4. The Physical Sciencesst Students will be permitted to take work in  '
either one or two departments in order to satisfy the physical science C
. ;_ group requirement. The student may choose six or more credits  =
from the following courses: Astronomy 51a, b; Chemistry 1a, b, 4a, H
b, Geology 50a, b, 14a, b, c, d, 20a, b (with 50a, b) 3, 14a, b, c, d (with
3) 30a, b; Mathematics 5, 17, 3, 19; Physics la, b, 3a, b, 51a, b (51a is 1_
prerequisite for 51b).
Freshman Core Curriculum C1‘€ditS
General Hygiene .......................................................................................... 1
Military Science (men) ..........................................,................................. 4
Physical Education .........,............l......,...................................................... 0 — 2_
English ............................,................................................................................. 1
Social Studies ......................................................,....,.................................. 6  .
Physical or Biological Sciences .,..........,.................,.....,...,..............,...... 6 ·
Foreign Languages or free electives ..........................................,......... 6 2
Total number of credits required in Lower Division: 64  fl
The normal load per semester is 16 credits 5
’ 4.
‘ Rules and Procedures  _
1. Superior Students: Entering freshmen, in the upper twenty-five  
per cent of the classification scale, as determined by University of  . `
of Kentucky classification tests, may substitute other courses in the A
groups for those courses which are set up especially to satisfy group ;
. requirements. Other students, with a standing of 2, may be granted  _ in
the same privilege.  ,
2. The requirements in whole or in part for English, for General Hy-  g at
giene, and for any of the Groups under Section H, may be satisfied  ‘ hi;
without credit by passing a departmental proficiency examination.  _
3. A student deficient in English, as indicated by the freshman tests,   fol
is advised to take English D (with no credit) in his first semester,   Ov
and the regular freshman English course in his second and third  {_ of
semesters, or whenever he has satisfactorily removed the deficiency.  j'
 ` of
J`  d€:
Junior and Senior Years  ·· ga
 Z Y
The student is required to gain, while registered in the Upper Division, 2 
at least 40 credits in a Field of Concentration. These 40 credits are to be  · de]
elected subject to the approval of his adviser and the dean of the college,  · th,
and must be in courses not open to freshmen. The college recognizes two  i
types of Fields of Concentration:  j` tea
1. Fields consisting of departmentally or generically related courses.  Q no
2. Fields consisting of topically related courses.   Ott
* Note:_ Students are required to satisfy either the biological or the physical science  _ t·
group requirements in laboratory courses. ·  { lst
* fiel