Sutherland, Lieut., 235.
Swaglehatchies, 556.

Taensa Indians, 25, 41.
Taitt, David, journal of a journey to
  and through the Creek Country, 493-
  565; ill treatment by Indian traders,
  494; in charge of Creek Indian af-
  fairs,494; aloyalist,494; instructions
  to, 495-496; letters to John Stuart,
  521-526, 552-554-
Taleachey, Creek Indian, 551.
Tallapoosa Indians, 190, 195, 270.
Tallapoosa River, 5ol; falls of, 511,
  526 n.
Tallassee, Upper Creek Indian town,
  202 n.
Tallassiehatchie, Upper Creek Indian
  town, 532, 534.
Tamatley, Indian town, 551 n., 554.
Tampa Bay, 392.
Tamusey, Cherokee Indian village, 132.
Taneytown, Md., 588 n.
Tanneberger, David, 6i2.
Tanneberger, Johann, 329.
Tapley, John Adam, 509.
Tapoucha Indians, 87.
Tasbe, John, 309.
Taskanamgouchy,   Choctaw   Indian,
  speech of, 272, 275.
Tatoulimatiha, Choctaw Indian, 293.
Taylor, Hub., 662.
Taylor, Col. William, 487 n.
Tehr, Carl, 6ii.
Tellico, Upper Cherokee Indian town,
  111-112, 134-135, 245, 246.
Temple, John, 569, 570, 571.
Tennant's Tavern, 333.
Tennessee, Upper Cherokee Indian
  town, 112; speech by the head war-
  rior of, I I2-113, i18; hostile neighbors
  of, 114.
Tennessee River, 243 n., 245, 470 n.
Terre Blanche, 46, 49.
Terrisse, go.
Terry, 643, 644, 669.
Test, 0o.
Thaumeur, missionary priest, 8i.
Thomas, Elias, 169.
Thomas, George, governor of Antigua, 376.

Thompson, 5.
Thompson, John, 624.
Thonniqua Indians, 44, 88, go.
Thousand Islands, 429 n.
Three Rivers, 435 n.
Three Rivers (river), 436-437.
Tickhomebey, or Tickhoneby, i8t, i8z,
Tisne, Sieur du, 32, 34.
Todd, Col. John, 662 n.
Todd, Capt. Levi, 629.
Todd's Station, Ky., 629 n., 641.
Tohomes, Choctaw Indians, 267 n.
Tomachichi, see Tomo-chi-chi.
Tomautley, Cherokee Indian town, 107-
  I08, 547.
Tomeche, Creek Indian, 556.
Tommantle Indians, i85, 188, 202-
Tomo-chi-chi, chief of the Yamacraw
  Indians, 223, 555.
Tonica Indians, 25, 29, 488.
Tonty, Sieur de, 36, 75.
Tool, Robert, S6i.
Toopoya, Creek Indian, 537.
Topahatkee, Creek Indian, 552, 553,
Tortuga Islands, 389.
Toupaofi, Choctaw Indian, speech of,
Townley, Col. Richard, 5, io.
Townshend, Col. Roger, 445.
Toxsaah, Cherokee Indian town, 131,
Traverse, 17-18.
Trenton, N. J., 5, 413.
Trigg, Col. Stephen, 6i8, 637, 646,
  66i n.
Trois Chenaux, 44, 45.
Tryon, Col. William, governor of North
  Carolina, 367, 401, 402.
Tuccareecho, Cherokee Indian town,
  io8 n.
Tuccaseegee, Cherokee Indian town,
  143 n.
Tuckabatchee, Upper Creek Indian
  town, 501 n., 509, 513, 514, 515,
Tugaloo, Cherokee Indian town, 142,
  145, 151.
