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i   · ~ With the coming of June, my second year or into the association seems to be a wholesome view,
`   { z term of office as president of the Alumni Asso- and besides, the honor should go to the deserving.
I   ` ciation of the University of Kentucky comes to We have graduated from the University of Ken-  s
  an end. These two years have passed swiftly, tucky approximately 5,500 persons during its 61
j   I v pleasantly, and profitably for me and I have learn- years of existence. The early classes were small
i   — ed many things about the University and univer- in numbers, the later ones have gradually increas-
_   . `   sity life which are not known or understood by ed until 518 persons graduated in the class of
QQ     the undergraduates. 1929. This means that we would have reached
Vi   S . I have been associated with a most excellent the place where our Alumni will increase very  
  .   t   I executive committee and I feel that we have made rapidly and this increase in number means an in- —
$ ·   . I A some progress in developing those things which crease in force and power. _
e . l - l are possessed by a real spirited alumni associa- Our efforts to form local clubs in various cities
j   p tion. and towns in the State this year have been con-
i   A I have filled the office of president of the Alum- fronted in most instances by the small numbers I
j i _ ni Association to the best of my ability and I have of graduates located inthe various places. The I
X ‘ given all the time to it that I formation of these clubs should V
could spare f1'0H1 my Work. The   ·i.»¥   1—‘ ii;‘i`f*%‘é$§¥’—i‘. vn‘t   .,"’"·‘··‘‘_‘°‘_-  f  `.``i _ `izt e vi-Q be encouraged and developed as
  . i real reason that caused me to   {   °T}»iY ”’i`   rapidly as possible. These clubs r
»   be elected to this office Was be-   :·i   :,_,;     g_‘i       will unify the strength and force V
1   cause it was well known that I iii .·‘i ?i?Efi?§”  'i`·l`i   3   -   of tlié alumni tllmuglluuli the .
' I   i had a deep love and sincere in-     — -   State and country and by so do-
, lg terest in the University of Ken-   ,_.__   _l», _. _..      ‘   i iiv, ‘ E ,`,.·i ` ing exert a real influence in the
Y tucky and that l Would willingly     .`‘.- Q. ‘».·—” j‘;-Sie educational, m01°al, and spiritual —
  and gladly do my best in per-   -‘.. j ·,‘i ,   development of the University  g
V » I forming th e duties attending   i:’iV»»iii   =.li Q .=‘-   and the State as a whole. A .
` such an office. It certainly was  fi `i`iV   ·-_`__   As the number of graduates .
I not because of any unusual tal-  1}   ‘`‘`i     ii.. Q   Zi,    iii    increases our potential power in-
< , ent. No things I have said are   creases and the clubs and the
. based on facts and yet I have   Alumni Association will make A
  cared to put them aside and con-   I    effective this power. We should
fl   g sider my election to this office     be in a position to demand and
l j   A the highest honor that can be   ,_V·_   obtain from the State the things  E
n é; I   given *0 a p€rS¤¤ who has wd-   »;i.   that the .u¤iV¢rSi’¤Y Meds ami
l . ` Kentucky. DR G- DAVIS BUCKNER Alma Mater to have.
_ p   . As the matter stands today, the president of As an alumnus, my greatest desire is to obtain
  l our Alumni Association is selected because he is for the University of Kentucky those material
Q   willing to give some of his time and energy in as- things and educational advantages which some of
· l   . sisting others to form a program whereby the our boys and girls of Kentucky seek and obtain
Y   ' graduates of the University of Kentucky may be in other state universities.
` s bound more closely together and to the Univer- Some days ago I attempted to estimate the `
 Q   sity, with the ultimate object of serving the Uni- strength of our alumni in the State. I found it to `
 ‘ ‘ | versity. be greater than it has been in the past and strong-
i A Sometime in the future the president of our er than I had anticipated.
; . association will be selected from the most out- And, so I venture the hope, that care and con-
; F standing alumni and such a selection will be con- sideration will be used in the selection of the next
  l . sidered a great honor. Such a time is not far in president of the Alumni Association. You will
  ‘ the future. I feel that the office of president of confer a great honor on him and at the same time X
    , the Alumni Association should be changed each obligate him to further the development of our i
l . year unless conditions warranted the second term. Association and the interests of the University
li A new president bringing new vigor and ideas of Kentucky. ‘
T it `
my    · , 4* g M ggggg g __   M ...... ,.