




Best Copy Available





Editor of "Letters"





From "Firelight," a short story by
Joe H. Palmer, on the first page of
the August number of the University literary magazine, "Letters," to
the last poem, "A Lonely Wife
Speaks," by Dorothy Ladd, this edition of the publication has tin unusually brilliant arrary of literary
talent displayed for the renders.
Perhaps the "piece de resistance"
Is "Pcgleg Jack," one of the poems
from the scintillating pen of Cotton
Noe, poet laureate of the State of
Kentucky. A glimpse of the
shoemaker who "had as fine
a grasp of truth as any man who
ever wrote a book," lends a delightful touch to the whole poetry
The simple, accurate style of Dr.
W. D. Funkhouser's mode of speech
and writing is found In an interesting article, "Recent Discoveries In
Kentucky Archaeology," in which
he discusses his subject with a manner touched with glowing descriptions.
Joseph Graves contributes two
ironic short stories, "A Centaur in



Enrollment" Climbs to




AUGUST 2, 19.10

NEW MACHINERY The Kentucky Press Midsummer Issue of "Letters"
For July Is Mailed
Shows Most Brilliant Array of
IS INSTALLED IN Publication Is Edited by Prof.
Talent in Poetry and Prose
KERNEL PLANT Victor R. Portmann and
Frances Holliday



