xt7j6q1sjb1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j6q1sjb1x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-01-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1992 1992 1992-01-28 2020 true xt7j6q1sjb1x section xt7j6q1sjb1x  


‘ ~ ‘4‘ -

Foes of Bush
seek miracles
from address

Associated Press

House complained yesterday that
President Bush's political foes have
raised unreasonable expectations for
his State of the Union address to-

But press secretary Marlin Fitz-
water said the speech will set forth
“a demonstrable economic recovery
program” and he predicted, “the
president will be re-elected no mat-
ter what happens (tonight).”

The White House itself has fos-
tered the big build-up to the speech
for almost two months. The Bush-
Quayle re-election campaign said it
would be “the defining event of the
Bush presidency."

Critics say the president has opted
for a minimal package of spending
cuts and tax increases that will do
little to bolster the confidence of re-
cession-jarred Americans.

“There's no question that some of
our political opponents have tried to
raise expectations to a point where
the bar is so high it can't be jumped
ever," Fitzwater said.

The president will offer “a very
reasoned and sound approach to the
problems we have,” including his
blueprint for “stimulating the econ-
omy in both the short term and the
long term," the spokesman said.

The pmkage, much of which has
already leaked, will include income
tax relief for the middle class in the
form of an increase in the personal
exemption for families with chil-
dren, a tax credit for first-time home
buyers and a reduction in the tax
rate on capital gains, income earned
from the sale of assets.

In addition, the president's elec-
tion-year budget will propose high-
er spending for such popular pro-
grams as Head Start, environmental
cleanup, park purchases and space

To keep the budget deficit, pro-


1 st priority

Assistant Sports Editor

When President Bush
gives his annual State of the
Union address tonight, UK
professors say that Bush‘s
desire to gain votes will far
outweigh any issues that face
the nation in this election

The reason is Bush’s sud-
denly apparent political vul-

“Unlike last time, people
perceive now that there is
quite a realistic chance that
he can be beaten," said Don
Mullineaux, associate dean
in the College of Business
and Economics.

Speculation in Washington
is that Bush, in an effort to

See BUSH, Page 6




jected to hit an all-time high of
$352 billion this year, from spiral-
ing further out of control, the ad-
ministration wants to slash defense
spending by an extra $50 billion
over the next five years, reflecting
the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The administration also will pro-
pose repealing the 10 percent luxu-
ry tax on the purchase of yachts
costing more than $100,000.

White House Chief of Staff Sam-
uel K. Skinner defended that move
Sunday. saying the 1990 tax had

See ADDRESS, Page 6

University receives

Staff Writer

UK's Center for Prevention Re-
search recently received a
$850,000 grant from the National
Institute on Drug Abuse for four
minority scholars to research mi-
nority drug abuse.

“We are interested in drug abuse
in all people." said Richard R.
Clayton, a UK sociology professor
and scientific director of the center.
“(The four researchers) will get an
opportunity to do some research
not only with African—Americans
but also Ni gerians."

The three-year grant, which is the

Trustee bill, funding
topics for luncheon

Staff reports

State university presidents and
their governing boards are expected
to gather at the govemor’s mansion
in Frankfort today for a luncheon
meeting held by Gov. Brereton

The day‘s fare could include dis-
cussion of a legislative bill to recon-
stitute the governing boards of state
universities as well as higher educa-
tion funding.

UK President Charles Wething-
ton, who plans to attend the lunch-
eon, said he thinks the luncheon is
“one to brief the presidents and oth-
er officials on the trustees' bill.“

Rep. Ernesto Scorsone (D-
Lexington) sponsored the bill that
would wipe current university
boards and the state Council on
Higher Education clean and then
start from scratch with a commis-
sion to nominate appointees. The
bill passed easily in the House of
Representatives but is expected to

have a tougher time in the Senate.

Jones has indicated a willingness
to compromise on the bill to allow
at least pan of the incumbent trus-
tees and regents to be reappointed
to their respective boards.

Another topic that may arise to-
day is university funding. Jones has
said that more cuts in higher-
education are possible.

