, INDEX 319 '
3 Q Page Page
Petroleum Production Student Activities 28 -
D Engineering 240 Publications 29
2 Philosophy 175 Organizations 29
Philosophy of Education 255 Student Assemblies-
3 Physical Education 176 Agriculture _ 205
l Physics 182 Student Assembl1es—
Physiology 115 Engineering 232
5 ' Political Science 186 Summer Session 107
l Pre-Dental Course 48 Teacher Placement Bureau 274
l Pre-Law_ Courses 49 Teachers, Curricula for 80
l · Pre-Medical Courses 48 Biological Sciences 82
; Prizes and Awards 24 Chemistry 80
Probztifm 1% Commerce 83
; PSYC 0 OEY Elementa 80
. Publications 2 English ry 81 `
{ ° Public Service 51 French gg
Public Service Institutes 274 Graduate Degrees 88
¥ Public Speaking 141 High Schcci gi
i Publicity Burceu 274 History and Pniiticai
` Refund of Fees 18 Sgigngg 83
Registration Schedule 6 Hging Ecgngpqicg 85 4
Religious Life 28 Latin gg Z
Repeated Failures 22 Libyiuinns 87
‘ Rcsidcncc vll Matneinaties 82
Romance Languages 196 physical Eduggtign 84
R.O.T.C. _ §U Physics 83
Rules Affecting Stlldéllw Jl Vocational Agriculculture 54, 85 -
Rural Flrumcc 215 Textiies and Clothing, ‘
‘ Sanitary Engineering 224 Cuwicniuni 60
Scgiolarship and Attendance, 2 Tutorial Work 43
Ommittee tm 1 University Extension `
5 guhool Contests . 275 Regulations governing 22
. econdary Education 80 Department of 109 ;
l S€“"€t3·l`i‘*l_T"tti“mg· University of Kentucky loca-
 A S§f“%giglt""   tion accreditation, Oiéaiiiza- H t
‘,, _." _ tion and history of
bO(¥$}1.iEY,%{§l 49 Upper Division, Arts and 41 `
List of Courses 198 SCIBPCBS .
Sociology 200 Vocational Agriculture.
gourhes 0f Iuyormmion 2 Curriculum for Teachers
Spanish isi cf 54- 59· 85 -
Special Sci-viccg 269 Vocational Education 79, 259 i
Statistical Suniinary 309 Zoology 202  