Quicksand." and "A Marital ComI
Final registration records topped T .trinil!
Kcllcy Automatic Is Being Press, July number of The of the
edy," of which the former Is more
the number established for the sec- .
J Stihipri L nf
nfncinl nubllcatlon
chine bystem s bfiecl
ond term of 1929 by almost 100 this
Erected in Kernel Office
Kentucky Press Association, edited
Katherlne Phelps also
term, when the enrollment reached
on Man
bv Prof. Victor R. Portmann, of
writes a short story, "Theory and
For Fall Work
833 Monday.
tho dcDartment of Journalism, is off
Annie Rose," full of the rich color
One hundred and fifty-on- e
of the southern negro. It Is excelthe Kernel nress. and has been
ses are offered the students of the
associalently done, as Is the amusing,
PLANNED NEXT YEAR mailed to members of the
second term of the Summer Session,
on Advertising," by
tion throughout the state.
under the direction of Dr. William
True Mackcy.
The current Issue has a new style
S. Taylor, dean of the College of I JcKson, dranam and
All Equipment II a s Been of cover, being set in distinctive
The Book. Review section includes
row to Oppose Wright,
"Wings Over Europe" and "Street
Financed on Savings from
modernistic type. The story of the
The Summer Session this year has
Hall and Singleton
Scene," and the editorial pages rePress Association meeting recently
Student Publications
progressive in many ways,
veal a searching account of Kenheld in Somerset is given In detail
having had a program of summer!
Th scccond of the series of
paper, including winners of
tucky literature in general and John
When students In the department in the
Its first usage of visual edu- - bates between the Summer Session
Fox, Jr., in particular.
Prof. E. F.
of Journalism nt the University en- prizes at the meeting.
cation aids, and a noted increase students of Berea College and the
Farquhir is the editor of the magHerndon Evans, editor of the
roll for the first semester of the
in registration for both terms.
University of Kentucky is scheduled
azine, a quarterly publication manSun, and a graduate of
1930-3- 1
school year In September, Pineville
Although a large number of the ' for today on the subject, "Resolved,
aged by the department of Journal-Isthe University, is president of the
n new Kclley Automatic Press, caprofessors are taking their vaca- - That the Machine System Has Done
and financed by The Kernel.
pable of printing a sheet of paper association. Miss Frances
tlons this month, there is still a More Towards the Enslavement
Many clever and beautiful bits
as large as two pages of The Ker- a student at the University, assists
representative faculty (in all de- - Than the Liberation of Man."
of poetry are to be found in the
nel, will have been Installed In The Professor Portmann in the publishpartmcnts of the colleges.
The first part of the debate will
Kentucky Press.
to it, including
section devoted
ing of The
Kernel press room.
be held In room 231 of McVey hall
"Progress," by Jessie S. Miner, who
Installation of the new press Is
m.. and the
today at 9:30
has recently published a book of Miss
under way now, and In order to ac- 4-MEN part at Bereaa. College this second
afterher poems; "To A Young Lady," by
commodate the additional equip
noon at 1:30 o'clock. Students arc
Lolo Robinson, and "Half Tones,"
ment a part of the Kernel news
by Elizabeth Clay.
invited to attend.
There are also
room has been subdivided and doors
Members of the University team
a number of poems by Virgil Leon
cut between that and the press
Sturglll, which holds up to his ever
have been announced by Prof. Wilnew press.
room, to take care of the
According to word received here
liam Sutherland, coach of the debrilliant record along literary lines.
With the addition of this machinby friends, Miss Marguerite Mc- "Floppy" Forquer, Captain of bate team, as Hugh R. Jackson,
Thirty Attend
ery, the opening of the school term Two Hundred
Laughlin, professor In the journal1930 Football Team, Wins William B. Graham and Ezra SparAnnual Program Sponsored
September will mark the Inauin
ism department, who Is in Europe
Heavyweight Boxing Title; row. Those taking the opposite side
by Agriculture College at
Instead of
guration of a
this summer, is having a most deDye Takes Wrestling Title of the question for Berea will be
a weekly paper on the University
Experiment Station Farm
lightful trip. Miss McLaughlin and
William Wright, Halley Hall and
Miss Frances Hamrlck, a student at
L. G. "Floppy" Forquer, captain Clinton Singleton.
Club camp at
The annual
the University sailed on the S. S.
The new press, together with
Last Friday the first of the series
every other piece of machinery in the University comes to a successConte Grande from New York the of the 1930 football team at the of four debates was held and the
Miss Elizabeth Madox Roberts',
last of June and landed in Naples. University, won the heavyweight remaining two are scheduled for the
The Kentucky Kernel press room, ful close this morning when the 230
They arrived in Berlin, Germany, boxing championship at
has been financed on. savings from members who attended the largest short story, "The Sacrifice of the
Camp next two Fridays, with one here In
today, and will travel through the
student publications, which include camp ever, held, will return to their Maidens," which first appeared in
