xt7jq23qwt6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jq23qwt6h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1941 journals 028 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.28 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.28 1941 2014 true xt7jq23qwt6h section xt7jq23qwt6h Regulatory Series, Bulletin 28 September, 1941
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
The Kentucky Seed Law, passed by the General Assem- »
bly in 1932, benefits both farmers and seedsmen. Whether
the individual be buyer or seller of seed, he is directly con- ·
cerned with the pertinent information on the tag regard-
ing the quality of the seed. The law requires each package,
bag or bulk, containing one pound or more, to be labeled
with a Kentucky tag giving the name and address of the
vendor, the kind and variety of seed, the percentages of
pure seed and germination, the date of the germination test,
the state or country where grown, and the number of nox-
ious weed seeds per ounce of the seed. The seedsman is held
responsible for giving the correct information on the tag.
The dependability of the information on the tag is .
' checked by careful inspections of seed stock held by whole-
sale and retail dealers and analyses of official samples taken
when deemed advisable by the inspectors. During the year
July 1, 1940, to June 30, 1941, 4,248 lots of seed were in-
spected, and 311 official samples taken. Detailed results of ,
the analyses of these samples are tabulated in this bulletin. " j
Variations (in purity, germination, and weed seed per
- ounce) greater than those allowed constitute violations of
the Kentucky Seed Law, and such results are printed in
bold-face type in the tables of results of analyses.
Violations of the Seed Law
The number of violations of the Seed Law has decreased
from 4.44 percent of total lots inspected in 1938-39 to 3.35
percent in 1939-40 and 1.69 percent this year. This decrease
is due largely to the fact that both seedsmen and farmers
have come to realize more fully the importance of comply-
ing with the provisions of the law, and also to the fact that .
a better grade of seed is being handled thruout the State.

 2 ~ Kmmucxy Acnxcumuimr Expmrmam Smriou
The educational program conducted in connection with the
law enforcement is in great measure responsible for the
better grade of seed offered for sale. Most violations are con-
nected directly with low—grade seed. _ _ ~
Federal Seed Act A A
A new Federal Seed Act, passed by Congress in 1939, re-
quires complete and correct labeling of seeds shipped or de-
livered from one state to another and restricts the move-
- ment of noxious weed seeds in interstate commerce. Seeds-
men, farmers, and truckers who transport seeds from one
state to another should familiarize themselves with this new
Seeds Sold by Farmers _
Farmers who advertise seed for sale, in the public press,
by circular or catalog, or who deliver seed by common car-
rier, are considered vendors and are subject to all the pro-
visions and requirements of the state seed law.
· Submission of Samples for Analysis _
Any individual, firm, or corporation resident in the
State of Kentucky may obtain free analysis of eight (8) sam-
ples of personally owned seed during a calendar year, pro-
vided that not more than two (2) such samples are sub- V
mitted in any calendar month. A fee will be charged for
each sample submitted in excess of this number. A list of
the amounts of such fees will be furnished upon application.
Method of taking the sample. The sample of seed must
be taken in such a way that it represents as accurately as
possible the lot being sampled. To this end it is important
that equal quantities be taken from each container sampled,
and from each place in a container, in a given lot of seed.
Number of bags to be sampled. In lots of five bags or
less, each bag of seed should be sampled. In larger lots,
every fifth bag should be sampled, but never less than five
bags. Whenever there is evidence of lack of uniformity in a
lot of seed, each bag should be sampled separately. The
samples from each bag may be kept separate or they may
be combined in composite samples as circumstances require. `
Weight of sample to be submitted for analysis. The fol-
lowing are minimum weights of samples to be submitted for
Grass seed not elsewhere mentioned, white or
alsike clover, or seeds not larger than these .... 2 oz.

  . SEED INSPECTION IN Kmvrucxy, 1940-41 3
Red or crimson clover, alfalfa, rye grasses,
brome grasses, millet, flax, rape, or seeds
of similar size ...................................................,...... 4 oz.
Cereals, vetches, or seeds of similar or larger size 8 oz.
