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Q ,{ »\  ., ‘ V
  ¤   » l
 ' { J   · ` vvxm surtofu smrz are you going to make in lite? Are yougoing to n “
‘ _     . ‘ ’ make money and be succesuui business men? Or are you going to
_ { a >_ wear yoursclvcs out in me chccrless drudgery or hard labor? Halt or this depends ou your »
 ` ; Q parents, tho other halt on you.
i' ’     . Wealth and honors zuvmt you 1f you prepare ‘
E 5 ie yuursvlf to mkc them. Men succeed WH0 ·
`   , ` ARE READY. It you wuut t0 be paid 8. good Sulury you must. make yourself worthy or in, l `
€ f TY. · ‘ Tnere are mouszmds or $50 cs. w·*€·k places begging for good men, and millions or $2 a week
; ‘ TZ men begging for pour plums. 1x`y0:1u.rcw0rLh $:30 :1. week you will gem it-sure. We pre-
: l . pure our snudems no mi the mus!. responsible positions iu counting-moms and umceg in
` = g   ‘ from onedmlt tn two-thirds the 1.lmG rcqui1‘f:d 91S¤:\\‘hm‘¢. The bes; cqmpmcut, A vnumr mm; -
‘ A ` •¤¤ have who expccm tu make his own way in thc world xs a course 1n `
é " · . -
I `
` { _ or the NEW YORK BUSINESS INSTITUTE, 81 E. 125th Street, New York, N. Y.
· I .‘ ~ D0n'L throw away time and money bv going M tcmpomrv schools when itwill cost KOH lvss
. t0a.mgemdrheBES'1‘._ We ulwnvs have :1 number ol sm¢h·nt>: iu um·ndnnun·y m Ihe =
United States, 'l‘hou¤:u1ais ul vrestimouiuls 011 wquesn. Suuivnm s·nL•·x· :1ny umu N0 vaca-
tinns. Expenses modcmm. Il you ara; ss.·¢·kiu2; ¢=¤npluvxne~nt and willirw jo study send
· for hive (7IlPl1.I()F{ll"—-il. beautiful bool: giving muah hvlplul iufur·m;»ti¢.u. Adum¤s us above »
l . A (menlwn Mw paper).
·_ Q CL1:M1;N’1‘ (J uA1-Ib:s. President, Poucumamwnrc and Nnw Yom;.
' n I CURID with vnggwnble
Md Wh * sk E y Fabits u·-memes. Have .-umd V
curvd lat lu·m·· )\‘Uh~ many I]|0l`lSYll\!1 03*08
{ opt {mm Bunk <». pur _ m#¤‘4+v¤0v· _
·   u. M _ wom Lu cc. .-4. fxwmnwusnns and TEN 1>AYs¤mm¤.»mrm» ·
 ‘ Aelam., ¤.¤. ounce, lm hmmh Pryor ch I DR. H. H. GREUPS SONS. Box K. At1aut`a.Gn. Q 
, ’f'  ` l*
b »·» ; · ...»»   | ' B` I b`  
1 . ‘ ·i.,’ — , ·
  l   I`0 IIDIS I G G 65 . ~— .*
5 ’ `*. `x, Z". —.... ·
V .,__;` ..\ ‘  ' · Q_ 4 U 18 hlllulls fo UO 8 Q | Kit
{‘ ‘ %“ A`  'F k  400 eu L | 5 M d 3 1 1 V '
, . /,   if X X   },\ wxllba sold mesumsm.u1.,?¤»4¤¤•.nn1ru uga. re an   ;,.• ·-*
· ` " ,5 i‘· Y.   , ’ 4; I ·r· s zh '
; , · ` , z ~ -—,  f  -.  5   IRUQUOIS CYCLE WORKS FAILED $$.3LEf J2;
` , ll  ._;   3 I b \{ \ ton axplenuivelybullyund welmvq bought the exu¤rep1;mt all nfurced `
._ I I, .·   ‘   ._ V »¤1.M:um.¢¤ ul. the mum.-, wm. al we gu; mu Mn•l··I sl 1.l..l¤¤as m- ·
I/};’ M'} Sw, I  `... ,_.. _` / _ F cycles, tininhed and cmupluta, Mads, to ggll at $60. To ad· `
g I JL;  fx V  r ';;1 "’**  ~ vcraizc our buuinu>s we haw rmnulmled tu sl:-ll these 400 .1 just what _
4 .` ":\' ___ V { , '  , ·’)*7·y ` {I 7 thu; stand uu. 41-d m.¤L¤ the mmwulunn uifur uf u Mmlcl 8
, ‘_  r' ;\\ ;· ; J·  » _(w*/R ·, A IROQUOIS B|cYc|.,E¤· ${51.1 ¤»1.1¤»u·»y1¤»r. 11m·.l»..¤1.
