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Arthur Salomon has built his Lexmgton based finanCIal serVIces practice by L - * (
helping clients make the most of the opportunities they face. Doing - ‘ " .
business in the Bluegrass for over 30 years has given him the chance to ,»
work with many charitably inclined individuals. For decades he has built '
an extensive knowledge base and network of colleagues specifically .
suited to assist clients in their endeavor to create a legacy. And he expects
to see more people seeking his wisdom in the coming years...
Why is Strategic Giving important to you?

l impress upon my clients that philanthropy is a means to creating a legacy. i believe the opportunity to give ua’c’ '0' 'e’co ' " l' v,.
planned properly, can be maximized to benefit the donor and donee. lwouldn’t say we have an obligation to help those around us, bu
i do think giving is a calling. l have advised families from many different walks of life, with varied financial means, nearly all have listed
charitable giving among their financial priorities.

Why have you chosen to specialize in this area of financial planning?

As millions of Baby Boomers retire over the next 20 years, i anticipate a substantial increase in philanthropic causes across the country as
wealth transfers from one generation to the next Having created thousands of individual financial plans over the years...l expect to see
more people coming into my office inquiring how they can not only pass on their assets to their heirs, but to the charitable areas and
institutions that mean the most to them.

How does one go about Planned Giving?

The means by which i have advised my clients are as varied as they themselves. Ultimately, we are limited only by the laws governing
planned giving and our own creativity. This is why I have assembled a number of CPA’s and Estate Planning attorneys across the
Bluegrass to assist me and my clients in customizing the plan that best fits their needs. in the first meeting with a client we ask ”Why do
you want to create a legacy?" Their answer serves as a foundation for our recommendations, whereupon building blocks can be
considered and reviewed.
isn't it expensive to engage in Planned Giving and administer trusts, hire attorneys, etc?

While some households We worked with have elaborate estate plans that incorporate charitable giving, it does not have to be
expensive. in some instances, something as simple as change of ownership or renaming of beneficiaries achieves the goal. But, should
an attorney or CPA be required for more advanced planning, be assured, we have at our disposal some of the best in the region and
their fees are quite reasonable.

Why notjust add my favorite charities in my will?

ltstill thrills me to this day to sit with charitably inclined clients and see the look on their faces when i show them how many times their
gift will multiply by using some advanced planning techniques. Gifting via will, is still gifting so i won’t knock it, but ifyou had the
opportunity to turn that same gift into 3, 5, or lO times as much, avoid probate and generate tax relief for you and your heirs, would you
not consider these options?

Salomon & Co lsn't Planned Giving only for the extremely wealthy?
SALOMON & CO. 800 928 0012 On the contrary. in fact, most studies on the subject have found that moderat
' ' income households give more as a percentage of total income, than do
859.266.0012 . , f . f . . . ,
legacyplan@salomonco.com wealthier households. And i m a irm believer that or those With limited mean-
3217 Summit Square Place appropriate planning can be an extremely valuable tool.
. w. Ste 250 _ . _ _ _
. Lexington, KY 40509 Thanks for your time today. i wrsh you well in your endeavor to help families
5’ I across the Bluegrass and beyond create legacres of their own.
4" '6 'V 4 N Augemnes & Adm-50W 5mm You are welcome. l encourage anyone interested in taking steps to create a
It 1/ C I A L Offered Through Ulises/Private Ledger legacy or finding out how to maximize their philanthropic goals to call. An
I C MemberNASD/SIPC . . . . , .
E S introductory meeting is free and carries no obligation.