A Poetic Drama by
IT HAS real life and drama, not merely
   beautiful words, and so differs from the
   great mass of poetic plays.
                    Prof. Gilbert Murray.
  Minnie Maddern Fisk says: "No one can
doubt that it is superior poetically and
dramatically to Stephen Philiips's work, "
and that Mr. Rice ranks with Mr. Phillips
at his best has often been reaffirmed.
  "It is encouraging to the hope of a native
drama to know that an American has written
a play which is at the same time of decided
poetic merit and of decided dramatic power."
                   The New York Times.
  "The most remarkable quality of the play
is its sustained dramatic strength. Poeticaily
it is frequently of great beauty. It is also
lofty in conception, lucid and felicitous in
style, and the dramatic pulse throbs in every
line. "       The Chicago Record-Herald.
  "The characters are drawn with force and
the play is dignified and powerful," and adds
that if it does not succeed on the stage it
will be " because of its excellence. "
              The Springfield Republican.