the morning and one at Berea in
Kentucky Kernel; "Letters," a homes In Fayette, Madison, Frankspring issue of the University . Julia Belle Yarringlon Sur- surrounding country for some time, Knox, competing with athletes from the afternoon or evening.
going to Paris on September 2. They many Big Ten schools, it has been
literary magazine; the "Kentucky lin, Clark, Scott, Harrison and Bour- literary magazine, "Letters," has
Each week a different combina
prises Gallery By Winning
plan to sail for home the second announced by camp officials.
Alumnus," which is printed in The bon counties. The camp was in has been chosen as one of the coltion of debaters will speak for the
Fro mVeteran Player
week in September.
Kernel plant, and "Kentucky Press," charge of the county agents and lection to be published in the 1930
- J University, some being members of
Given Dye, a member of the UniperiodThey became acquainted with Ef- - versity reserve squad of the foot the regular team and some will be
under the direction of G. J. McKin-newhich is a
edition of the O. Henry Memorial
University field agent in club Award stories.
ram Zlmbalist, famous musician who , ball team last year, was also a win- - chosen from the class In argumenical.
last winter,
A review of Miss Roberts' famous
The careful financing and man- work. The College of Agriculture
TAKE THEIR GAMES appeared in Lexington McLaughlin ner, gaining the title of heavyweight tation taught by Professor Sutherwhile crossing. Miss
agement of The Kernel plant by sponsored the outing, and most of novel, "The Great Meadow," a story
wrestling champion at Camp Knox, land.
activities took place on the Ex- of pioneer days in Kentucky, also
luxurious life aboard (Dye has completely recovered from
described the
the students is due to the direction the
Plans are progressing for the inune wrtttpn for thp Mnv "Ittprs" wnL 01 UlJsets of proirram IS the Italian liner, and the enjoyable a broken leg suffered Just before ternational debate to be held here
of Prof. Enoch Grehan who, since periment Station farm.
Defeat of Sen ft" and
Thursday was visitors' day at the by Prof. E. M. Farquhar, editor of
times they are spending In the dlf- - the
football game with a team from Cambridge the
the establishment of the departferent countries visited, in her iast fall, and was in fine form to first week In December.
ment of journalism at the Univer- camp, and many parents, friends the magazine.
has pur
sity in 1914, has been the head of and interested visitors enjoyed the
also antake the lead in his sport division.
Professor Sutherland
gemembers. chased the rights for the filming of
hospitalities of the club
A number of the University tennis
Carey Splcer, another star athlete nounces that the 300 page debate
the department and its guiding
University, was highly hon- bulletin which he compiled has
Professor Grehan has an- Evening entertainment each night "The Great Meadow," and will feat 'devotees are playing in the Blue
for the
nounced that besides serving its was provided by the seven counties ure It as one of the big productions Grass tournament held dally the
ored by being chosen one of the ten has been sent to the printers and
l cadets
purpose as a Job printer and press represented, and included music and of the forthcoming year. Scenes past week at the Woodland park
to represent the area in the will be issued to the teachers of the
will be made at old Fort Harrod, in courts. Rawlings Ragland, favored
for The Kernel, the new machine stunts.
national rifle and pistol contests at state schools early in October.
Classes were conducted in agri- Harrodsburg, Ky.
will be used to a great extent for
Camp Perry. Rex Allison and Cecil
at first to win the tourney, was deculture, homemaking, music, drainstructional purposes.
Smith, University students, were
feated Wednesday in a sensational
The state
the team.
match with J. C. Bobbit,
The addition of this unit makes matics and handicraft.
University Student i also onSandefur, who was graduated
cooperated with the
Miss Julia Belle Yarrlngton surpris- - Former
The Kernel plant one of the most Y. M. C. A. holding
the camp and
University in
Succumbs to Fatal Illness; from the University in June, and
gallery by winning from Alice
ed the
complete job printing and small
Beck Tuesday,
Was Serving as Reserve is a student instructor lnthe
news plants in the South, and was represented on the Instruction
the program
probably the only journalism de- al staff.hy C. L. Orth.and Roy Stevd
at Ft. Thomas, Kv.Sv department, made "the "highest
averages in me r une aim pisiui
was the defeat of Senff and Evans
country which has ens.
partment in the
Prof. Roy Jarman Will Give
The girls
financed its own machinery through Jelferson-Davi- s were quartered at the Large Number Attends Meet by Woodyard and Thompson, in
Morris Smith, 22 years old. grad-- ! contests at the camp.
school on South
which the losers took the first
First of Series of Talks
earnings of the student paper.
uate from the University College of with 77 attendlng the R. O. T. C.
ings on Farms Near Lex but lost the second.
complete equipment of The Limestone street and the boys in
Tuesday on "How to Use
the livestock judging pavilion on
ai camp, having the largest number
inirton: Courses in Judg
