BOBBY BARTON, Associate Trainer-Whcn Bobby Barton returned to his alma mater last August, he realized a goal set when he earned his B.A. degree at UK in 1968. He earned an M.A. at Marshall University in 1970 where he was head basketball trainer two scars tx-lore taking a similar post at University of Florida. He became head trainer at Florida International University in Miami in 1972. and while there, took a lease ol absence to acquire a Doctor of Arts degree in Adapted Physical Education al Middle Tennessee State University in 1975. While basketball is his primary duty at UK. he assists in football and will leach a physical education class on athletic injuries. He is married to the former Jojcan Chestnut of Lexington.
W. B. KEIGHTLEY, Equipment Manager-Bill Keightley begins his second year on the staff and is the man behind-the-scenes for the well outfitted Wildcats. A native of LawTcnccburg. he graduated from Kavanaugh High School where he played basketball for Ralph Carlisle and Fox DeMoisey. A mail carrier for U.S. Postal Services, he served in the U.S. Marines in World War II. He is married to the former Hazel Robinson of Lawrenccburg. They have a daughter, Karen 13.
JANE ROLLINS, Administrative Secretary-Handling the complex duties of the basketball office is nothing new to Jane Rollins-she has been doing it for over 20 years. A native of Lexington, she attended Sacred Heart Academy, Athcrton High School and Bryan-Stratton College in Louisville, and the University of Kentucky.
1975-76 STUDENT MANAGERS, TRALNER-From Left, Manager Tripp Ramsey and assistants Bruce Hadden, Butch McKinney, Charles Allen and Don Sullivan, and trainer Charles Kimmel.