ARTS AND scnmvcns 71
Object. The object of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is to pro-
vide systematic military training at civil educational institutions for the
purpose of qualifying selected students of such institutions as reserve
officers in the military forces of the United States. This object is attained
by employing methods which fit men physically, mentally, and morally
for pursuits of peace as well as for duties as leaders in the defense forces
of the nation in an emergency.
Educational Aim. The course of study is designed to give to the student
a training which will be as valuable to him in his industrial or profes-
sional career as it would be should the nation call upon him to act as a
leader in its defense forces. ·
General Policy. The policy adopted by the War Department to carry
out the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1916, as amended, is
to qualify students for positions of leadership in time of national emer-
gency and to inculcate in them a respect for all lawful authority, and to
teach the fundamentals of the military profession.
The primary purpose of all training is the development of character, ”
leadership, and good citizenship; character through high standards of
honor and integrity, leadership through the acquisition and use of know-
ledge, good citizenship through the idea of service as the real measure-
ment of accomplishment and success.
Discipline of Body and Mind. The following characteristics of an of-
ficer and a gentleman will be insisted upon: Neatness in dress, the culti-
old vation of the manners and habits of a gentleman, a dignified and military
nts bearing, devotion to duty and consideration of others; the cultivation in
ent the student body of esprit de corps, obedience to orders, acceptance of re-
ng, sponsibility, and avoidance of excuses.
S;   Uniform Equipment. Government uniforms and equipment are fur-
‘ nished the University for issue to students without cost to the individual.
Each student is required to make a deposit of $25.00 with the Comptroller
WS - of the University to cover the cost of any lost or damaged articles. If no
m' clothing is lost or damaged, the entire sum is refunded to the student
when he completes the course or leaves school.
"A" Subsistence. Advanced course ROTC enrollees receive an allowance
I of 90 cents for subsistence in lieu of rations.
Lmlg Elementary Course. The military department offers a two years’ ele-
mentary course. The elementary course is required of all male freshmen
mh and sophomores who are citizens of the United States, over fourteen years
Ob- of age, and who conform to the physical requirements as prescribed by
mg , the Department of Defense for units of the Reserve Officers’ Training
V Corps.
The successful completion of the elementary course is a prerequisite
for graduation in every course in the University.
Advanced Course. (Infantry, Signal Corps, and Air Force.) The elec-
_ tive advanced course of two years, including one summer camp, is offered
$*0*) ~ to students who have successfully completed the elementary course, and
mus I Whe have been recommended by the President of the University and the