Wright's Ferry, 586 n.
Wrights Ordinary, 6o5.

Xander, 329.

Yamasee Indians, 96, 133, 179, r8a, M88,
  194, 202-203, 204-205, 209.
Yazoo, Choctaw Indian village, 51, 276 n.
Ymatahatchitou, head of the English
  faction of the Choctaw Indians, 26i n.,

  262, 263, 265, 270, 273, 275, 277, 283-
  284, 287, 290, 292-293, 294.  1
Ymonguolacha, Choctaw Indian, 267.
You-ho-lo-mecco, head man of the
  Upper Creek Indians, 135.
Yowani, Choctaw Indian town, 263 n.

Ziegler, 328.
Zinzendorf, Count, 325.

Printed in the United States of America.
