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Mermu _   lim U ISL Heroine It Chmn Qootihht JOHN C_ COOLMF W - 7   2  ‘V·    V 
zsidence '·A  """ “ "'d"‘ ···’°"g We me *’i~g!" A~·nirro=»ziA»1>aiA}A       l
In the summer of 1923 h' *A. ’$’iii¥s   i A
_d Indi_ j P > IS ee l¤€t T10t yet d1scred1ted, Way- father of the Vice President Word was sent upstairs   i   ‘ 
i · · . ‘ wah  A  
xreet i Yen Garnallel Harding,   U-   PI`€S1d€nt, WHS $_ the trcfnendous news from San Francisco.   ·   ‘ i   =?`i
· L PI`0$tI`8t€d- by ptomame poisoning, complicated mg; Presildent had retired for the nig]-in In 3 {cw      
  _ `                 €;1lFS   haqmgrcssed and descended   stairs       l  
1S · · *S W1 ¤· e see ‘ · · iii?    A 
Of   ` galted anxiously; and On   2nd, dOctO[`S WOI‘dS’ a réprescntation   xgsagtisxicigcgc   i    
 A .€C31'1'l€ COHF1Cl€Ilt of recovery ,.,, A5 TIME, King is dead; long live the King!" I   ii : i 
mestom   m part, reported subsequent events;   i i; 
j In an unpretentious New England living mom      V
I · · · Towards €V€l"llHg tl’1C President seemed in gqod Mr`_ COOhdg€’_ pa1€’ and suc!-1t* read the telegram;   A  V i
  _   Mrs. Hérdlng and a woman nurse were     Of President Hafdingls death_ Thgn he Slowly   i    
_ him. Mrs. Harding was reading alond_ without warm flmtatfid a Statement expressing his sorrow, and his I      
HIS ad- 1 lng a tremor shook his frame and he eo11apsed_ Phy- ‘“t°““°“ °f °a“Y‘“g °“* *h° ¤°1i¢i¢S ef his prede— i is i`   
_e, Mich- p Swans were summoned. It was announced that the °°ss°‘· and **150 a telegram of condo1enee and sym_ V   ’Ai, jg   
President had died of cerebral apoplexy at 7:30 _m_ Pathy *° Mrs H¤rdi¤gA Signed "Ca1vin Coolid e- in    °P ? °·
ri  Pacific tl.ITl€. . , , p ’ Grace C001idgc·,, g ,     ‘ if   iii ]
` In tl`l€ earl In I h _ Tw`; I;. ii   
it Mana- V mobile fun 05; ncczgggicr0:3;-gjpgnudizi; Sspacré 3;;; wil`}: fT1€Xt gilofnlilg, the oath of office having been [_   i   
pany, 31]  l Vermont roads to Plymouth Notch at the southern inua;P1i';;i1denf1so}il1:l§;Ol1f iaiivgi Coolidgawas Sworn V if  
[53 14th A end of the Green Mountains. It drew up at the Justice of the Peace m ° t“°s· by he father. ¤ ` 4  
Mrs. K.  A gltligiyated AHEBYICHHS, impatient with oheap sensationalism and windy bias, `·, i  
avenue, V t_ lTECf`€¤S1Ug_y to publications edited in the historical spirit, These publical   Q  
A _ igorgls, air-deijing, vigorously impartnal, devote themselves to the public weal   ` -A·  i W
e sense t at they report what they see, serve no masters, {ear no gi-onps_ 5  Phi l
retary of   ;
idress 1S _ ji  A
ucky. ‘    
A- 7720 Mekly Newsmagazine A    *>` l A 
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