They are hovering
Rounrd your fingers,
Faint, offended!
WNill you pause not
                        [When O-Ume continues.
Ah for Sanko! for Sanko'
                            [Runs calling to door.
Sanko! Sanko!
                       [O-Ume stops motionless.
  O-Ume (after a pause). He waits then there
  A Voice (without). Ama' (nearer) Ama! . . .
      [SANKO enters from the garden, dishevelled
         and  breathless, but controlled.  As he
         does so O-UmP, drops the shrine and the
         image falls out.
  Sanko. O-Umrn! O-Ume!
                           [Ama goes quickly out.
  O-Ume (again motionless). Honourable friend!
                            tWith polished anger.
You dwell in my garden
