40 THE CADET. .  
  The senior class has adopted a pretty design for their T `
  class pin. Miss Lucas is president of the class.  
  It has taken a great deal of coaxing to keep the foot  
  ball team from disbanding at one time, but it is on foot j
-¤ . .
  again. j  
  We think it a proper time to hold the election of track _ ‘
  and base ball captains just before the Christmas holidays
  begin. Each can then look out for some good men and
  bring them back for the second term. VVe should have ·
  a fine track and base ball team next year.
  Prof. Newman, of the Normal Department has re-
  signed and gone West. His position is now occupied by
  ’ Prof. Milford White, C. E., a graduate of the class of
  ’93 with high honors.
»: Prof. Miller, who spent four months abroad, is at homo
‘ again, discharging his regular duties. Prof. Miller is
  always telling of some grand sight, thrilling incident or »
za .
E of some fine entertainment. He brought back several
  fine geological specimens for the college collection.
  The new uniforms, with the new caps, look fairly well
  in our humble estimation. \Ve have always contended
  for a nicer looking uniform. We think S. G. deserves it.
  XVe notice two new cronies in the art of smoking. If °
  j any aspiring lad wishes practical ideas on the subject,
i} call on Messrs. "Purty" Brock and "Davus" Hammock, I
iii Three fellows writing to the same girl got answers on T
.   the same day. What about it?
  The Patterson declamatory contest will be held in the T
  college chapel on November 24. This will be the annual —
  declamatory contest, and Mr. G. XV. Crum’s gold medal _
  will be awarded the winner. This will be one of the ` `
  best contests of the year, and the speakers are getting in
jj, their best condition for the occasion. l ` ·
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