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With a planned gift, you create a legacy that will not only
benefit UK, but also help turn students’ dreams into reality. . X I
Scholarships provide students with no way to Hnance a college ~
education the opportunity to have a rewarding and fulhlling career.
For other students, they ease the financial burden that may staud _
in the way of completing their degrees. \
A pla.nned gift can be set up in the form which best suits your ‘
financial and philanthropic needs.
Several popular types of planned gifts are:  
• Bequest and Estate Gifts - after providing V `   1
for your loved ones, you ca.n designate a gift K ` A P iT-T ’ ..
to the UK College of Nursing. Charitable . 1 I N
bequests can include cash, securities, real estate or
other property. They may be a specific percentage V
of your estate, or the part remaining after V
fulfilling other bequests. . ..
• Life Income Gifts - enable you to make T I `  K -_r V
agift to the UK College ofNursing, while ‘ ’  °‘  ‘ ··  ·   _ { ~ ;,_,: ,.. 1 ~  ·· .   · _ . · ' "    ·‘. " T
receiving an income for life. Benefits include - A -j'-
state and federal tax deductions, increased  " ‘ ` Y  '°°"""""` · · . _ __ I V _ , _} U M _ _ ____i_V
income from low yield stock, and possible Ti A V T V. _ ‘ .,_,i   TT
avoida.nce of the capital gain tax on gifts of ·· T
lOHg {CHI] 9.PP1'€Ci9I€Cl PYOPCITY.  
• Charitable Lead Trust · allows you to shield  if T  V , K ii " V- ~ V ·   V   _   _
more of your assets from taxes and make a   4
current gift to the UK College of Nursing. · · . . . _ _ 1   S K
Payments are made to the University for a certain 1
number of years. Then, the principal passes to your      
heirs at greatly reduced gift and estate tax rates. O OfHC€ Of Development
For more information on how you can contribute to • Siiiigiii D€V€iOPm€iii Biiiidiiig
the future of University of Kentucky, please contact the , Lcxmgtom KY 40506
D I OBE (859) 2576911 or (800) 875-6272
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