Management, Public Welfare Administration, Statistics, Accounting, Pub-
lic Finance, State and Local Taxation, Legislation, Social Systems, American
Constitutional Development, Highway Location, Construction and Main-
tenance, Streets and Pavements, Water Supply and Waterworks, and Sewers
and Sewage Disposal.
Financial Administration. Municipal Government, Public Administra-
tion, Regulation of Public Utilities, Accoimting, Statistics, Public Finance,
Money and Banking, Business Law, Auditing, Corporation Finance, Cost
re Accounting, State and Local Taxation, Income Tax Procedure, Business
po Law, Personnel Administration, State Government, and American Constitu- ·
I, tional Development.
M Public Works Administration. Highway Location, Construction and
ks Maintenance, Streets and Pavements, Highway Materials, Water Supply
ud and Waterworks, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Design of Waterworks and
ng Sewers, Contracts, State and Local Taxation, Public Finance, Accounting,
I: and Public Administration. ~
t -
>ed Legislative Research and Drafting. Legislation, American Constitu-
tional Development, State Government, Public Finance, Public Administra-
tion, Administrative Regulation, Accounting, Statistics, Labor Problems,
and Municipal Government.
my In addition to training students for public service in the above fields,
re' . the Department of Political Science cooperates with the Department of
mr Social Work, and other departments, in training students in and for gov-
2]; ernmental service in their respective specialties.
I .
ies- The Department’s undergraduate program includes courses in general,
md social, experimental, animal, abnormal, and child psychology, in psy-
ex-  ` chological testing, and in the applications of psychology to business and
5 or industry.
ams The graduate program includes work leading to the master’s degree
$ °f and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the fields of general, clinical, or
ical · industrial psychology. In cooperation with the Veterans Administration,
the Department offers a four-year course of training in clinical psychology
leading to the doctor’s degree. Students in this program are appointed to
>m_ A half-time psychological internships in the local Veterans Hospital. Tech-
‘ ; nical Bulletin 10A-146 of the Veterans Administration describes their work.
The Department, in cooperation with the Division of Mental Hygiene and
ter- — Hospitals of Kentucky, maintains interns in the various mental hospitals
Rc- . and reformatories in the state. These positions are open to persons who
gcc- ~ have had at least two years in graduate study. Students who wish to apply
ates. for these positions should communicate with the Head of the Department.
VS` ` The Department operates a speech correction clinic during the summer
pub- j Session. Corrective therapy is provided for stutterers, for cases of retarded
Bg11‘ A SD€cch development, and for other speech defective persons and training
ffice V is offered in the techniques of speech correction.