ment in the social studies: (Each sequence will carry ten ,
quarter hours).  
` - History 10a, b or Political Science 10a, b, American
. Civilization; History 8a, b or Political Science 8a, b,
; European Civilization; Sociology 3a, b or Geography ·
3a, b, Societies Around the World.
3. The Biological Sciences. Those students who, upon enter-
ing the University, state that they expect to elect a science
Y curriculum shall satisfy the biological group requirement
4 of the lower division by any general course or courses in
. one of the departments of the biological group. Other
t students shall satisfy the group requirements in the bio-
logical sciences by taking any two of the following courses:
Anatomy and Physiology 2; Anthropology 1 or 2; Botany
i 25; Psychology 1; Zoology 25.
? 4. The Physical Sciences. Students will be permitted to take
, work in either one or two departments in order to satisfy
i the physical science group requirement. The student may
choose eight or more hours from the following courses:
, Astronomy 51a, b; Chemistry la, b, 4a, b, Geology 50a, b,
c, (50a is prerequisite for 50b or c), 14a, b, c (in connection
. with 50a, b, c), 3, 30a, b, c, 52; Mathematics 5a, b (only one
( counted on group), 17, 3, 19; Physics la, b, c, 3a, b, c, 51, 52,
` 53 (51 is prerequisite for 52 or 53).
._ Freshman Core Curriculum Qtr. Hrs.
E Orientation .............................................................................. 1
· General Hygiene ......... .. ......................................................... 2
Military Science (men) ........................................................ 6
Physical Education ................................................................ 3
_ English ...................................................................................... 9
Humanities, or Social Studies ............................................ 8-10
Physical or Biological Sciences ........................................ 8-10
Foreign Languages or free electives .................................. 10
Total number of quarter hours required in Lower Division: 96
The normal load per quarter is 16 quarter hours
· Rules and Procedures
1. Superior Students: Entering freshmen, in the upper
twenty-five per cent of the classification scale, as deter-
mined by University of Kentucky classification tests, may ~
substitute other courses in the groups for those courses
which are set up especially to satisbr group requirements.
Other students, in the top twenty-tive per cent of the
classification scale of the University of Kentucky classifi-
cation tests, with a standing of 2, may be granted the same