build a stronger ‘town and gown’ relationship between the City   i . N
8¤¤l UK, S0 | agreed and accepted the challenge ef needing up the    
newly created Lexington Downtown Development Authority." Tate   Tg ii? 5-*+  
immediately immersed himself in analyzing the innovative College   _ in      
Town study done by Ayers Saint Gross of Washington, D.C., and   V   r_ _ A Z- =.— · 1,    
thereafter helped to plan the redevelopment of the Martin Luther  ii   Z.;] _i ;.` "¤ i   I`,  
King Boulevard corridor which today connects the UK campus with     ` A .     A -. ·   ‘f. ki.
downtown. l—le noted that highly desirable loft housing units were · _        
designed, built, and sold before construction was totally complete ·. · ‘   I =`   if
— setting the stage for a flurry of additional development that is -, I T_;;f»;__ _, r_ j ·
part of the ‘town and gown’ area: Centre Court on South Upper . . ‘ ` A l'   i V f  
City Court, and the Kimball l—louse Square redevelopment project. T T
Today Tate’s brief retirement is ancient history. l—le often logs 14-
16-hour days doing something for which he is uniquely qualified
— ‘selling’ the City of Lexington, and in particular our downtown,
to anyone and everyone he meets. One of his recent consensus-
building projects was to work with Sylvia Lovely and the Kentucky .,i think downtown Lexington is
League of Cities to secure funding from eight different Kentucky
banks — capital that has been and can be used, at a much below- e treasure in itself T beereerlded
market interest rate — for ‘seed money’ for downtown projects. by UK and Trang); and becoming
a magnet for commerciaL
As he left this interview to go to yet another meeting, Tate noted, _ _ _
"I think downtown Lexington is a treasure in itself- book-ended resrdenrrar and retail development
by UK and Transy, and becoming a magnet for commercial, increasing/y so virtually every week.
residential, and retail development, increasingly so virtually every ii.·S aicy to be in 8 position to hgip
week. It’s a joy to be in a position to help meld our past, our
present, and our future every single day!" me/d Our page Our present and Our
future every sing/e day!"
And so we are proud to honor this UK alum as an urban designer
visionary consensus builder and facilitator of dreams; as an
individual who came back to Lexington and has made our city a
far better place to live, work, relax, and raise a family. If you’re a UK
grad thinking about relocation, we urge you to consider returning
to our award-winning, nationally ranked, vibrant community.
For full information contact:
Gina H. Greathouse at 1-800-341-1100 E
or     I   I  
Check us out on the web at www.commerce|  in      
330 East Main Street, Suite 205, Lexington, Kentucky 40507   ghh§n