- - ~ . THE PAIJIGT. 39  
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Deal with J. "Hub" Prather, Courie1· Journal and Pi _
_ · Times Agt.; also General Newsdealer, City Directory, .
Publisher. 130 E. Main St., -
Lexington, Ky.  
Thanksgiving. l
Let old K. S. C. give thanks for her prosperity this  
year. j _
V A note from the Strappers may be seen in another A A
column. ,·
See McVean for an agency in his new business—rais· 4   I
ing mustache. ` °
Students, see Van Hoose for photos. He gives you { —
special rates. Short Street, opposite Court House. `
Carry your best girl to the coming contests and enter- i _
tainments. An early date means no disappointment. ,1
A number of State College students are taking advan-
i tage of the line lectures given at K. U. by the K. U.
Lecture Association. Get your season ticket from T.
L. Campbell. ‘
U Van Hoose will make your photos. He will please
you; if not, you are only out your time. Short Street,
opposite Court House.
Get in the swim by having your programs, stationery
and hand bills printed at Veach & Walker Printing Con— ·
cern, No. 13 North Mill Street. Get their estimates be-
- fore going elsewhere.