Bruce Farquhar and Tommy Rose, commerce in June, cued Jury
Kernel plant consists of two
Your Voice"
Linotype machines, one the Experiment Station farm.
ing, Raising, Management veterans of many tournaments, deE. St. Joseph's hospital after a short-, 0f men. Cadets from universities-,
Agents from the various counties
illness caused by blood stream in- and colleges in Michigan, Ohio. Infeated Frank Davidson and W.
No. 00 Miehle press, a Boston wire
Tuesday, August 5, Prof. Roy E.
L. C. Brewer, J. R. Thompservices were con- diana, Wisconsin. Minnesota, Kan
In the Wednesday fection. Funeral
stitcher, papor cutter, newspaper include
Over 200 farmers from all parts Rogers,
ducted July 26 at the cemetery in sas, Iowa, West Virginia, and Mls-rou- rl Jarman, instructor in music at of a
folding machine, and Chandler and son, Miss Mildred O'Haver, R. M. of Kentucky and the surrounding m itches
will give the first
C. M.
Ume results of the fol. Georgetown, Dr. A. W. Fortune ofcompeted against the Univer- University,
Price platen press. Besides fifteen Heath, Miss Irene Redalue, Hazel states,
series of talks on "How to Use Your
attended the third annual iowing games, which had not been ficiating.
sity of Kentucky men.
type faces on the Linotypes, The Wade, R. O. Wilson, Miss
Voice," through the University re
Active pallbearers were six R. O.
series of sheep schools conducted oy played could not oe announced
Kernel is equipped with steel im- Graves, and J. L. Miller.
mote control studio connection with
George Ragland vs. Jack Thomp T. C. officers from Fort Thomas,
the University College of Agrlcul
posing tables and an elaborate asradio station WHAS of the Courier-Journ- al
Ky., where he was serving as a reture in cooperation with the Ken- son.
sortment of foundry type.
and Times at Louisville.
CHICAGO Rompers are the lat- The sixth of a series of talks on
tucky Accredited Purebred Sheep-breede- rs
Kee and partner vs. Schmidt and serve officer when taken ill. Honorary pallbearers were Frank Berk- est In hot weather costumes to be
Association, which opened Spencer.
Drama" will
Ragland and Ragland vs. Ken-drlc- k ley, Joe Martin, J. White Guyn, adopted by young women students "Adventures in Modern noon radioMonday morning at the farm of
Jr., Kirk Moberly, Henry Kelley, of Lane Technical High school feature the Thursday
and Johnson.
E. Evans, of the Law former Senator Johnson N. Camden,
Dean Alvin
cast from the University studios to
Including the two
Julia Belle Yarrlngton vs. Stella James Patrick, Francis Day, Ray where a summer session is being be given by Dr. George K. Brady,
College, went to Frankfort Monday near Versailles.
Mayes, Robert O'Dear, O. K. Barnes, held.
preliminary schools, the total at- Splcer.
English department, Augof
Flem D. Sampson tendance was approximately S00.
to see Governor
On recent hot days many of the ust the
Miss Yarrlngton was the dark J. B. Dicker, L. E. Nolleau, Steven
concerning the legal steps necesProf. R. C. Miller, of the animal horse of the tournament, but was Saunter, James Goodman, R. B. girls appeared for classes in bathMonday, August 4, 12:45 to 1:00
was in expected to go down in defeat to Cooke, Ray Heltz, Roy Voelcker. L. ing suits, with Principal Grant p.
sary to suppress the speed traps set husbandry
m. "Finishing Out the Pullets,"
Splcer, .winner of many wom- E. Griffith, James Scudder, Paul
in approval.
the schools, and Prof. E.
College of Agfor automobile drivers in Grant and charge ofand other members of the Stellachampionships in the state, Wood, F. H. Wise, W. L. Alberts, Beebe
Today when the temperature rose Prof. W. M. Insko,
S. Good
is department
Carter counties. Dean Evans
Jr., Benjamin Harris, J. M. Howard, to 90 again, dozens of the girls arThe and veteran racquet wlelder.
assisted him.
Tuesday, August 5, 12:45 to 1:00
chairman of the Lexington Auto- sixth annual banquet and business
rived in the rompers, chic if scanGeoree Ragland in excellent form, Joe Hughes, Ben LeRoy.
Smith was a member of the Tri- ty creations in green, blue, salmon p. m. "How to Use Your Voice,"
meeting of the breeders' association played with ease to take several
mobile Club's anti-spee- d
first of a series by Prof. Roy E. JarPhi Mu Alpha, pink and orchid hues.
;was held last night at the Lafay- - eames from his opponents. The angle fraternity,
it is with considerable interest
man, music department.
Ragland boys always may be de honorary music fraternity, and a
I ette
and not a little envy, that we hear
Wednesday, August 6, 12:45 to
R. O.
the Dean of the School of Dean Evans hopes to enlist tne Today at 10 a m tne flftu pnnuai- pended upon to come through with lieutenant in the Universitybrought
1:00 p. m. (a) "Management of
corps. His death
attor- - sale of the association will be con- i a trophy or two.
T. C.
Mines of a North Alaska college was aid of the governor and the
Tobacco Curing in White Burley
grief to many University friends.
orEarl Senfl's "Kentuckians"
injured when caught in a snow slide ney general of the state in downing ducted at the Lexington Livestock
Kinney, (b)
chestra, composed largely of Uni- District." Prof. E. J.
recently. We haven't been able to these alleged traps and will con-- 1 Commission Company yards. Sheep
RwnA' Shnwn
versity men, has been engaged to "Economic Information for Farm-of
