
Best Cop


Keep Step JVith Cats


Berkley Bryan Elected




Sept. 27 Mnryvillc
Oct. 3 University of Chicago at
Oct. 10


1924-192- 3




Indiana, at home
Michigan, at home
3 Cincinnati, at Cincinnati
5 Illinois, at Urbana
9 Mississippi, at home
10 Georgetown, at home
17 Centre, at Danville

Dec. 18
Dec. 20




Washington and Lee at
Oct. 24 Scwance at Lexington
Oct. 31 Centre at Danville
Nov. 7 University of Alabama
at Tuscaloosa
Nov. 14 Virginia Military Institute at Lexington
Nov. 2G University of Tennessee
at Lexington (Homecoming)
Oct. 17

Manager at Grid


Sanders Tells of Newly-Bor- n
A. D. "Ab" Kirwnn, end on the
Wildcat cloven for the past two
years, was elected captain, and Berkley Bryan was named manager of the
1925 Wildcat football team at the
annual football banquet held at the



riiuay iiiiit.

Kirwan succeeds Curtis Sanders,
fullback, who has played
on the Wildcat eleven four years, and
Bryan succeeds Grandison McLean,
graduating manager.
The 1924 banquet was decared by
many to be the best ever held. It
was characterized by good cheer and
gaiety in all its forms, speeches and
toasts, noise and true Kentucky pep.
The Wildcats, in electing Kirwan
captain, have selected a player who
end and
outplayed an
outclassed all other opposition ho
faced during the past season. He
was almost ananimous choice for
end and was unanimous
choice for the berth on
choice for the berth on
He is a junior in the college of Engineering and has a brilliant scholastic record. Kirwan is a favorite
sportsman on the campus, and is a
hard worker on the football field.
Kirwan and Sanders each vied for
the oratorical honors durng the
proclivities, with
Sanders probably having the better
of the argument by delivering a
colorful and touching address.
"A new Kentucky spirit was born
in the Thanksgiving Day game with
Tennessee," Sanders said, "and it has
been steadily growing, not only
among the men, but on the campus
and it is fully exemplified here tonight by you business men and sup
porters of the team."
Kirwan answered the retiring captain by saying that he did not think
he could quite live up to the reputation established by Sanders as a
football player, but that he would
do his utmost, especially to promote
the new feeling that is making itself
known everywhere that the Blue and
White is present. He spoke on the
spirit of Kentucky and of the great
prospects for future Wildcat elevens.
Berkley Bryan, who was selected as
manager by the athletic council, is
a Lexington boy, a graduate of the
Lexington Senior High School. He
is a student in the college of Agriculture.
Judge R. C. Stoll presided as mas
ter of cermonies in a capable manner and addresses were deivered by
John Skain, Dr. W. D. Funkhouser,
Mayor Hogan Yancey and President
Frank L. McVey.
Mr. Skain spoke on "What the
Team Means in Lexington" and Dr.
.Funkhouser spoke on "What the
Team Means to the University."
President McVey delivered an address
on "Modern Football and its Relation
to Institutions of Learning" and
Mayor Yancey spoke on "Football as


Football has that

Enter basketball!
abandoned the arena.
The winter court tourney wns
ushered in last Saturday night with
a victory over the University of Cincinnati. The coming season will be
a season of special interest, as the
result of last year's tumultous campaign.
Last year the basketball season
closed in a burst of glory equalling
its auspicious opening.
During the lapse of lime between
Christmas of 1923 and February of
1924 the Wildcats met and defeated
the best quintets of the south, losing two out of fifteen games for the
season's record. Georgia Tech,
Sewane, West Virginia, Clem-soVirginia, V. P. I., Centre and
five other teams fell before the Wildcats and Tennessee and the Mississippi Aggies defeated them, the latter
by a margin of one point. The Felines lost but one Veteran last year,
Rcifkin, and his position is being
filled nicely by two sterling men, who
are battling for the regular place.
There is little doubt, however, but

First Southern Team
Will Be Played
Jan. 9



"Big Ten," And

One Eastern Net


that will
enter the Southern Conference tournament in Atlanta in February as
we shall have a team

a favorite.
The veteran material
available together with the stars of
last year's freshman five insure a
firm foundation for the coach to develop his team for the regular season.
It must not be forgotten that we
hav one of the most competent
coaches in the country.
The championship of the south,
seemed at the close of last
year to be practically in our grasp,
has assumed a rather more problematical complexion. The members of
the Conference will have strong teams
of veterans who showed strength last
year. The result seems to rest in
the lap of the fates.
The game tonight with Indiana will
be an index of the season's prospects,
as it will afford a glimpse of the
stuff the team has.
Indiana is reputed to have a strong
quintet this year, having won the
"Big Ten" championship last spring,
and the Wildcats will have to step
lively to defeat the northerners.

