Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
     The Commission appointed by you, pursuant to the pro-
 visions of an Act of the General Assembly of Kentucky approved
 January 27, I904, entitled "An act to provide for the collection
 and exhibition of the resources of the Commonwealth of Ken-
 tucky at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, at St. Louis, Mis-
 souri, and making an appropriation therefor," met on February 4,
 i904, for organization, at which time the following took the oath
 of office and executed bond as Commissioners, as required by
 said Act: Arthur Y. Ford, Louisville; Charles C. Spalding,
 Lebanon; William H. Newman, Louisville; William H. Cox,
 Maysville; Sam P. Jones, Louisville; Clarence Dallam, Louis-
 ville; William T. Ellis, Owensboro; Charles E. Hoge, Frank-
 fort; Joshua B. Bowles, Bardstown; Asher G. Caruth, Louis-
 ville; Samuel Grabfelder, Louisville; William J. Worthington,
 Greenup; Garrett S. Wall, Maysville; Malcolm H Crump, Bow-
 ling Green, and Bayless L. D. Guffy, Morgantown. Subse-
 quently, upon the resignation of Mr. Worthington, Mr. Frank
 M. Fisher, of Paducah, duly qualified as a member. of the Com-
    At the meeting on February 4 the Board was duly organ-
ized by electing Arthur Y. Ford, President; Charles C. Spalding,
Vice-President; Robert E. Hughes, Secretary and. Director of
Exhibits, and by creating an Executiyc Committee composed
of A. Y. Ford, W. H. Newman, Sam P Jones, W, H. Cox and
W. T. Ellis.
    At this meeting, as required by the Act creating the Board,
a full report was made by the Kentucky Exhibit Association of
the funds collected by it, of the work done up to that time in
preparation for an exhibit and building at the St. Louis
World's Fair and a transfer made of all property and funds of
the Kentucky Exhibit Association. At this meeting authority