University presidents met with
the governor several weeks ago.
Wethington said, but “discussions
at that time about budget cuts were

Kenneth Walker. finance director
for the state Council on Higher Ed-
ucation, said he would be surprised
if any announcements are made to-
day regarding university budget
cuts since Jones requested a dead-
line extensiOn for presenting his
budget proposals. Today would
have been the deadline for present-
ing the budget, but the legislature
granted him nine more days to
complete the plan.

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Kentucky Kernel

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Students wait in a long line in the Student Center to pay fees for the 1992 spring semester. As to-
morrow's tee deadline approaches, lines are expected to grow longer.

GREG BANS/Kernel Stat‘



Tuesday. January 28, 11962

UK sorority
presents gift
for research
of disease

Assistant News Editor

“Kentucky is a great place to
grow older," read Phyllis Markley,
president of the Sigma Kappa foun-
dation, to a room full of women
whose faces were unmarked by the
lines of age.

However, Alzheimer's disease —
the degenerative disease of the cen-
tral nervous system characterized
by senility — was foremost on their
minds last night when the national
Sigma Kappa social sorority pre-
sented $10,000 to the Sanders-
Brown Center on Aging.

Markley presented the grant [0
Deborah Danner, senior research
associate, now in her third year of
working with Alzheimer's.

Danner studies facial coding to
determine the emotions of Alzhei-
mer‘s patients, some bedridden
with impaired or loss of speech, in
order to care for them adequately.

“I think what surprised me most
was that from reading the literature
I thought there was a flattening ef-
fect, that as the disease progressed
you actually had very little expres~
sion and what we found was
very robust expression of happi-
ness, sadness and pain," Danner

Danner does not work on this
project alone. Heather Horn, Evy
Whitlatch and Tera Pauley, three
Sigma Kappas who currently are
interns at the center on aging. plan
to participate in the research by
conducting interviews with patients
and care-givers and scoring video
tapes of patient‘s facial move-

“Alzheimer’s is a horrible dis-
ease . If you can learn what
they‘re trying to communicate non-
verbally, it could be a great help to
care—givers." said Horn, a psycholo-
gy senior.

Although the interns will receive

See DISEASE, Page 6

$850,000 to study minority drug abuse

first to provide funds for four schol-
ars. primarily will focus on drug
abuse by blacks. It will fund the re-
cipients' salaries. staffs, research
equipment and travel.

The four scholars are William L.
Turner and Donna Ford-Harris, both
professors of family studies; Regi-
nald Alston, professor of education

and counseling psychology; and
Carrie Wilkinson. a researcher in

Clayton applied for the grant af-
ter seeing a common interest
among the scholars. The grants are
set up to get minority scholars in-
terested in careers in alcohol and
drug abuse.

“I‘m their teacher in a sense. I
will learn a lot more (from them)
than I teach them," Clayton said.

The three faculty members will
continue teaching as they research.

Turner, who teaches graduate
courses in marriage and family ther-
apy, said the research goes coin-
cides with the research on the

strengths in black families.

This is an opportunity. Tumer
said. for him to study how black
families protect their children from
drug abuse.

Alston and Turner have pub—
lished articles on black family

See GRANT, Page 6



Recent mild temperatures drew UK students to the Seaton
seasonably warm for the next few days. Highs today and tomorrow will be in the mid-40$ to tower SOs.


Center courts for a pickup basketball game. Temperatures will remain un—


GREG SANS/Ksrnd Siaft










Darrin Van Horn lost his boxing title earlier
this month, but he hasn't lost his drive.

Story, Page 2.


Old GTE telephone books will be collected
for recycling beginning today on the
Lexington campus. For information call
257-1672 or 257-4838.

Museum display
features photos

of jazz legends.

Story, Page 3.


Sports ............................ 2
Diversions ..................... 3
Viewpoint ....................... 4
Classifieds ..................... 5







 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. January 28, 1992







Van Horn recovering from loss by getting UK degree

Staff Writer

Lurking in the darkest comer of
Darrin Van Hom's mind is his re-
cent loss to Iran Barkley — a defeat
that removed the International Box-
ing Federation Championship belt
from his waist.

