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 g é . Fino Photographs  
3     R- G- Butler, ··· ·e· M¤·~ Se ·=~¤*:;·s::.r:.:.:a.   1 
e POER 8; BEAN, p
·‘ -——l)eailc1·s in——— V
Paints, Oil, Varnishes, Window and Art Glass. Fresco Work. ¥
listimaites l·`nruislu·¤l. Best Work in the City. Z
N—l·I. ('or. l}i1n¢·st.one 1% Short. Phone 525.
TRY ous mAMoNowAi.1. PAPER ci.EANan. A
Ride a “Stearne" and be contented. *
  Ride a “Vgctor" none better, · 
i Bicycle sundries at lowest prices. Special prices 011 steel  
, Fishing Rods and Tackle. Warranted Pocket Knives and l
Razors. Base Bull Goods.  
,  *’¤¤¤<·= 2·¤· KENTUCKY  
2* ${638111 L&L1f1(jlY}.7.
i lZl & l5 South Upper Street, Lexington, Ky.
Q 1·lm·ox .t onormcit, im.,-al·l,..·s,
_ V \\'lx1:m~:x & Sins, .·\;;·o1als=, Stole College, Hoom, New l>on·in;itory.
i_ Turkish and Plain Baths. V-
 ii TONY’S
 ‘ Mahalt l B ‘ lli 1
  ll till HB Elll Uwlllg gl.
  I*`i11estzm·l l,urgesl Iivsorl.   : ~ l·`ri~e· llol Lunch l·]vcr_\‘ Night.
  'l`ln· l’l1I>li¤· uml 'l`r;l11si1·nt ll<_melt·rs l‘i#]N‘t‘l1lll}' l11vil<·¤l.
 4; |·`in<·l.11n¤·l1zilwuysoii lmml.
_,  A, J, MEILER_ PrOp_ l2 X.l,im<~>=l·»11¤·Street, l,oxi11gt·»n,l{y
  . . . , c. ,,_` T .
  _] C.) H N I)1Lz\l\ ,
ii 3 Corner Spring and High B• l R •
 # Sts.. Lexington, Ky.   e  
 f 5econd=Hancl Wheels Bought and Sold.
¢ All Work L%mu·zu1te<·