Southern Grid Rumblings
Heard in North And East

Basketball lovers in and nromid
Lexington and particularly of the
University of Kentucky, will have an
of "Red" Grange and his flashy IlliBy FRANK K. HOOVER
opportunity to see some of the strongSPORTS EDITOR. THF KERNEL
nois eleven, went down before the onest basketball teams in the country
At last the Northern football au- slaughts of the Commodores.
perform on the local floor this season thorities have heeded the distant a team south of the Line proved it
Last year Ken- rumble from the country south of the could not be regarded as "easy." Se- against the Wildcats.
Mason and Dixon line, which has for wanee, conquered by Kentucky, prov
tucky established a record that years been dormant
beneath the ap- ed its superiority over
stamps her as having one of the fore- parent superiority of Northern and defeating Vanderbilt on Minnesota by
teams in the south, Eastern football teams, and during Day. The score of 16 to 0 for Vanmost basketball
past year the rumble was a suc- derbilt over Minnesota was convincand only by the wonderful record they the
made last year were they able to get cession of thunderclaps echoing from ing enough.
the Canadian border to the Gulf of
Bo McMillan's "Gentlemen" of Centhe most outstanding teams of the Mexico.
tenary College engaged four teams,
on their
north, south, and middle-weIn the north and west during the Butler, St. Louis, Lambard and Bosschedule.
Even if Kentucky plays past season, the "Four Horsemen" ton College, in intersectional games
only a mediocre team, the fans will rode out of Notre Dame and conquer- and emerged the victor in each coned all who came before them; the test. Of these four every one was an
see one of the best teams in the brilliant Grange of Illinois took his easy
victory save the last. The Boscountry in actions, as the Wildcats rightful place among the football ton College eleven, with Darling the
by their play immortals; three thousand miles away outstanding half, could not hold Bo's
have merited the title
an epic battle between California and southerners, who won, 10 to 9.
last year.
Stanford attracted the greatest crowd
These four instances show that
Cincinnati came down last Satur in football history.
southern football teams are on a par
day night, boasting of the best
It would almost seem, by compari- with the best in the land and as a
that they have had in years, but Ken- son, that southern football has be- result, northern and eastern football
tucky's fight and gameness crushed come a decrepit and tottering insti- officials are beginning to recognize
in a game tution!
the Ohio
But in the Sunny South, the ability and material in the south
which was all fight from start to what of football?
more than ever. Since Centre humbfinish.
With some more teamwork,
The fearless eleven of Georgia as- led Harvard in '21, certain southern
which will be acquired with a little tonished and thrilled the east when colleges have been in great demand
more practice, the Wildcats should they came near defeating the Yale as opponents in eastern and northern
beat the best teams of the south.
Bulldogs in their own stadium, los- games, and next season will find more
Indiana and Michigan, considered ing the game in the last few minutes intersectional games than ever before.
to be the strongest teams in the Big after a penalty had pushed them back
Princeton will meet Washington &
Ten, play here this week. If the 'cats onto their own goal line. Even then Lee and Georgia Tech, the University
win these games they will have a big the spirit of Jefferson Davis caused of Pittsburgh will play Washington
start for the Southern Championship. the Bulldogs of the south to hold the & Lee; Vanderbilt is the probable
January 3 the Wildcats will jour- snarling Bulldogs of the north, and opponent of Illinois; Notre Dame and
ney to Cincinnati to play the Bear- not until the fourth down did Yale Penn State will meet the Golden Torcats a return game. This will be a break through the famed southern nado of Georgia Tech; Alabama is
hard contest, as Cincinnati will be team. Yale kicked goal and the score wanted on the schedules of Yale and
seeking revenge. From Cincinnati stood 7 to C after they had received the Army; Florida will again meet
the team will go to Urbana, 111., where the most alarming setback in all their the Army; Illinois has booked Tulane;
they will play the University of Illi- years of colorful history.
Centre will meet Creighton UniverThe mighty Penn State eleven in- sity and the Michigan Aggies.
nois on January 5.
January 9 will see an entertainment vaded the south to do battle with the
For Kentucky,, not the least imfor Mississippi on the local floor. fearless WycofF and his Golden Tor- portant contest is the Chicago game
This will be the first southern team nado. Experts had said that the Penn on October 3. Kentucky is still a
to play Kentucky this season, and eleven was the best in the east, but bit dizzy because of sudden football
will give the dopesters something to the team returned home crushed un- eminence and will experience a great
think about concerning the Southern der a score of 15 to 13. Reports tell thrill from its first
The following night that Tech fought the greatest battle ing since 1910.
Georgetown Tigers will furnish of its history and won unstinted
Far more important, in the long
the opposition here. The Tigers have praise from eastern critics.
Vanderbilt took on Minnesota in a run, than the stiff test for the Blue
been the thorn in Kentucky's side for
and White will be the wonderful
several seasons. The 'cats managed game which the Northmen thought spreading of Kentucky's name and
to nose out a victory 39 to 35 in a would be easy, but they, conquerers fame, throughout the north.
Nineteen members of the varsity thrilling contest last year.
football squad were designated to
Kentucky will renew the argument
receive letters. They are: Captain with Centre on January 17, when they
Captain-elec- t
Kirwan, Gregg, play the Colonels at Danville.
Hughes, Van Meter, Smith, Buyless, the past Kentucky has aways emerged
Montgomery, Creech, Derrick,
the winner by a decisive margin, and
Tracy, Portwood, Bickel, Rice, from all indications the results will
Harbold, King, Shelton and Sauer. nrnvimofn ihn Glimn tills VOiir. Aftfr
Manager McLean will also receive a
d y8 Washington and
f th
r,M wm furnish the onnosition on the
Twenty-fou- r
freshmen were award- local floor, followed by West Virginia
ed numerals at the banquet. They on February 2.
On February 5, 0, and 7 Kentucky
are: Arnold, Belt, Champ, Covington,
Edwards, Ellis, Hickerson, James, will pluy the three most important
All New Studebaker Cars
Jenkins, Jones, Kirkendorfl, Mohney, games on their schedule, Alabama,
Maloney, Martin, Phipps, Pence, Ross, Georgia Tech., and the University of
Ropke, Stevenson, Schulte, Shrop- Georgiu on their respective floors.
S Passenger Touring and Roadsters
shire, Treiber, Van Arsdale and Wert.
The Felines will play their next
home game with Tulane February 12
and will take on Georgetown
Southern football men are coming Georgetown on the 14th. Tennessee,
Rates Reasonable
into their own in the minds of the the team which
football last year, will be entertained at the
pickers of
teams and this alone shows the ubility new gym on either the 10th or 17th
of the southern coaches and teams. day of the month. Centre will play
Phone 360
the last game on the local floor on
333 E. Main St.
Student Manager '25
February 21.
For many reasons the third day of
October is bound to be a
The Southern Conference tourna
day among the thrilling days prom- ment will begin on February 27 and
ised by the 1925 football schedule the 'cats expect to be in the midst
of Kentucky,
of the fray at Atlanta on that date.