Anyone who watched the fight
knows it wasn't just a loss. Etched
vividly in their minds is Barkley
pounding Van Horn, knocking him
around the ring like a tattered doll.

Barkley finally dethroned Van
Horn when he knocked him down
for a third time in the second round.
Barkley now reigns as the IBF su-
per middleweight champion aftcr a
paltry six minutes or so of work.

Van Horn still has a little memen-
to from the fight — a yellow discol-
oration under his right eye. He also
has a large lump on his right hand,
his dominant hand.

“I tried to pull out of the fight the
day of the fight," he said. “I had a
hairline fracture in my right hand.
but because it wasn‘t a clean break.
I couldn’t pull out."

Van Horn said he didn’t get out
of the hospital until 4 am. on fight
day. His title defense didn‘t begin
until 11:45 pm.

“I only got about three hours of
sleep," he said. “When Iran hit me.
I didn’t even feel the punches. Since



UK senior Darrin Van Horn. who lost his IBF super middleweight ti-
tle to Iran Barkley, plans to graduate from UK in May.

I was at the hospital so long. I
didn't get any rest. A fighter’s legs
are the most important part of his
body and I just didn‘t have any.”

Van Hom (47-3; 27 KO) said he
still could have called off the
match, but he felt he was capable of
beating his opponent.

“I'd have bet my house on it,"
Van Horn said. “Barkley‘s a full-
blown idiot to begin with, but I
can't take anything away from him




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because he beat me where it counts
in the ring.

“I didn’t think he was as bad as
everyone thought he was. Before
the fight. people acted as if he hung
the moon or something."

Barkley said after the fight. “I
could have knocked him out even if
I was drunk."

Van Horn defeated Lindell
Holmes May 18, 1991, capturing
the IBF title. He said Lexington had
little (I no idea until a local spons-
caster announced by mistake that he
had just won the championship. He
said the sponscaster apparently had
watched a rerun of the fight.

“I was glad somebody fuiaily
mentioned I won.” Van Horn said.
“I mean. I had won a second world
championship, and two months lat-
er (the sportscaster) didn’t know.
and it's his job to know. At least he
reported the fight; the others didn't
report a damn thing."

Van Horn has, at times. been a
media darling in Lexington and at
others a whipping boy.

“I’m not pissed off," he said.
“I‘m not upset. I've come to realize
a little more of how the world

Van Horn said the Lexington me-
dia were responsible for the publici-
ty he did receive, especially in the

“I'm tickled pink for what the
media here has done for me," Van
Horn said. “They’ve reported right
down the line. objective or bad. My
career has gone up and down. how-
ever. Sometimes I think they are

too critical. I’m not resentful. I just
take it for what it‘s wrath.

“For every bad word they have
said about me. there have been 50
good ones. They write or say what
they think people want to hear. and
I can respect it, but it doesn’t mean
I have to like it."

When Barkley stripped Van Horn
of his title, the New York Boxing
Commission suspended Van Horn.
The commission has a rule: When a
fighter is counted out. he isn't al-
lowed to box for 60 days in New

“It was such a rude awakening,"
he said. “I really didn't want to
open the letter when it came.”

So where does he go from here?

“For starters, I’m going to keep
living in Lexington. I love every-
thing about it and hope to live here
for the rest of my life."

He's taking his last six hours at
UK this semester and will graduate
in May with a broadcast journalism
degree, something he is proud of.

“If I still had the title, I would be
the only champion that had a col-
lege degree." he said. “(.lames)
‘Bonecrusher' Smith has a degree,
but he finished school before he be-
came big in the sport."

At first. Van Horn said. he didn't
take college seriously because it
was “just a thing to do at the time."
But he hinted that he not only got
an education as the “schoolboy"
but also used school as a diversion
to keep himself out of trouble.

“That's why boxers get in so
much trouble," he said. “They run
in the morning and train in the af-
ternoon. They work three hours a
day and have nothing else to do ex-
cept things they shouldn’t.

“School takes my mind off box-
ing,” he said. “The times I've lost,
I’ve been out of school."

Ingrained in Van Ham’s mind is
the sense. the knowledge, that he
could win the championship back
again. In his heart is the hope.

