultural Opportunities. The University provides many
other cultural opportunities in addition to the regular convocation:
and musicales. Some of the colleges hold assemblies regularly
at which matters of college interest are discussed. The various de-
n partments bring special lecturers to the University. The Art De-
E partment introduces not only to its students, but also to the whole
' University, exhibits of great paintings, of etchings, and of draw-
E ings. The Music Department sponsors a philharmonic orchestra,
° a University band, a men’s glee club and a women’s glee club, all
' of which give concerts and furnish music for convocations. The
:1 Y.M.C.A. sponsors a series of forums and informal discussions in
I the Student Union, the men’s dormitories, and in the various fra-
_‘ ternities. Pan Politikon, a student organization to promote know-
· ledge of countries other than our own, studies through the various
' departments and activities of the University the social, political,
and cultural life of foreign countries. Departmental clubs add
p effectively to the cultural life of the University. .
' Each year the Guignol Theatre presents a series of plays in
B which students, faculty, and others interested in dramatics may