Studebaker U Drive It f

Jan. 30
Feb. 2
Feb. 5
Feb. 6
Feb. 7
Feb. 12
Feb. 14
Feb. 1G
Feb. 21
Feb. 27

W. & L.,



West Virginia, at home
Alabama, at Tuscaloosa
Georgia Tech., at Atlanta
U. of Ga., at Athens
Tulane, at home
Georgetown, at G'town
(or 17) Tcnn., at home
Centre, at home
S. Conference Tournament at Atlanta


Defense is Too
Good for the

Allen, Visiting Center,

Maryville Game Sept.
27 Will Open the

Wildcats Meet Centre
Oct. 31 at Danville

With the football season gone into
the limbo of things that are no more,
the attention of the drug store critics
is turned to the prospect for next
year, the schedule of both local and
other games and the consideration
of the achievements of the past year.
The concensus of opinion seems to
be that next year will see a decided
upward trend in the fortunes of the
Kentucky eleven; that Coach Murphy
has done excellent work with the material he had and with the handicap
of a first year to overcome; and that
his system will surely bring the Wild
cats into the forefront of southern
football where they properly belong.
The schedule of next year is prob
ably the hardest a Kentucky team
The second
has ever undertaken.
game of the season will be the tough
est game of the year; the contest with
the Maroons of the University of Chi
cago at Stagg Fied, in Chicago on
October 3.
The "Old Man" will have his West
ern Conference champions back almost to a man, and all of which will
mean that the best of teams will face
the 'cats. Stagg has developed a
style of play at Chicago which calls
for a great fullback who can rip the
opponent's line to bits and this season
saw him well supplied with five men
who successfully filed the place left
by John Thomas, star line plunger of
other years for the Maroons. These
men demonstrated in the Illinois
game just how successful such an
attack could be. It is a foregone conclusion that any team that can stop
such an attack will have an even
break with Chicago, and Kentucky's
line should be powerful enough next
year, with the addition of the stars
of the freshman team, to hold the
fullbacks of Chicago, who will be
headed by "Five Yard'' McCarthy.
On the Saturday preceding the Chicago game the Wildcats will open
the 1925 season with the Maryville
college football team, and on Saturday following the Chicago encounter, the Felines will oppose Clemson

at Lexington.

