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cummsrny V  
I The Department of Chemistry provides an opportunity for   Mi;
_ students to gain a Bachelor’s degree with Chemistry as a major and   Ph
V a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry degree. The cur- I U;
= riculum in Industrial Chemistry is a prescribed course, the purpose M.,
j of which is to train persons who desire to follow Chemistry as a G6
profession in the chemical industries or to pursue advanced training Ph
in graduate schools. For those persons who are desirous of com-
. bining training in Chemistry (a) with library techniques to become
` librarians in the·scientific libraries, (b) with commerce subjects to Mi
y become technical salesmen or secretaries for scientific or industrial Ph
L laboratories, (c) with home economics subjects to obtain a back- , on
7 ground for work in the field of foods, textiles, etc., or (d) with MH
Z other combinations, an opportunity to develop such programs is  
; afforded under the Topical Field offered by the College of Arts and
.5 The Degree of B.S. in Industrial Chemistry  
{ The degree of B.S. in Industrial Chemistry is awarded upon SI1;
  completion of a four years’ prescribed curriculum. It aims to pro- 1
vide a solid foundation for continued work in chemistry, and en-   (fe
ables the student to engage at once in technical work with excel- lh
4 lent prospects for success.
German 2b must be completed and one year’s work in French,
so that a fair reading knowledge of both languages may be ac- Ch
T quired. Students planning to take this course are advised to take Ch
in the high school one year each of physics and solid geometry. ·a
` Unless so taken these preliminary courses must be taken at the TE
Curriculum Leading to the Degree of B.S. in Ch
Industrial Chemistry Ch
FRESHMAN YEAR Qtr Mathematics 3 (Trigonometry) 5 TE
First Quarter Hrs: Chemistry 1b (General) 6
Orientation 1 Engineering Drawing 1s. . 2 __
Military Science la. 2 _ 18
Physical Education 1
English la 8 Thlfd QLlZ1!'l'.6I‘
Mathematics 17 (College English 1c 8 , SE1
A1K°b¥`8·) 5 Military Science 1c 2 ch
Ch¤¤¤i¤¤v 1¤  5 Physical Education 1
HYgi°¤¤ 1 2 German 1s. 5 me
19 Mathematics 19 (Analytic SQ}
Sem Qum C§”Z.’T`ft"§. (Q 1.. tl °
Military science lb 2 ° S W ue a V8 ,
Physical Education 1 ·"“‘“"“‘”’ .L EL
English lb 8 22 is
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