figure out whether we'd prefer to
play at the Joyland Casino begin- ers," Prof. G. B. Nance,
freeze to death, or be burned up as they are operated. He is trying to ' and management were included m
All seniors who will graduate at ning August 16 and will finish the Agriculture.
we are during this summer of super learn, through the state inspector i the courses of the school, with
Wednesday, August 6, 10 to 10:30
the Summer Session in August season there. They have been playabundant heat. At any rate, it is and examiner, Just what has been ' prizes in the judging contests,
The second episode from the arc requested to call at the Uniing for the assembly nights at the p. m. "Story of Our Music," ninth
a matter of no little interest to done in the way of arresting and ' Farms were visited at Carrollton, "Chronicles of the American
of the series.
- Goshen, Lancaster, Paris, Richmond,
versity book store for their caps Lexington
sumknow that somewhere on this planet fining motorists in these two coun"Daniel Boone." was shown and gowns at any time between mer and atCountry Club this
Thursday, August 7, 12:45 to 1:00
Sunset Inn. Mr. Senff
and other estates near Lexington.
that we call the earth, that people ties.
night at 7:30 o'clock in
In Modern
Dean Evans has also taken up the Some of the prominent men who as- - Wednesday hall before a large ana l August 18 and the morning of is captain of the 1930 tennis team p. m.
are finding It comfortably cool.
Drama," No. 6, by Dr. George K.
commencement exercises.
at the University.
maucr Willi uuiuiuia ui uiuui. sisieu in cuiiuucuuk iuc suwuui,
Brady, English department.
county. He hopes to accomplish from out of the state, were Prof. E.
of the
Recent figures released from the
Friday. August 8. 12:45 to 1:00 p.
au- J?,fh
Registrar's office indicate that there much In this matter to aid the road L. Shaw, of Ohio; Prof. Harry Mich-throu- creat
m. "What Farm Folks Are Askwho use this
Comfort Tylor, of
are 833 trusting souls, ambitious tomoblle drivers and Carter counties of Kansas; McLachan, of Missouri;
ing," Prof. N. R. Elliott, College of
The third of the series of visual
Igan; Luke
enough for higher education to
instruction aids will be given in
avoiding the alleged traps.
land Ted Cook, of South Carolina.
brave the unpleasantries of these in
Memorial hall August C, and the
midsummer nights. We'd like to
last two on succeeding Wednesday
suggest that the degrees at the end
evenings at 7:30 o'clock.
of the summer, Instead of being
Season tickets are $1, single adKy LAWRENCE CHUMP
Wright is out West in the great
given "with distinction" or "cum
missions 25 cents, and townspeople
spaces driving a car. Jake
Members of the University of open
laude," be awarded "cum magnum
are Invited to attend. Students regBronston has just returned from a
Thomas L. Riley, senior In the
haetum," which we are Informed
istered for the Summer Session, and Kentucky football team, after gain- trip to California. John Drury startmeans with a great deal of heat.
faculty members received season ing new athletic laurels at Camp ed the trip but claimed Jake made College of Arts und Sciences, and
going to enjoy
We know that we're
take my tip and don't try it. They tickets to the pictures.
Knox, have been seen on and about him ride in the rumble seat more head radio announcer of the Univerprogram all
the commencement
share of the time so he sity remote control studios over
"Fore I Look at that ball roll, will stand for hours watching the
the campus during the past week. than his to Lexington
dolled up in our graduation gownl
will take
and has been WHAS, Louisville,
manl AND RIGHTV INTO THE mishaps of their fellow fans when
Captain Forquer, Splcer, Dye, Mc-- I working for the Consolidated Coach place of Elmer G. Sulzer. studio the
diCUPI A hole in one, and I make they aren't playing themselves. As
Miss Anne Rodes. a senior In the Elroy and Humber were the Wild-- I Company. "Shipwreck" Kelly, well rector, during Professor Sulzer's abThompson, the course In par. Just the sec- Robert Benchley says, watching Is
Our old friend "Pat"
and Sciences, is se- - cat delegates at Uncle Sam's sum-- ! known globe trotter, plans to leave sence.
fresh from Daytona Beach, is one of ond time I've ever played golf, too." one of the Great American Pas- - College of Arts typhoid
fever at the mer resort where squads right is the shortly for another trip to Europe.
Professor Sulzer and. Mrs. Sulzer
times, and these golfers combine it ' riously ill with
the many that are looking forward (Genius?)
anxiously to the opening of the fall
order of the day. The finals of "Bo" Meyer and Jack Phipps may have gone to Madison and FrankBut set your minds at rest, dear with the other Pastime their orlg- - Good Samaritan hospital.
fort, Indiana, for a visit; with Mrs.
boxing and wrestling accompany him.
j heavyweight
term. Every year we are just a bit victims of heat and education, for lnal affliction of knocking the pill
'boys fell by the wayside. The idea found Kentuckians dominating the
Having nothing better to do some Sulzer's parents, and plan to motor
more anxious to get back to the the above Is only an example of con- around.
I happened to fall from the path I seemed to hit the ball up an incline, scenery. Lewis, of Kentucky, de- of the boys have taken up summer to Philadelphia and New York later
