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  ` . = The proposed new home of the Lexington chapter of the Delta. Tau Delta fraternity is pictured above
  as it will appear when completed. Contracts already have been signed with a Lexington firm, and G
it l construction has begun upon this four-story building of Georgia Colonial architecture to be located
  on Forest Park road across from the Triangle fraternity house. The building, housing a minimum
  2 Ji. of thirty men, will be ready for occupancy before the beginning of the fall semester. Dedication
  ‘; i exercises are planned for October. In order to carry out the southern atmosphere of the structurc's
gg ` :   ' design, specifications call for red brick construction, green tile roofing, and a white trim for all
lg`., l ` ‘ outside woodwork. The above photograph is taken from the architect’s water-colored sketch
  ` 1 Y and illustraiws his conception of the finished house.
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‘:. I R. D. McINTYRE CHOSEN annual convention at the Lafayette hotel,
  i Y p · O. D. K. COMMITTEE HEAD national officers who were elected were
. Q. l ! . —-—— Dr. Frank C. Brown, comptroller of Duke
" L ; . . Prof. R. D. Mclntyre, faculty adviser University, president; Dr. George Lang, "
. “ l ‘   for Nu Circle, Omicron Delta Kappa was University of Alabama, vice-president:
o       elected chairman of the National Scholar- and executive secretary, Dr. William M.
» l ` ship Committee of that fraternity at the Brown, president of Atlantic University,
E,   , l business session of the national conven- Virginia Beach, Va.
,   Q   tion March 7. This committee will form- During the stay of the 75 delegates,
fi l · ulate the regulations under which a grad- they were entertained with a tea by Pres-
 ;   l uate scholarship will be given each year ident and Mrs. Frank L. McVey. Friday p
9 s _ for members of the fraternity. The com- evening the local chapter held a dinner- .
L l mittee will also select the recipient for dance in their honor and Saturday noon
' MM the first award which will be made on June there was a luncheon for officers and del-
- ;_ s 404 first of this year. egates. Assembly and committee meet- ip
_ .. _ , NEV At the Saturday meeting of the ninth ings were held from March 5 to 7. H1
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