“There are no two ways about
it." he said. “I will win my title
back, and I'll do it sooner titan eve-
ryone thinks."

Van Horn won his first title, the
IBF junior middleweight champi-
onship. Feb. 5. 1989.

He moved up to a heavier weight
division after losing a 12-round de-
cision to Gianfranco Rossi. He then
lost a rematch to Rossi. who has de-
fended his title against 11 other

Men’s volleyball club sweeps four weekend matches

Staff Writer

The UK men’s volleyball team
swept four games from Atlantic
Coast Conference teams this week-


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end, including a five-set, last-point
victory in its final match.

The club boosted its season
record to 14-5 with road victories
over North Carolina. Duke. Mary-
land, and N.C. State.

“To get four wins was really
nice.” senior setter Dean Sheets

In the fourth match of the week-
end. the team split the first four
games with N.C. State. The fifth
game went to rally scoring, in
which either team can score — no
matter which is serving.

N.C. served at 16-16. After the
initial pass, Sheets set to junior
middle hitter James Gordon. who
killed over two Wolfpack blockers
for the game and the sweep.

Will be giving a high
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“I knew it was coming to me.”
said Gordon, vice president of the
club. “It was probably one of the
best plays I was ever involved in."

Gordon was the team's first on
tion on the last point. sophomore
outside hitter Matt Darling said.

“He's our go—to guy and he really
came through for us,” Darling said.

After the hit. the celebration be-
“Everybody staned screaming
and jumping up and down," said
Tom Wala, sophomore outside hit-
ter and club president.

Friday night, the Cats began by
defeating N.C. in three games.

Saturday morning the team invad-
ed Durham and escaped with a four-
game victory over Duke.

A few hours later. the Cats trav-
eled back to Chapel Hill to face the
Maryland Tenapins. The team upset
the No. 5 Maryland club.

What Sheets called “the most ex-
citing match of the weekend" fol-

lowed, as UK squeaked by N.C. to
complete the sweep of the ACC.

The successful road trip may
give the club added confidence go—
ing into this weekend's Michigan
Invitational, where it faces some of
the top teams in the North.

“If we can keep together a a
team we have a really good
chance to make a good showing,"
Sheets said.

Lady Kats to host Butler

Tonight at 7:30 at Memorial Col-
iseum. the Lady Kats aim for their
founh consecutive victory, as they
entenain Butler University.

UK coach Sharon Fanning said
UK will need to combat Butler’s
size coming off the bench and the
team’s hustling guard play.

”They have two girls over 6-foot
coming off the bench.” Fanning
said. “Their guards are real scrap-
py. They play hard as a team."


The Membership Committee of Phi Beta Kappa is now receiving
nominations for membership. The preliminary requirements which
must be met in order for a student to be eligible for consideration for

election are:

(1) GPA of 3.5 for students who graduated in December 1991;
for students in their final semester. a 3.52 is necessary; for
first semester seniors. a 3.60; and for election at the end of
the junior year, a 3.7 is required;

(2) At least two 300 (or higher) level courses outside the major
or principal area of concentration;

(3) At least 90 hours of courses classified as “liberal”;

(4) At least 45 hours of classwork 99mm on the Lexington


(5) Satisfactory completion of the lower division (“non-major”)
requirements for either the BA or BS degree in the College
of Arts and Sciences (May graduates may be currently on-
rolled in one required course).

Should you know of an individual who may meet these require-

ments, we would appreciate you urging that person to come to
Room 271 Patterson Office Tower in the College of Arts and Scienc~

as to pick up an application.

In order to be considered. nominations (for an appllcatlon to
be mailed) must be received no later than THURSDAY, JANUARY
30, 1992, with the application due back to the above named of-

tlco by FEBRUARY 7th.

PLEASE NOTE: it is entirely appropriate to nominate yourself
and, in fact. if you believe that you meet the criteria necessary for
election, it is expected that you will come to the above office for an






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.. 'd. he didn't
. because it
at the time.”
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. "They run
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Kentuelw Kernel. Tueeday, January 28, 1902 . 3







Assistant Arts Editor

Behold Duke Ellington as he sits
before you. His hair is slicked back,
suit looking right. an “I feel right
to-night" look flashing from his
eyes and mouth.

