Q i Mrs. Paul P. Boyd Medical Foundation Graduate Dean On Alun,
  ls Taken By Death Names Its Director Leave In Italy
- % Mrs- Cleese Belle Matthews lle>ld·   T De Hellllall ll- solver, deem el ile GFBV
  e wife of Dean Emeritus Paul Prentice   ‘;‘`i`‘;°: ’ ‘‘‘’’ *el¥5¥l2la=isjjj.g;,sgg.;;jg;;,j-I’;g;i_¥_g. '»~-· Q`·j§`; University of Kentucky Gnaluiue
¤ Boyd of UK’s College of Arts and Sci»   ‘‘l‘` __ ._;.s   l__e. Q,.   ‘ School has been granted a sixqnontiic HM
‘   €ll<`€s, ¢ll€d lclst February at Central   ‘ I __;,:gi;Q. :~ §§i ;i;`1:j:_   , leave from his duties to accept an edu on
Q lsaptlst Hospital elter ll long llllleee-   3   i```‘`;‘ ll  i;i¤;f;.;;E ·l·i   llllllllllll llsslglllllslll from tlle State ne Bunql
  She was 80 years old·     :t._ e_ _e‘—     ..2 Plllllllslll mlder me Flllllmsllt an-
·   Beloved by hundreds of former UK =¤_ ?fjP,;_··'r "     He was assigned to Rome, Italy, ;i, Retiring
e Students, Mrs- Boyd will be remem-   »_»W   A a senior lecturer in American ciyilim- tlmupion
. y . pereei by meipy npeiergmeitintes pt the nj ,, y  ·:·;..g;y       tion and began his work on February I, Evans, was
l mid—twenties as the indefatigable and ._-_,_     `A';   yA`_  j`_:Qy._=i i·‘`’ \l\’hile in Italy. Dean Spivey will par. ~ iitul alum
  lllslllllllsg lllllllmlllllc [Ol llllllll slllllslll         IC ll(`lP?ll€ lll lllree €(lll(Vllll0ll€ll i>r<>gnnns ii-lien he it
  social functions. .,_V_   at the request of the American lim- trer trophy
. I Boyd Hall, University women's resi— I   _ l   __‘_i, l __ __`'   bassy in Rome. They are: those n I.
, dence hall was named for Mrs. Boyd.   _y_.   i {   °‘ii     i_ A course ol 30 lectures on Ameri. llllcll ll sl
z For ll ll“llll’€l` ol years elle served   i:.li 1    ’``   can civilization at the Unii~enin~ ol l····i>lu lor
Q ne ei member of the Board of Control   Z ·i:‘i·e *‘   `i°`   Rome. ' lllllelle =ll>l
, ol tlle womens dormitories-   -_`‘.i..   °   2. He will imuigunue n eelnirs in llle Slllll'
‘ Slle was l gllllllllle el Plllle Cellese ` ·   s_:;   ....e ei   American civilization at et ttiiivenm lit. also cl
i l’“ll‘l"llle· lllli ellll lllle el llllllre el n       in Naples. Under tins imnnint.m.ii, iw. of
- Allller llle- Slle llllel llleel lll Lexllle   ·i`.   .—._ V; ;=_ ?   ’‘: e. ne will offer a course of lectures mi lliltltat bas
; loll Slllcs l9l2 mld Wes ll member ol -_i,   ».`e E »'i.i   f     help design a four-year etnrieulmn it li>i>roxin
1 the First Presbyterian church. " `:`°`° `   :gl’°’°`°` ili"'“°“iiil’iZ:‘E’:’°:’:’:’°’:’:‘°’”`° `“°""’ the Universite _ ittended th
Survivors, in addition to her hus- Russell E- While 3_ Starting/in Iniyy hg win sssist eil,. tithe Studi
band, are two daughters, -Mrs. Virginia Russell E. whim, R gmdumc of UK ei. Ametteem speciniists Conduct H l._ Baker,  
Boyd Cox and Mrs. Bettie Boyd W'ad- . . V _ seminar in Amenesn eiyiiimtieii for the .\lnmni
· . in the class of 1947 and a native of _
. llll€l°ll» bolll UK glildlllllssi ll l>f0ll1€f may county has been named mmm? selected Italian teachers ol English.
T gid  pig; ing director ot the Kentucky Nledical Dean) Sipiyey Tllsto pxpeets to ylelityer
; s ently .. nm....m student at the um. Fe l·l·< l   eel elllees el elle lemelr i"T“¥“ ‘“ gl ,l’“’ ‘g §‘  ‘.‘‘‘ ill?
r versity tion have been opened m·the Radio elllsllliss 0_ lis';} - ll Ollllllllllll ·€ll·
l i rnneni services me i ,t.t ie.1 were lll··l:¤H`ling radioactive particles wiiicii The Ky. Medical Foundation was lll llfle llllll and elll`lY 20lll °°“““l  
boinbard the earth by millions from an Olglllllfsll lll S€Pl€llll)€l IQ54 llY ll Bolmcs m K"“l“°l‘Y· and the collab  
unknown source gI`Olll) of Kentucky citizens. It is n t10n is expected to be of great \‘llIll€ I F  
Young McD;ini€], ng"; Oniy 27, mst non-stock, non-proht charitable organi- I0 UK hlSt0l‘laIlS·   A  (.*5
conceived the idea of Ending the tin. zation. =¤= sr st ·  
. swer to the question whether nlgin can Mrs. VVhite, the former Betty Lee Prof, Ezra Gillis, 88-year-old (llY€€l0l`  
live without harm in space, while he of Greencastle, lnd., is a former UK of the University or Kentucky Bureau   K
Willi il piltlellt it few years ago in gi $Ul(l€lll· of Source lylntorials in Higlltif Edllll  
college iiilirmgiry with rl]@uiTi;i[()i(l fev.   tion, has been l)I`€s€11[€(l it “(;li;i1‘t€l'   r  
_ er. Since then, McDaniel has been using a principle established by Dr. k€y” in recognition of 23 years ofac-  it
ilslilllg ¢|ll€Stl0HS. Hermgm Yagodn of the Nntionnl ln- tive membership in tll€ Kclllllckll Clie  
Now in charge of a cosmic ray re- stitute of Health in an effort to add Archaeological Society. He beczuuc ld Claude “M'
. search project at \l\’hite Sands Proving measurably to the meager store of in— charter member of the society when it licwl, New
~ Ground. N. M., young McDaniel is formation now available. was established ill 1932. . iiililielii 2;
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