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   f     i    KEN I UGKIAN. ,
fl ,Q ` j Printery Building, Entered at the Postoihce at Lexington A { C C
4 ` A ` Lexington, Ky. ns sccoiid-class nmtter. .
_; p ? VoL. 8. MAY 1899. N0. 8. — r
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Y i. . , Lesson of Senator Nlorrill’s Life. _  
  t [ · BY Rav. Jonx SII.\CKLI-ZFORD, Vice Pres. K. S. C. C
 ; Wl1en a man born to the estate and dignity of a gentle-
i  man is lifted up into the fierce glare of great place, and there A
. V reveals not only ability, but the manner and speech and spirit - p
 - of his birth and courtly breeding—is dignified and truthful and T
t _, S magnanimous, the hearts of his fellow—men pay him the in- —
,  Z: stinctive tribute of admiration and homage. Such men were
i Washington and Lee. Birth, wealth and high associations
S  V fashioned them from boyhood to age as gentlemen, They ,
l were aristocrats, in no mean and vulgar sense, however.
E W'hen man bears the much rarer mark of genius-is
C ,   stamped and sealed by his Creator in the silent processes of pre- ·‘
g ; natal life with the prophetic and creative faculty and then for-
t { tune opens up the way to distinction or the genius creates it,
, . his fellow-men behold him with something of awe and wonder, .
, ,` and accept him as prophet or leader, or cry out against him as
· ‘ mad and having a devil. Such men were Shakespeare and
-_   Milton and Napoleon, and I think I may safely add Clay and
 l Webster-—born to soar above the Aonian mount, or to lead men _
? ~ · with joy to death, or charm them with eloquent speech to tears 4 I
` Y or stormy passion or heroic devotion. 4
` _ But where a man having neither high birth nor dazzling  
? ’ genius is called to play a conspicious part in the great drama , ·-
  of history and shows himself wise and noble, men often draw '
, I { near to him with affection and feel that they share his glory W _
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