The Duke's dazzling, hip pres-
ence gives this sharply-defined por-
trait life. The detail of his surround~
ings puts you backstage —
moments before an Ellington ses-
sion at The Onyx

Welcome to “Portraits from the
Golden Age of Jazz.” an exhibit
now “playing" at the Headley-
Whitney Museum. The museum
calls it an exhibition of photo-
graphs; nothing could be farther
from the truth. The portraits. by for-
mer Washington Post critic and
Down Bea! editor William P. Gott-
lieb, are windows through time.

“We wanted to do something to
coincide with black history month,”
said museum program director Lisa
Blackadar. “Our director Susan
Thompson is a real jazz enthusiast."

Walk on down and visit “The
Lion,” William Henry Joseph Bona-
parte Bertholoff Smith. Sumptuous-
ly dressed, sitting erect at his piano,
a cigar in his mouth. The Lion was
a lordly jazz old-timer, and a men-
tor of Ellington. When asked, he
might tell you one of his various
stories on how he earned his nick-
name. ln possession of a regal sense
of self-esteem, he referred to him-
self in the third person. Walking on-
stage. he'd say “The Lion is here."
When he played to his satisfaction,
to his loyal subjects he'd announce.
“The Lion is laying it down real
good tonight!”

Nearby is Ella Fitzgerald, at the
Savoy in Harlem. young, beautiful,
eyes shut, fingers laced around the
microphone. gripped by the spirit of
the music. Behind Ella, Dizzy Gil-
lespie. entranced by her. forgets
himself and his orchestra Behind
him, bassist Ray Brown, Ella’s hus-
band, looks at Dizzy looking at

Gottlieb, who wrote a weekly
jazz column for the Post in the

19305 and ’405, was a pioneer in
recognizing jazz as the original
American music. But the Post was
too cheap to send a photographer
out with Gottlieb on his jazz beat.
so the critic learned to take photo-
graphs himself. Due to the cost of
materials, Gottlieb usrmlly would
take only two or three exposures a
night He was very careful. and
very patient.

With the start of World War II.
Gottlieb got out of music and start-
ed his own company. He filed away



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GREG EANS/ Kernel Stalt


GREG EANS/ Kernel Stall

Bill Gottlieb's photograph exhibition of legendary jazz musicians, “Portraits From The Golden Age of Jazz," is on display at the Headley-Whitney Museum until Feb. 16.

his negatives and did not print them
until 1979. To a world that thought
the prosperous heyday of jazz and
bop was doomed to scratchy record-
ings, Gottlieb's photos turned out to
be a goldmine of visual cultural his-
tory. Legends became flesh and mo-
ments that were lost but not forgot-
ten were resurrected.

Gottlieb was not taking pictures,
but illuminating a music you can
hear and feel with your eyes. Pic-
ture after picture. Gottlieb has cap-
tured the sublime jazz moment —— it
is suffused on the musician’s face.
in the posture, the angle of the in-
strument, the attitude of the musi-
cians around him or her, the atmos-
phere of the jazz joints of Harlem
and 52nd street.

It is the moment bursting with the
live spirit of music, when the ener-
gy. sound and emotion transpon the

player and the audience. The look
of beauty and motion is so electric,
so incarnate, the portraits can al-
most be heard, the sounds can be

Gottlieb understood the truth of
jazz: you have to be there to feel it,
see it. understand it. And Gottlieb
and his jazz portraits demonstrate
what the true meaning of “being
there” is.

Gottlieb's photographs tell sto-
ries, reveal the spontaneous spirit of
the jazz life, penetrate the eyes and
heart and body of the jazz musician.
Gottlieb has a genius for recording
the moment when the human crea-
tive spirit makes the body graceful,
the face shine with joy. ecstasy, rev-
erie, pain and sorrow.

Gottlieb shot them all, knew

them all, cared about the musicians
and understood that a musician‘s



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Chess Jan. 28, 6 pm-10 pm SC Rms. 119
Table Tennis Jan. 30. 6 pm-10 pm SC Grand Ballroom
Bowling Feb. 8, begins 4:00 pm Southland Bowl
Pocket Billiards Feb. 6. 6 pin-10 pm SC Gameroom
Feb. 8, 12 pm—5 pm SC Gameroom

u 1 .OO/person/tournament
'owl $5.00/1eam





life was his music.

