4 ' »  
MODERN WOODLEN OF AMERICA (National Modern Woodmen of America}, €
c/o V. 3. Alexander, Ice Plant, Cadiz. F0undcd 1912. Consul, Otis g
Hoorefield, Cadiz, Secretary, V] B» Alexander. Telephone Ice Plant dl. g
Terms expire November, l945. c Q
lmnmorship; 15, Qualifications, reputable adult males in good mental*U;. T
and physical condition; , - ._, _ _ . , L
Com ittee; None, V __ · · . _ _. __ , , V j
Purpose; Insurance, ° 5
_ Normal Civic Activities; None, °A .
Defense Activities; Engaged in Auxiliary Fire Protection, Red Cross T
Assistance, " ' ‘ " A V
Local Publications; None, ` A l 5
Kgntucky Grand Chapter O. E. S.), c/o 3ird H. Shaw, Box l55, Cadiz. g
Founded l9OG. “Jorthy lgtron, lhs. Otis Koorefield, Cadiz, 'Socrctary, . h E
Bird H. Shaw, Telephone 77. Terms expire October, l945. E
. ` · _ .  
Membership; 65, Qualifications, wife, mother, daughter or sister of_a _ §
lhstcr Lhson, ` ` ”. Q
Committees; None reported, t _ __ ` “ V. ,.‘Z »..* . J Q
Purpose; To give social aid and relief to rmrmers needing it, __ A
"‘_"""' · 4 ` . ` g · ; '  
Normal Civic Activities; None, A
Jcfonse nctivities; Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, V r 1
TRIGC COUNTY FARM BUREAU (State and National Korn Duriau Federation),` °
Cadiz. FQuHdGd 1957. PTes1dcnt, S. D. Broadbent, Jr., Route 2, Cobb. A
b@CY@t@TY; HQUTY V- Themes, ROHTG 2, Gr&ceY.° Terms expired l9é2, `Exocu-
tive Svcretary, Ton [organ, County Agent, Post Office Building, Cadiz. ‘ ¥
Term indefinite, j
‘ · 1 {
Memuersyip; 252. `Qualifications, open to adults interested in agri- V .
cultural pursuitS• · . —
1 Committees; Mono, L . t . l E
I _-__"-———*n—_ " I A - - ,
3 Purpose; The betterment of farming methods, _ `
  COOP¥T@Pi¤E Wibh'AQricultural Extonsion‘
Service, Home conservation programs and U. of K.Organizetions_ interested Q
in county general welfare, "‘ A 1
., { lg