versity and the government of its students, it is not deemed necessary to
. set out details. The University expects all students to hold to the strictest
l °’ standards of honesty in all University work and to conduct themselves in '
a decorous manner, bearing in mind that their conduct determines in a i
large measure the reputation of the institution.
The Marking System. Results of work will be recorded in the Registrars
Office as follows:
A—Exceptionally high quality, valued at 3 points for each credit. l
B-—Good, valued at 2 points for each credit.
C—Fair, valued at 1 point for each credit.  
D—Unsatisfactory, indicates a deficiency and gives no points but gives l
credit for graduation if with such credits the student’s standing ls
1 or more.
E——Failure, valued at 0 credits and 0 points.
X—Absent from examination. ' `
WP——Withdrew, passing. ‘
WF—Withdrew, failing. I
A grade of E means that the work must be taken over in class to be
credited. {
A grade of I (incomplete) means that some relatively small part of the {
work remains undone, because of sickness or other reason satisfactory to {
the instructor. This work must be completed within one month after the . {
student re-enters the University if credit for the course is to be gained. {
The Grade I is not to be given to the student whose work is below passing.
A grade of X may be changed by special examination within one month {
after the student re-enters the University. {
An extension of time for the removal of an I or an X may be granted t
by the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled.
The standing of a student is defined as the ratio of his total number {
of points to his total number of credits. For example, a student who makes f
an average mark of C in 128 credits, would have 128 points and a standing (
of 1.0. An average mark of B would give the student 256 points and 128
credit hours, and a standing of 2.0. For all purposes other than classifica- r
tion and graduation, "standing" is understood to be the ratio of the num-
ber of points gained to the number of credits attempted. ‘ 2
Recording of Marks. Through the sixth Monday of any semester, and
through the tenth class day of the summer session students who withdraw 8
from a class or who are dropped from a class will have no mark recorded. _. t
After these dates, students who withdraw or who are dropped from a class Y
are to be given WP, WF, or E, as reported by the instructor of the class. H
In computing standings for all university purposes a WF shall be
treated as an E. h
A mark once reported to the Registrar’s Office shall not be changed ` r
except when the instructor states that an error has been made or that an V E
injustice would be done the student if the mark remained unchanged. ’