~     NEWS FUR MEN I   I  
  I  ii i The fashionable shoe this summer N
    has a medium toe, and a little _
j    ji   \. ,__L streighter last. \Ve have it in pat- L
.   / ·~—`. it  } ’ ($*20 ent leather for formal wear, in box 2 
l •*==*~.\   1 "/P   calf and russet for street, and in · `
l " lll it _ ll *'€5r·*~.·.E¥*”  viei kid for those who want ease i‘
1   ‘   Wx"? ` NN ~· `g' -·,··»¤·* -  
.5 "'*··H»;;_,1;,`  \\  " ’y V   {jj}; Hlld COIIIfOl't. Look Zlt OUT \\'1ll(lOWS; · 
  \       '“' ascertain our pl'1C€S and you’ll cer- —:
>¥ .·   tz`l,·l_t* .··`gft— f `
  Z     HEI! \ )II\ }OlII‘ Spllll OO \\€ElI` O E 
i. Sample Shoe House, ,¢   S
  ’ 4 WEST MAIN ST.    
. g.   2.
l Jno. A. Keller, r,
1 2
. ...... ~ I
·sI"L·()I?.|S I .  
I The place to get your flowers for commencement.  
l Everything home grown. Satisfaction guaranteed. ;
Full line of seeds, bulbs and bedding plants in season. i
59 East Main, jlhnne 354. ‘ I ,
5 1 ;All Kinds;  
    • • • • •
I See us for estimates on anything you need.  
  _ l»
' N
l Lexington Lumber and Ml g. C0.
l 327 East I\/Iain Street. I I
 V Long Distance `PI‘10l1€ 156. 2
 = E; ,
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