If the sample is to be examined for origin at least five
times the quantities here specified should be submitted.
If means of weighing are not available, samples may be
measured as follows: Grass seed, one teacup; alfalfa and
clovers, one teacup; cereals (corn, wheat, rye, and seeds of ~
similar size), two teacups.
How to send samples. Seeds submitted for analysis _ ;
should be placed in containers which will not break easily
in the mail, preferably in regular seed envelopes about 4x6
inchesf and mailed to the Seed Laboratory, Experiment
Station, Lexington, Kentucky. Sometimes, when such en-
velopes are not used, it takes nearly as long to unwrap a
package and transfer the contents to a container suitable for .
filing as it does to make a purity test. The following should
be plainly written on the outside of each envelope or
package: (1) Name and address of sender. (2) Kind of
seed. (3) Sender’s mark. (4) Kind of test desired.
Noxious VVeed Seeds
Following is a list of the noxious weeds specihed in the
Kentucky Seed Law. When seeds of these weeds occur in
lots of agricultural seed the number per ounce must be
shown on the back of the state seed tag. ,
Quack Grass, a perennial which propagates by seeds and
Dodder, an annual parasite which propagates by seeds
or parts of vine. `
Sorrel, a perennial which propagates by seeds and root- - Z
stocks. '
. Buckhorn, a perennial which propagates by seeds and
by new shoots from roots.
Corn Cockle, an annual and winter annual which pro-
pagates by seeds.
Wild Onion, a perennial which propagates by under-
ground bulbs and aerial bulblets.
Canada Thistle, a perennial which propagates by seeds
and rootstocks.
Johnson Grass, a perennial which propagates by seeds
and rootstocks.
‘i‘ Such envelopes can be obtained from the nearest wholesale
dealer at a reasonable cost.

 4 Kmwrucxy Acmcumumr Exmzanvumr Smrrou `
Tests at Home 4
Germination tests of the larger field seeds may be made
at home, leaving the Experiment Station Seed Laboratory
more time for the difficult analyses of grasses and clovers.
Such seeds should be mixed thoroly, and then 100 of them
counted out just as they come. These 100 seeds are placed
, between two thicknesses of folded blotting paper or heavy »
cloth, such as canton flannel. This is then moistened, placed  
between ordinary kitchen plates, and kept in a warm room
where the temperature ranges about 85° F. during the day
and 65° F. at night. Do not place too near a window, stove, —
or register. The blotting paper or cloth should be kept
. moist, and seeds which germinate should be counted every _
two days for at least ten days. The percent of germination
is the number of seed sprouted. Do not count weak sprouts.
Bluegrass Seed
The 1941 crop of bluegrass seed, like that of the preced- .
ing year, seems to be inferior in quality. Therefore, buyers
of bluegrass seed and of mixtures containing bluegrass seed
should give special attention to purity and germination as
shown on the state tag. Good bluegrass seed should have a
_ purity of 85 or better and a germination of 80, at least, and
should be free from noxious weed seed.
Beware of Cheap Lawn-Grass Seed
Many dollars are wasted each year on worthless lawn-
grass mixtures. Bluegrass is the basis of good Kentucky i
lawns and the seed of bluegrass should constitute at the very
least one-half of good lawn—grass seed. Ryegrass and red-
top are desirable in such mixtures, but timothy should be
avoided, since it is not a lawn grass. White clover or alsike
clover may be included in small amount. The total purity
of lawn—grass seed should be at least 85 percent and the
germination of each different kind of seed at least 80 per-
cent. Lots containing noxious weed seed should be avoided.