For the next month
the Kentucky team will meet the acid-tein W. & L., Sewanee, Centre and
Alabama. The first of these four
games will be payed in Lexington.
There is n general feeling that the
supremacy of Centre in football circles in Kentucky for a half dozen
years is to be dissipated the coming
year. This feeling prevails to the
extent that there has been much
wagering, with one bet of $1,000 to
$5,000 on Kentucky reported.
The Crimson Tide of Alabama will
meet Kentucky in Birmingham next
year, as that city is ulways sure to
furnish a large crowd for the contest. The V. M. I. game will be
played either at Lexington or Charleston, W. Vu., while the annual game
with the Volunteers will be played
in Stoll Stadium.
The game with Chicago marks a
reopening of athletic relations between Kentucky and Western Conference teams. The Wildcats have
been fairly successful in the past in
their games with Conference teams,
their greatest victory coming in the
gume with Illinois at Urbana in 1909,
when the Kentucky team beat the
Illini and turned for themselves the
title or "wuueats." umo state, far
due and Indiana arc other teams
which Kentucky has played in past

High Scorer With
13 Points

"Jimmy" McFarland. And "Cowboy" Underwood.
And "Will"
And Burgess Carey.
"Chuck" Rice.
That is why the University of Cincinnati drew the short end of n 28
to 23 verdict against the University
of Kentucky baskctcers in the season's opening tilt at the new gym before 3,000 people last Saturday night
The wearers of the Blue and White
displayed teamwork that was simply
too much for the Bearcats. Their offensive play reached points of brilliancy at times as they sifted through
the visitors' defense for field goals
after furiously advancing the ball
down the floor. The three man defense which Coach Applegran has
taught the Wildcats was completely
unfathomable to the Cincinnatians.
Had it not been for Underwood for-hiscoring, McFarland for his de
fense and
Milward for
his passing and scoring, Carey for
his guarding and passing, and Rice
for his passing and guarding, the
Wildcats would not have won.
Neither could they have won without the machine-lik- e
teamwork of
the players in taking the' ball down
the floor and in breaking up the Cincinnati offense. They showed excellent form,, considering the
of practice most of the men
had had, and they showed a surprising amount of fight and stamina when,
the visitors tied the score at 21 all
late in the game.
Underwood at forward showed
calibre playing by scoring 10
of Kentucky's points. He was in
heart and soul, displaying the
fight and fire and enthusiasm as well
as polished play which characterized
him last winter.
McFarland showed up nicely, but
he was sadly lacking the deadly eye
for the basket which he had last
year. He made o ponts despite this,
handicap and with a good week's
practice behind him, he should be able'
to hit the hole regularly in the forthcoming games.
Milward played a nice floor game
and also made 8 points for his team.
He got the jump on Allen, star center
for the Bearcats a majority of
and played a dazzling passing
Burgess Carey surprised even the
coach with the game he turned in.
He was in the midst of every play
and passed the ball quickly and accurately whenever he received it.
His speed in turning and passing was
a great factor in the victory.
Rice, as usual, played a sterling1
game at guard. When a Cincy man
got past the two forwards and the
center, it was always Rice who broke
up the play. He came in on the
scoring, making a single foul goal.
Tracy got into the game in the
first and last halves, but was handicapped by injuries received in football. His shoulder is in bad shape
and he can hardly raise his arm
above his head.
Alberts also went into the game
in the first and second halves and he
displayed lots of speed during his
stay. Alberts is playing his first
game on the Varsity and he can be
counted on to oust someone next year,
perhaps this yea.
For Cincinnati it was Allen and
The former, playing center,
scored 13 of his team's points and the
latter scored 9. Schmidt scored the
other point on a foul shot. Allen
wus everywhere on the floor at one
time and his shots at the basket were
deadly. He was a big factor in Cincinnati's Ohio Conference championship lust year and will be a dangerous man again this season.
The following is the lineup and
McFarland (8)
Mehl (9)
F Underwood (10)
Milwurd (6)
Allen (13)
Curey (1)
Rice (1)
Substitutions Cincinnati : Bradner
for Sicking, Smith'for Mehl, Mehl for
Sicking, Hesslcr for Otterbein, Otterbein for Hessler; Kentucky Tracy
for Rice, Alberts for Tracy, Rice for
Alberts, Tracy for Rice, Alberts for
Referee Krueck, Cincinnati. Time
of halves, 20 minutes.


little-amoun- t

