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  SCh1`0€1`ll1Ck€   I      Y or-  the headquarters that managed
. , z t c  tg., -.4  Y- ‘    e‘tWttd it f i t  those distant operating units," she
Baumgardner   BE ¤    Q * · * Q;  says. "Churchill has now grown
Churchill Downs IHC. t gi.—     ·V `  o     ·  `  into the same kind of company. I
Vice President, Finance and at S e; ‘   c ··   gent navelio l‘§aa.avtthIla‘lQ‘gu;gel
’· r ,   arr1ers,w 1C 1 at , ut
l Treasurer a ,    think that experience at KFC
“ , _ ll ·‘ "   t probably benefited me a lot now
Evcryhady S hfc chanscc at Dcrhy, _ :,;v . .    t-  i· _ ,3gi     that Churchill has grown roto the
says Vicki S. Baumgardner, vice pres1—   , J company it is."
dent, finance and treasurer of CDI.   E xt Bccausc CDI acts as au um_
"This is our showcase event to the et {   A brclla company for all Slx of hs
con1mun1ty,the state, and to a degree,     A mccmlcks and its Offsite Wa crm
the count1y" I 1 / g `*\ l ·l·t· f h g cl- g
· _ _ _    ·· ; .;2   aci 1 ies, money rom t ose in 1-
. Baumgardner 8 hatwc cf Leursj ;;/-r/ ,   i ; . _   vidual businesses is funneled to  
ville who earned a master’s degree in s . _   - ‘ A _,af:’* ohc baulc Baumgarducl who j
acccnnting frcna UK in 1975, Says that A:-L! ....   ,, how has is years with ci>1 is ro- l
oKtkDerbDa't’t'lt .. r · ·· t·
,.E..,,i‘2, Eiayaa whim; Lair EEE?. ,2 In ewtttqn tv thrcc excellent 32;;;-3*35;;,-gg;-5,33%;;-ggash ‘
be done: take guests on tours, do a ra- pI`0_f€SSf}I‘S ln BCQHOHILCS and (IC- bald ou tlmo Hof ucasury dutlcs
olo lnterylewhorlgwsih up atfer I C0llI’ll'lI’lg, Vick! Baumgardner also include the company’s ancil-
2E2‘§`§§§§t?§i,a‘,a.§`amt‘§é‘3§’E,o`§Ll.S“*` Peintstaphysteal €d"°a€i°” l,i*’.i,i'¥;iiS;,§‘i;$;‘?.?‘(*§}§f“"““‘
Derby Day occurred in the early _ classes at UK In equestrian reteteives on any ATMs located on
1990s when she got a call from Tom Jumplicg and ballea peaklng its blopcruca
gv/t:;tl;Ztllgg{)r;§S;dig;1;gagl;Ef3‘t§;a he? lI’lt€I‘€S¢. Mdlhidlhg her Another major portion of her
rhrorosrorstagairoasawaato anthnswsmfvrbarh vvar ggy,-g,§,§~;}§,;,V;g;;Sg