Lawn—grass mixtures are labeled with a blue tag. Read the
Interpretation of Analyses
Those who purchase seeds for planting need to give
special attention to both the purity and the germination of
the seed in judging its quality. For example, seed that
has a purity of 80 percent and germinability of 80 percent is .
not 80 percent good seed. It is only 64 percent good seed-
that is, it is 80 percent of 80 percent good. ‘

 SEED INsi>izcr1oN IN KENTUCKY, 1940-41 5
— ("L" zpercent listed;   zpercent found by analysis; "F-":be1ow listed percent; and
"F-|-" : above listed percent.) _
, Lab. Kind of seed, P I d f Purity, G‘°’*`.‘“ma' N¤§i¤c}¤S
No. Name and address of dealer um use mm percent t*P“· “€€
pei cent seed
V Bluegrass _
0-2819 .... J. B. Penn & Co., Ross Seed Co., L80 L80
I Georgetown Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2825 .... Lot 39-41 Sphar & C0., L75 L80
John A. Sheehan, Winchester, Ky. F-}- F-
0-2828 .... Lot 1682 The Market Gardeners’ Seed L 78.5 L 70
· Will T. Sheehan, Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F46 ·
0-2839 ··»· Farmers Supply C0., Ross seed co., L85 Las
Eminence Louisville, Ky. F- F-}- I
0-2840 ··-- I-Qt 80 Scott Seed C0., L85 L80
Giltner Seed & Feed Co., Nexv Albany, Ind. F-}- F-}-
0-2841 .... Duncan & Theiss, Lgwjs Sggd CO__ L85 L86 _
La Grange Louisville, Ky. F- F- EXCOSS1V€
0-2855 .... Lot 22140 Woodford Spears & Sons, L98.29 L80
Thomas & Rankin, Paris, Ky. F91.55 F-}- ·
D-2856 .... N. S. Dl.ldl€y & Sons, Lguigville Seed Co., L90,l9 L80
Flemingsburg Louisville, Ky. F-}- F 63
0-2863 .... Bedford & Tuttle, Unknown L74.05 LBlank
Winchester F- F 71
0-2867 .... Fred Devine, Louisville Seed C0., L80 L80
Perryville Louisville, Ky. F} F-
0-2879 .... Lot 1448 National Seed Co., L82.68 L80 .
Barber Hdw. C0., Louisville, Ky. F- F+
Springfield ,
,4 ~.,`__
0-2892 .... Walton & Rednour, Livingston Seed Co., L85.10 L80  
Walton Cincinnati, O. F-}- F 69 Excessive .
0-2897 .... Landrus & Yantis, Lexington Seed Co., L89 L80
Lexington Lexington, Ky. F-}- F-}
0-2898 .... Landrus & Yantis, C. S. Brent Seed Co., L85 L80
Lexington Lexington, Ky. F- F4- .
0-2901 .... Lot 93 Scott Seed Co., L85 L80 ,
E. W. Simpson, New Albany, Ind. F-}- F-}- · .
Y Owenton ~
. 0-2905 .... Lot 89 Scott Seed Co., L 85 L 80
J. W. Purkey 8; Sons, New Albany, Incl. F.}- F-
0-2910 .... Lot C1317 Livingston Seed Co., L83.37 L80 _
W. A. Farnau, Cincinnati, O. F 77.55 F- lixeessive
1..85 L 80
0-2915 .... Lot 40-26 Sphar & Co., F- F4-
Lillard Miles, Winchester, Ky.
0-2923 .... Lot 388 Dobson-Hicks Co., L 82.50 L80 _
Hatter Hdw. Co., Nashville, Tenn. F}- F- Excessive

 6 Ksnrucxy Acareurruimr. Expmumisnr STATION `
Lab. Kind of seed, Purity, G€rmr“a' Noxmus
N0. Name and address of dealer Purchased from percent t*°r‘· Weed
percent seed
0-2926 ..,. D. F. Brent, Louisville Seed Co., L75 L80 - k
Campbellsburg Louisville, Ky. F-}- F- _ i
0-2928 .... Lot 165 Chambers Seed Co., L80 L90
Henderson & Hardy, Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-
Shepherdsville L
0-2932 .... Farmers Union Supply Co., Bohannon Coal & Feed Co., L85 L80
Versailles Versailles, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2938 .... Lot 53 J. M. Schultz Seed Co., L81.02 L83 V
