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The Research Challenge Trust
T HB1, the Kentucky Postsecondary Edu- Distinguished professors are the cornerstone of a success-
i cation Improvement Act, for strategic ful university research program. RCTF assists UK in suc-
l investment at the University of Ken- cessfully recruiting quality faculty that can compete for
_ tucky, University of Louisville, and additional research dollars and who are excellent teach-
{ Kentucky’s six regional universities. ers for our students. These professors are developing new
; The program is designed to advance research in the sciences and humanities that will change
F the economic success of Kentucky and the lives of Kentuckians and impact people across our na-
, its citizens through education and re- tion.
i search. RCTF provides Kentucky’s uni- Many of the outstanding professors already in the pro-
  versities support for ongoing efforts to gram are focusing on critical areas of concern to many in
, attract and retain renowned faculty and the Commonwealth, such as diabetes, reducing underage
i researchers. smoking, enhancing the learning capabilities of children
The University of Kentucky pro- with disabilities, and improved treatments for those with
vides a dollar—for-dollar match of RCTF Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
. resources by internal reallocation or by The RCTF program helps strengthen Kentucky’s uni-
· raising external funds. versities, build our economy and address many of the
health, social and educational challenges that Kentuck-
ians face every day.
• 11 UK Programs of _ _ , _
. Distinction l ' lf lah! I r~ me it/I af¤l:r.Iit.rT
l • Graduate Student
i S¤P¤¤ftn1¤¤¤V¢ Ktiéll? lnlfeellffi [’ili®lhlE€¤l’lf;S§s RCT F I: $4 million recurring
  • $17.5 million Major ~ E Q Since FY 1999
Research Eelmpment • Currently, there are plus $4 million
Imtlatlvc _ 143 RCTF f8CI.1lty. iq(m-recurring ii]
' Bucks for Brains • UK has added 55 new endowed FY 1998
Endowment Pwgram chairs and 133 new professor-
  Shilf>S- RCTF II: $66.7 million
l • UK now has a total of 255 matched
l endowed faculty chairs and
l professcrships. RCTF 1H:$61.2 million matched
l • UK has 176 new fellowships, ef $66] milliqm
1 scholarships, and endowments available to match
, for research support and
For more information about the libraly In addition: UK`S RCTF
  ._,9_   V research taking place at UK, • Under the Programs of researchers have brought in $46.7
    visit www.rgs.uky.edu and Distinction, UK has hired 57 million in outside funding.