.`     \ , " Lb/lP"_` K "//**{   uusrrintlyup·l·»·u»m·,1`.unuus¤·v¤ryuh<·ruf¤·rlm.»utyunz1 ;,;nu1iquz|Iity,
I v" ` "   ' ¤·" [ V./x A '1`helr»¤ 4/ All.! IJ; st lcellk w 1 . cl  `
A —¤ ix  ,{g,,,\;%/ 4 ,4; 1 ESLRIPTUN   ..mi.i11 &L...$.fuu..‘. SM1, l}{“;;n.:Ta:i]12l‘;as
  fu >/W ,~fg7____  ¤..x,s¤»,-,amp..»ve·1ml..,.aH·.¢ .1....;;, llvtuclmblc 5;.r..¤m¤, my u mm-n, ,
_ ,_ I 4· —-¤—Fis’”¤¤% . ·~ nm¤¤1.u1.¤..ma 1..:...,;,2;;;.;. .4...;,, num¤1¤k.n¤m1.¤ml..·n;com-¤,
, _      K =»1.·¤k, my .... H ...4   1. S.: un; uehw rmulu, uz, El Ml. ul. m,. I..¤di¤s' ze iu.; ¤.·~¢··nm·~r·¢." gumn.
» u. ( 1* -  med lim; unl l.i;l»·;rn·i¤ 1·q¤¤¤p¤·»¤;x.\ tllmughuut. 0u1- \\'rltt•:n (Juurnntcu with ¤·,·u_,· bicycle.
~ l   I   1:   lur ynur ··xpre·¤s uge·n1`n gusuauree l·¤rcl1nrgn.¢»n¤xvuyutnts whether l.ldi¤-u'orgents',¢:¤Inr¤mi '
· hmght ur lrmm· wunleli, una] wu wall Qnp C. U. D. fm thu lmlamze ($15,75 nud express charges), ·
' . rubjoclto exnmlnnlinn uml ¤n_pu»vnI. lfyou don'! Qiml rv Mw runat wnndrrfnl lllcycla Olfer ever made, sendit back at cur ¤x·
— penn. ORDER T0-DAY if ymx ¤l·m’•. wrmtw he ·h.app ninted, 50 cenls discount fur cash in full with order. `
5: '     B     A mnnpletu line uf 'D9 Models at gll.50 and u , Bcnund-hand
* vvneuns as eu $10. wu ».»¤¤e;R.x IEE. Aé-ENTB —  ‘
in evnry town to rnpraswrnv us. Huudrenlq enrncd vhenr bieyvla |a~t year. This venr we other wheels and cmh for work dune ’
for us; •l¤¤ Free `[Tmne of snmnln whssltn nqmm. Wnta {ur nur llhernl prupmnltlnn. \\'c ara known zwerywhera _  [
as fha {rented Exclunlvc Blcycln House in the world Mui are perfectly reliable; wc refer to nny bank or business house in I- _
Cblilfb, to lily ¢1pl'E$I CDl'll|:¤lly and fu uul Cu$lL>lur·!s ¤wur‘y\vhv·YP. J
J. L. MEAD GYGLE 00., Ghiaago, lll. a ga
The Head Cycle Cu. are absolutely reliable uml Iroquois Bkycle.1 ut [10.75 are wonderful buryuin.v.—E¤1;¢ur.   gl
l r . ji { 
, w * ?
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