ness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men."
Ps. cvii, 3, 8. Soon after sunrise we passed through Lees-
burg, a pretty little town, and in the afternoon at three we
crossed the Potowmoak, and one mile further on Br. Reichel
inquired at Th. Nowlin's about the things stolen on the
journey south, but recovered little. Mr. Nowlin, they said,
had gone to Philadelphia, (but very likely he had only gone
out the back door when he saw us coming,) his wife appeared
to be honest and gave us, she said, all that they had re-
covered of the goods; and we left as soon as possible, so as
not to lose things a second time, since such incidents seemed
to be the custom of the place. Toward evening we reached
Leonh. Heil's, and he showed us the way to Mr. Johnson
at Carols Manor, where we arrived about eight, were wel-
comed and entertained. This man and Schau's family are
the only Brethren still living at Carols Manor, the rest have
moved away, some to the Wachau, the others elsewhere.
Br. Reichel spoke much with Mr. Johnson about the school-
house here, and the land belonging to it, both of which lie
practically abandoned, for Heil who lived there for a while
has let it go to ruin instead of taking care of it since the
Brethren moved away. They would like to have a Brother
here again as teacher, but they are too few and not able to
support him, much as they would like to do so.
  The I9. We left this place to-day, having received much
kindness from Mr. Johnson, and made our way back into
our road, for it was impossible to get to the school-house in
the wagon; however we sent word to Br. Schau of the
arrival of Br. and Sr. Reichel. By nine o'clock we were
already in Friedrichstown,l and stayed several hours at the
home of Mr. Thomas Ogle, where we ate breakfast; he was
not at home, having gone to Manakosy to his sick mother,
but he came back just as Br. and Sr. Reichel were about to
leave, was very friendly, and promised his service in for-
warding our letters to Carolina. Br. Heckewelder hired a
horse and rode ahead to Manakosy to announce the approach

                    IFrederick, Md.