":‘;”E“;D*‘ Ex omm Members w g
. , Governor
Boswell B. Hodgkin, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Harry F. Walters, Commissioner of Agriculture
From the State Board of Agriculture I
George M. Cheek, Frankfort, 1951 _
Dr. W. M. Coffee, LaCenter, 1949 \ R ¢ M    
Carl Dempewolfe, Henderson, 1950 A 3 li &*j·#ZjiT¢~’¤»··—¥:‘“:·i   M H
Members at Large
Paul M. Basham, Hardinsburg ....................................................   ...................... 1953
1/ II
Mrs. Paul G. Blazer,   ..... 1950  
John C. Everett, Maysville ..........   ....     ,.................. 1951
Harper Gatton, Madisonville ......   .. .....   ................................. 1954 !
- R. P. Hobson, Louisville .....................,...   ..........................................   :..;195U"‘
V J. Woodford Howard, Prestonsburg ............................................................. , .......... 1951  
/ {E Z g 5 Alumni Members `
. . , ................................................................................................ 1949
Guy Huguelet, Lexington ............................................................................................ 1951
H. D. Palmore, Frankfort ............................................................................................ 1950
Officers of the Board
Earle C. Clements, Chairman  
Frank D. Peterson, Secretary and Treasurer
Executive Committee
Guy Huguelet, Chairman ==
John C. Everett
Harper Gatton
R. P. Hobson
H. D. Palmore