j · A. B—Continued.
  Academy Abolished- -··-   » ··-···-···- 70 Bookkeeping, Entrance ........   ..... 46
·  Administration Building ............. . . . . 32 Botanyn ................ . . .... . ..,...... 131
Accredited Schools .... . ................ . 47 Entrance _ .... . ......................». 45 ·
-  Admission and Classification . .-.- . -...... 37 Bowles Prize . ...... . ..................... 63
 =~ Accredited Schools . ~··· - -··-· · · ········ 47 B0ys’ Course, Agriculture .... . ........·.. 158
Admission by Certificate . ····   .... 46 Bridge Engineering .............. . . . . 168, 174
" Admission by Examination .-··.·. . . · · 38 Brooks Civil Engineering Society. . ---- - - · 163
Admission to Freshman Class -·...·-·- ~ 37 Buildings . -··.........·-· ·· ·--··--»»··   32 ,
·. Entrance Subjects .. ·-·..-···-··-···--.· 37 C.
,  Entrance Units,. . . ..................... 39 Calender , .... . . ...... . . ...... . ........... 5 .#· .
_ High Schools _ ..... . . . . .... . , , i..... . 43 Callaghan Sz C0__ Prize ............ . . . . 62, 217
6 Private Institutions -.·..·.....·....·-.- 51 Cement and Its Uses ····-··-··----··--·· 174
7 Agriculture, College of . ...... . ...,....... 115 Certificate of Admission . .......... . ..,. 46
` Agricultural Exp. Station. ·····--··.»- 30, 116 Changes in Registration ...............--. 55
  Agriculture, Graduate School ---·..···. .233 Chemistry, School of . · ··-····-··· · -···· 105 ·
Agriculture, School of . . ............... 118 Entrance _ ......... . .......... . . ...... 45
{ Agronomy .... . . .......... . . . . . . .......... 123 Mines and Metallurgy ..... 4 ·..·4.·-..· 199
, Alumni Association ................·.-·.· Choral Society .... . . . . .... - · · · ···· · ···- - · · 67
Y American Law Book C0. Prize ··.. . . . . 62, 216 Civil Engineering, College of . ·-····--·--» 164 ‘
Anatomy and Physiology ,...... . ......... 96 Graduate School ...... . .. .i...4....... 234
I  Animal Husbandry, . . . .... . ............. 127 Summer School .... . ................... 250
» Applied Elec., Mines and Metallurgy. .... 199 Classification, Rules of ....... . ........... 54
· Applied Mechanics. .....·........... .167, 174 Senior .................................. 59
— Arts and Science, College of . »·-· - -··- . .· 76 Collateral Activities, Mech. & Elec. Eng. 193
School of Arts . ··--··--···--······· · .».» 81 Colleges and Schools .....·.-.............. 71
School of Science. ..... . ...... . ......,.. 96 Agriculture .... .. ....., . .............. 115
School of Chemistry ...... . ........... .105 Civil Engineering .............. . . ...... 163
School of Education ..........i..,...... 111 Law ..,......,.......................... 211
Artg Law Course ........................ 80 Graduate School -······--·············- 224
A. S. H. B. Association Trophy. .......... 63 Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 177
  Associate Professors ..................... 18 Mines and Metallurgy ....,.......,,.... 195
1 Astronomy ............................... 92 Summer School . ----··~···—··-·~--······ 246
' Athletics ............. . .................. 68 Commencement Honors ..,........... . . . . 59
Atkinson Prize . .......... . ............... 62 Commissioner of Agriculture Prize ······ 63
A Committees of the Faculty .......... . .... 12
B. Conditions .... _ . . . . . ......... . .... , . . . 5, 4
Bachelor’s Degrees . · -···.---··- · · · » .... 59 Construction . --···» · - ---··· · -»·--····-·· 169 ·
n Bacteriology . ...,,. . ...................... 131 Contents ................................ 2
Barker Prize, Horace Mann Society ---·.. 62 Contracts, Civil Engineering . ............ 169
Patterson Society .. ........- . ......... 61 Convocation ........ . ....·.-.-..·-···· · - · . 57
_ Philosophian Society ..... .. ............ 61 D.
Union Literary Soclety . ....·.......   61 Debating Teams ··-» . -..· . - . .····-- -· .-·- 68 ·
Barker Trophy ......................... . . 61 Declamation Prize ··········---··--··· · - ·- 62
Battalion of Cadets ................... .. .243 Degrees, Res. Requirement for A. B ·....- 59
Bennett Prize ........... . . .......... . . . . 61 List of .................................. 59 `
. Board of Trustees ...... , . .. ............,. 11 Degrees and Honors, 1912-13 . ............ 255