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i COVER 1993-94 OFFICERS   I C I H
ii Mesa Food Products,  
Inc. in Louisville shows PRESIDENT ,,,,,, , ,, ,
what A Project 2000 is T. Eu ene . . ,
2,,, ,,bf,_C,,m,,,g Spmgi,,S_J,._ 67 School of Music Celebrotes 75th Anmversory Music 6
, jobs- Here Kwurckr L<¢b=¤¤¤¤ classes began at UK in 1917-18, but it was 1923 before a
gl`O\Vl] COI`!] is p1`O· _ _ · _ _ • ·
A Cessed imo com Chips. PRESIDENTELECT depaitment was cieated in a 1eo1gan1zat1on of the College of
Michael A_ Arts and Sciences ordered b President Frank McVe Y.
Burleson "74
1 H d • .
. VOL 63 my 3 ISNO732 "“ cm" Kentucky’s Growth Mochme Ag Project 2000 plans to 'I I
6297. The Kentucky TREASURER grow another $2 billion in agricultural revenues and 30,000
Al“‘“““S ‘S P“bl‘Sh°‘l W‘ll‘*““ L M*"°“ ,59 new jobs in Kentucky’s agricultural communities during the
quarterly by the Tampa, Fla. _
University of Kentucky next Seven yew S·
_ Alumni Association, SECRETARY
. fmd.H°St C°mmu“` Bob C' Wh"ak°" 58 Cochran on the COUTSB Russ Cochran talks about life on 23
I ICHUODS, Inc., Frankfort _ 7
Lexington, Kenttieity. the Professional Golfer s Tour.
for its dues-paying ASSOCIATION STAFF
members. Opinions ,, , , ,,
expressed are not nec- DIRECTOR
esszitiiy time ofthe Bois c. vtniitrim as D¢|I¤I'I'I\‘l¢lII’$
University of Kentucky, , ,
the UK Alumni EDITOR
Association or Host Liz Hoimrti iis UK B€¤‘l’ Belafonte coming in September 3
Fotwarding and
address correction OUTREACH /CLUBS
requested. Send to The Stan Key `72
I Kentucky Alumnus,
  UK Alutnni STAFF
I Association, Brenda Bain
Lexington, Kentucky julia Brothers
_ 40506. Linda Brumlield
N Margie Carby
i PRINTING Rebecca Foley
‘ Host Ruby I-Iardin ~ __,€__ _G, _   Mp,
 I COINITTIIIIICZILIOITS, Inc. Charles Livingston ljnlvcfui ·}f ! =· »»-¤ - ~ ‘
 i Stephanie November `93 $1   2-** ;»_.»   ‘° - _ ,, ·t· ., " :_ _ ig;
i ADVERTISING Carolyn Rhorer Mugi " A" i' K `
I For advertising infor- Lydéi {HL A`; of   g; , y _ ,
 I mation, contact , . _ I W _ 1 .v,
I Will VCIIITES ill   :»’:>a_5_A·‘· xii, It _-__ _,`_)
(606) 252%-323().