old Alma Mater and renew the versation heard on many "baby"
many pleasant associations that we golf courses to which our aspiring of reason long enough the other day through a narrow opening in a log faulted to "Floppy" Forquer In the school. Tom Phipps, Goggln. Kreu-te- r in the summer. They will return
and Gentile comprise this list. the last of August.
have had the year before. From A. B.'s and M. A.'s are addicted this to look in on ono of the foursomes and onto the smooth surface where leather pushing finals, while Given
Mr. Riley has planned a number
the cup Is located, but evidently he Dye defeated "Otto" McElroy in "Dusty" Williams, large sized centhe various visitors that we've had summer. Of course, I would never battling its way around the
ex- - couldn't get the idea.
By the time the manly art of shoulder pinning. ter, is spending his summer around of programs for the radio broadcast,
during the summer we can well Im- succumb' to the fatal attractions it course and was amazed to see
are many more In seems to provide, no Indeed! So actly how far the disease has spread he'd knocked the ball against tho
Carey Splcer Is competing In the Lexington keeping down weight and the regular weekly programs
agine that there
amongst my friends and fellow stu- - sides of the log ten times he was Blue Grass tenuis tournament now playing tennis. "Dusty" looks like will be held as usuul during August.
our same frame of mind, If they foolish, isn't it?
Notice the stern, set gaze of the dents at the University. I could desperate. "Just you go on," he under way at Woodland park before a cinch for next year's Davis Cup He held a position with WLW, the
would just admtlltl
Crosley radio station at Cincinnati,
"baby" golf addict plt,lful, don't disclose any number of prominent said with a feverish glare in his leaving for Camp Perry as a mem- team.
"Well, the Wars over!" So spake you think? And talk about raving names on the campus, whose own- - eyes, "I'm going to stay here till I ber of the rifle team selected from
"Bud" Cavuna and "Dick" Rich- Ohio, last summer.
sport, the Tom Thumbers have ers furtively began to play "baby" make this thing." So they left him the R. O. T. C. group at Camp ards are spending the summer
the University students who have over
been in training for six weeks at it all over any other fans. Just say golf and have now come to the last to his struggles, and as far as I Knox.
months acquiring a healthy coat of recovering rapidly from the effects
Farming seems to hold the edge tan us life guards. "Bud" is work- of the aperatlon he underwent this
Camp Knox and have now departed "midget" golf to one of them and stages, but I will decline to embar- -, know, he's still there,
A list of their acthey're olf. As far as that goes, rass them publicly,
They've been trying to talk me so far as the summer occupation of ing In Iowa City and "Dick" is spring.
to their homes.
foursome into playing a few rounds of this the 'Cats are concerned. Bob Baugh-ma- n, playing golf at the Lexington club
complishments published last week they insist that Seminole has no
This aforementioned
"Ollle" Johnston and "Bull" Kipaugurs well for the military departother meaning than a species of started on tho first green as friends, Scotch golf, but I never will fall
sometimes end and sometimes until the time when a little water ping are getting close to the soil
of tho University and the course for them to play on and that but soon the absorption in their that low. That is, some day when tackle, is hard at work down in in the pool might make it necessary digging ditches while "Connie" Rose
type of training that Is being of- the Semlnoles and not the Scotch game turned them into silent Mirly 1 haven't anything eke to do, I Danville. Ken Andrews, end, is do- for him to save a life or two. Dick is working at Dade Park in Evans-vlll- e.
were the originators of the game. enemies. (Which reminds mi iiink' might go down uud look it over ing u little plain and fancy farming, is also attending summer school.
fered, onslderlng that the temperaInd.
ture ut the camp yesterday was only But then every one is claiming the of how many homes this pom of a again, but nothing could induce me while George Yates threatens to go
Urbanlak, Toth, Kreuter and ElIn u little over a month the ensport has broken up. Bridge on't
115 degrees, we have a notion that distinction now, so you can't tell.
what's that? You'ro going down to work at any time.
lis Johnston are all playing base- tire outfit of over fifty men will reSome of the boys prefer to broad- ball. Ellis was In Lexington re- turn to Lexington for the twlce-a-da- y
Just try to get one of the golf compare with It I) I think it mm on now? Well, I'm nut wry busy, think
the boys departed ut the most aubugs past u course or better still, the seventh green that one of the I I'll go along I
spicious moment.
en their education by travel. Babe cently with the Ashland club and is
wofk outs on Stoll field.





McLaughlin Is
Enjoying European UNIVERSITY



Sen for Award SHOW






Dean Alvin Evans
to Frankfort



Large Audience


Baby Golf Addicts Desert Classes
To Pursue Great American Game


Members of Football Team Take
Strenuous Vacations for Training

Radio Director