Meet the beautiful, unworldly
Billie Holiday, a trademark garde-
nia in her hair, her dog “Mister" in
the foreground. In another shot.
“Lady Day” — her head back, neck
arched, throat stretched — is pos-
sessed by that ecstatic, transcendent
jazz spirit that transfixed her fans.

Other portraits include Huddie
“Leadbelly” Ledbetter, the Louisia-
na murderer, whose music got him
a reprieve; Louis Armstrong, whom
everyone thought of as a friend
even though he could never remem-
ber names and called everyone
“Pops;” Nat “King” Cole; Woody
Herman; “Sassy" Sarah Vaughan;
Charlie “Yardbird” Parker; a young
Miles Davis.

The exhibit is a wonderful way to
disc0ver and meet the legends Of
Jazz, what many consider to be

2201 Regency Road
Suite 508


Prepare tor Spring exams


Class starting Feb. 6


Class starting Feb. 6


America’s classical music. It is as if er that passed away long ago.
someone had dlSCOYCFCd photo— "Portraits From The Golden Age
graphs 0f the founding fathers 0f of Jazz” will be exhibited at the
America [UCde away in a Philadel- Headley-Whimey Museum, 4435
phia auack- Through these phoro 01d Frankfort Pike. until Feb. 16.
graphs, we come to know a time For more information. call 255-
and place of beauty, spirit and pow- 6653.

9 /


- 5 or 7 nights -

-50r7night3A t/fi




o t
, 7 5 or 7 nights —

~ TOURWAY INN - t/fl

. nghts *








, 5 or 7 nights , . ‘ /



5”} mum-a». unseat» ‘7‘!!sz unwary-mum».

‘ ‘ Baiarvmium m-y so mad. by (rndrl ma ‘ '

’ mama” 0" y...- am. .061.»th ac .-..






Scott CrosbieUK Senior. SGA President


"My ROTC scholarship is paying for most of my
UK education. It's worth over $13,000. But it's
pa ing oil even more with leadership experience and
oilicer credentials impressive to future employers."

Scott Crosbie is one of many UK students who
have won Army ROTC scholarships. You can, too.

Apply now. Contact Captain John Blum, Barker
Hall, 2572696.


we" .o’o
. W



























 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Tuaaday, January 28, 1992

Editorial Board
Victoria Martin. Editor in Chief
N. Alan Cornea, Editorial Editor
Jerry Voigt. Editorial Cartoonist
Dale Greer, Managing Editor
Gregory A. Hall. Associate Editor
Brian .Imt. Design Editor
Kyle Foster, News Editor
Joe Bruin, Assistant Editorial Editor
Mary Maddai. Sailor Staff Writer

Kentucky Kernel
Established in l894
Independent since I97]




SGA referendum
gives students
rare opportunity

Once in a great while, a good idea walks into the Student Govem-
ment Association offices — an idea that can change the way the stu-
dent govemment conducts its business. SGA Vice President Keith
Sparks proposed a referendum on Friday that will give students an
opportunity to voice their opinion about election reforms.

The sweeping election reforms had been defeated by the SGA
Senate Wednesday night. The new election procedures would re-
move the current spending cap on SGA elections and would replace
it with limits on where campaign literature could be placed.

As Senator at Large Ashley Boyd stated from her own experience,
senators cheat on spending limits. And there is no way to catch
them. The limitation on placement of campaign literature will. in ef-
fect, curtail the amount of money a candidate can spend. without
implicitly stating a dollar amount.

SGA President Scott Crosbie correctly stated that the senate has
shown it is incapable of regulating itself; it cannot overcome the
conflict of interest that exists in making its own rules. Because of
that conflict, the executive branch has enacted a seldom-used consti-









tutional provision for a special referendum.

Wilkinson should shut his mouth

To the editor:

I read the ignorant comment for-
mer Gov. Wallace Wilkinson made
to UK political scienc