McGuire, Henry Sanders, Jr., B.S. in Med. Tech., Assistant Bacteriologisty Maw
Public Service Laboratories I
McHargue, James Spencer, M.S., Ph.D., D.Sc., Research Chemist, Speciai Maw
Assignment 6
Mclnteer, Berthus Boston, M.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Botany MEM
McIntyre, Robson Duncan, M.S. in Com., Professor of Marketing E
McKenney, Garnett Jennings, B.S. in Agr., Field Agent in 4-I-I Club Work MEM
McKitrick, John Leslie, B.S. in Agr., Field Agent in Agricultural Engineering Meal
and Soil Management (
McLaughlin, Marguerite, A.B., Assistant Professor of Journalism MGB,
*McMi1lian, Nathaniel Bowles, M.A., Part-time Instructor in Education Mem
McMurtry, David C., M.A., Business Education, University School Melz
McQuown, O. Ruth, A.B., Research Associate, Bureau of Government Re- Mcye
search, Department of Political Science Meyf
McVey, Frank LeRond, Ph.D., LL.D., L.H.D., President Emeritus; Professor ,Mid
of Agricultural Economics B/mei
Mackenzie, Gabriel T., M.S., Colonel, U.S. Army; Professor of Military I
Science and Tactics, Head of the Department of Military Science and _
Tactics Mlm;
Mackey, Everette, B.S. in Agr., Field Agent in Poultry and Dairy Inspection Mme
MacLaury, Donald Wayne, M.S., Assistant in Poultry Husbandry Mme
Magill, Wilbur William, B.S. in Agr., Field Agent in Horticulture Mills
Mahan, Charles Alfred, M.S. in Agr., State Agent, County Agent Work Mutt
Mangelsen, Fritz, Superintendent of Machine Shop MM,
Mandia, James William, M.S., Assistant Bacteriologist, Animal Pathology Num
Margulis, Harold R., B.S., Instructor in Pharmacy MCC}
Martin, C. Perry, M.S., Instructor in Mathematics, Northern Kentucky Ex- , Mom
tension Center Mom
Martin, Dorothy T., M.A., Instructor in Commerce l
Martin, James Henderson, Ph.G., Assistant Chemist, Public Service Lab- Mom
oratories, Special Assignment Mom
Martin, James Walter, M.A., Professor of Economics; Director of Bureau of Mom
Business Research Mom
Martin, Laura Katherine, M.A., Associate Professor of Library Science Mom
Martin, Leslie Leon, M.S., Part-time Instructor in Psychology; Assistallf More
Director for Counseling, University Personnel office
Massie, Joe Logan, M.A., Assistant Professor of Economics 1;/[Ore
Masten, John T., M.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics mi;
Mathews, Robert, Chief Inspector and Assistant Administrator, Feed and 3
Fertilizer MOU
Matthews, John Watson, M.S., Field Agent in Poultry Improvement I
Matthews, William L., Jr., A.B., LL.M., S.J.D., Professor of Law wm
° ’ Sec appended list oi changes of status, p. 380. i