1ON1)Av-, FEBItUARY 7th, 1376.
   MI . PR-E.TON offered the following         resolution, lwhich    was adopted,
  v ;x'7 Th/, That 1,OC  copies of the report of Prof. James K. Pattersol, who Nwas op-
tvintedl IXv (;ov. I.edli to ittenl(l the International ('ongrcss of (G;eographl ical Sciaenccs, at
is, an the vacr IS75, bie pllIte'l fo- thle u1sc of this I loIse.

                                IN SENATE,

                       TUSLDA Y, Fiiw-u    x 8lXR Sth, I876.
  Mr. LNDSAY- offeCrc      the following joint resolution, which was adopted,
     I it l'hSs, TI't ( ;0'v norf this t imino in-alt h appointed James K. TPntterson, I resi-
detit of thc A 'ri cltur'al an 1 Mceh anjial to(]leee of K enltulckl- I niversativ. ('oil isioSn'  I
I'r'et'lt h s Slt e in ti li International Ciongress f ( eo-ra ileal Sciences  ld in th city
"f lPrlis: nilti whrcreas,, the Goiernir Ias recdiveil a report from. Presidelat Pat trIson
al(e, nihing ill natter of in tcrest alt il value to thie people of this C(Tomi monwealth ; therefor
lie it
  A'i--''A- / /' g// (,-'Ji-e/ -c1"sonzZ/'/t' C/' /1- (Tmmin-nre'w/ 0/' oAT-n/uli, That the  uiLulic
Prin0ter i. inertcteJ to print and funrish each m embtier antd officer of the General As-emll y
tiftv cp tic- Orf .ail report.

  Adopted     by IHouse of Representatives February 9th, and approved
by the (Governor February i2th, IS76.