I   4  l '
,*1 3*l i 510 INDEX
I   Schools, Colleges, and Universities (Junior), 209; Presbyterian Col- I
  ; " _ (Continued) lege, 380; State Agricultural and »
_ I I ` 305; South Carolina Female In- Mechanical College (Negro), 63,
‘ stitute (Barhamville), 124, 341; 97, 320, 411; University of V
i' · Spartan, 351; Willington, 93, South Carolina, 35, 92, 93, 97, g I
I ` ~ 456-7; Yorkville Female, 426 146, 214, 215, 222, 224-9; Voor- t' I
, , l Schools: Allendale Training (Ne- hees Normal and Industrial  
, _ gro), 453; Beaufort County School (Negro, Junior), 96, 344;   I
· , Training (Negro), 323; Carlisle Wesleyan Methodist College   I
t Fitting, 344; Fountain Inn Ele- (Junior), 410; Winthrop Col-   I
_ , mentary, 146; Greenwood High, lege, 62, 94, 97, 121, 146, 232,   I
· I _ 146; John de la Howe (State), 255-6, 411; Wofford College, 93,  
, 4 7; Kelly Pinckney, 467; 259, 262-3 'F
` ‘ , l\Iarion High, 369; Mather (Ne- Schriever, William, 408  
gro), 324; Oratory, The, 256; Scott, Mary Ervin, 294 f. 
Parker District, 96, 409-10; St. Scott, Robert K., 3Q  
l Andrew’s elementary, 146; Saint Screven, William, 98, 277, 462  
_ I Mary’s Parish, 248; South Caro- ‘Seabiscuit,’ 342  
I _ lina Textile and Industrial Insti- Seabrook Landing, 395  
I I, ` tute, 97, 351; Sullivan’s Island, Seal of the State of South Carolina, fly
* ·l ` 146; Sumter High, 268; Tamas- 222  
I ’ see, 419; Ursuline Convent, Secession Convention (see HIS-  
  , 235; Winyah High, 146 TORY)  
` , _Z. Colleges and Universities: Allen Secession Hill, 446 ,,—
· ‘ ` , University (Negro), 231; An- Secession Oak, 329 —,·
; V derson College (Junior), 167; Sectionalism (see also WHO IS THE  
· , Benedict College (Negro), 16, SOUTH CAROLINIANF):  
*,2 ;. 232; Bettis Academy (Negro, Architecture, 140-43; economic,  
, Ni * Junior), 365; Brewer Normal 7, 56, 140; geographical, 8, 85; A
 Q, A Institute (Negro), 252; Citadel, political, 31, 35, 41, 47, 84, 215; Q ,
· The, 209; Clatlin University population, 30; religious, 30, ,_ -
_ _ , ¤ , l (Negro), 51, 320; Clemson 99; social, 30, 31, 41, 92, 123, -,
if .   _ l Il Ae¤¤¤1t¤r¤1,6¤-3, 94, 96, 97, {40, T42, I53, IS4 5 ‘
i   »i 410-12; Coker College, 305; Sedalia, 403 · g
  I l , · College ,of Charleston, 92, 207; Seibels, Edwin G., 228  
 ¤‘ ; !   go%uml};ia gilxe Colle§e,C232; geigler, Marie Cromer, 62 2
t , · oum ia o ege, 3I ; on- eneca, 414
5 l · li verse College, 259, 263, 350; Seneca Old Town, 414 I
"     Erskine,College, 93, 421; Fur- Senf, John Christian, 333, 355-6 j ,
  U I min IV€11vers1ty,;9i3l, 246; Green- geven Kyeziches, 390 7
, ' i `• vi e oman’s o ege, 247; evier, o n, 352 5
  = i   ,l' Harbison Agricultural and In- Sewee Bay, 389 ··
, _ . , dustrial College (Negro, Junior), Shaffer, E. T. H., 150 I
 ° l l   I 377; Lander College, 252; Lime- Shaftesbury Papers, 414  
_ Q I Q stone College, 349; Lutheran Shannon, William S., 306 Q
5 , Theological Scéutgern iegninalréy, Shar<¥{Io1p§i§1g (see AGRICUL- Y0
,, .l 318; Medica o ege 0 out ,
    l Carolina, 97, 208; Morris Col- Sharon, 353 · I
  , \ A l , lege (Negro), 306; Newberry Shecut, John L. E. W., 68 ·j " I
‘   } College, 93, 379; Penn Normal, Shelton, 438   I I
  , , ,   Industrial, and Agricultural Shepard, Charles U., 286  
{ School (Negro), IOS, 337; Sheppard, J. C., 450   1
5% A I Porter Military Academy Sherman, J. E., 405   1
. l -  P
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