Ragland, Potter & Co., Dieterich, Ill. F-}- F68
0-2950 .... W. H. Brock & Co., Woodford Spears & Sons, L80 L80
Maysville Paris, Ky. F 69.82 F 70 `
0-2953 .... Lot 40-52 Sphar 8.: Co., L85 L80
L. F. Wellman, Winchester, Ky. F-}- F- .
0-2958 Fayette Seed Co., Ross Seed C0.. L85 L80 _
Lexington Louisville, Ky. F- V F-}-
0-2965 ...Lot C-1302 Livingston Seed Co., L85 L80 _
Henry Northcutt, Cincinnati, O. F- FG2 Excessive
`~ 0-2966 .... Lot 8894 The J. Chas. McCullough L87.22 L80
Williamstown Roller Mills, Seed Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F4- ‘
0-3009 .... Lot 90 Scott Seed Co., L85 L80
Taylor County Supply Co., New Albany, Ind. F- F-}-
0-3023. .Lot 162140 Thomas & Rankin Hatchery, L 85.10 L 81
Thomas & Rankin Hatchery, Flemingsburg, Ky. F-}- F-
_ 0-3027 .... Lot C13l7 Livingston Seed Co., L83.35 L80 1
John A. Sheehan, Cincinnati, O. F 77.34 F 67
0-3031 .... M. R. Wheeldon, Hall Seed C0., L85 L86 ·
Waynesburg Louisville, Ky. F-}- F 64 i
0-3037.. Lot 167 Chambers Seed Co., L87 L85
Durham Impl. Co., Louisville, Ky. F 82.08 F-
0-3038...Baugliman Milling Co., Louisville Seed Co., L76 L80
Stanford Louisville, Ky. F- F+ Excessive
0-3049 .Lot 166 Chambers Seed Co., L85 L84
Woodson Lewis & Son, Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-
0-3053... Lot B 2l C. B. Ragland Co., L80.06 `L 70
W. D. Dickinson, Nashville, Tenn. F-}- F4-
0-3067 Lot 40-52 Sphar & Co., L85 L80
Bedford & Tuttle. Winchester, Ky. F- F-
0-3068 Lot 407 Jas. S. Wilson 8; Son, L83 L30
W. H. Brock, Paris, Ky. F- F+

 , '
Lab. Kind of seed, Purity, ¤·€¤¤l¤·¤- N¤>¤s
N0. N Name and address of dealer \ Purchased fwm lpercentx pgcélght lgggéi
0-3069 .... Lot C 1317 Livingston Seed Co., L83.35 L80
Roy Vice, Cincinnati, O. F78.53 F- ·
O-3070,...Lot 104 The Mahan Co., L86 L80
Farmers Supply Store, Winchester, Ky. F 79.38 F 67
O-3076 .... Feeders Supply Coq Unknown L85 L80
Catlettsburg F-r F 45
, 0-3078 .... Lester L. Lynd Retail Store, Lester L. Lynd Whlse. Co., L85 L85
Ashland Ashland, Ky. F-}- F- I
0-3097 .... Lot 166 CSC Chambers Seed Co., L85 L84
Woodson Lewis & Sons, Louisville, Ky. F- F-
0-3106 .... O. E. Bernard, Louisville Seed Co., L85 L80
Russell Springs Louisviiie, Ky. 1*+ Evo
0-3110 .... Lot 16 19R2l Woodford Spears & Sons, LB8.33 L85
L. C. Littrell, Paris, Ky. F- F- Excessive V
Poa trivialis
0-2832 .... Sower Hdw. C0., Scott Seed C0., L90 L85
Frankfort New Albany, Ind. F- F28
Millet -
0-3056 .... Lot S C. B. Ragland Co., L98.90 L82-}-3
H. D. Jones, Nashville, Tenn. F- F 88
Glasgow ,
O-3103 .... Edwards Feed Store, Lewis Seed Co., L98 L88
· Campbellsville Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-
Orchard Grass
0-2837 .... J. E. M. Milling Co., Louisville Seed C0., L85 L85
Frankfort Louisville, Ky. F- F} Excessiv 
O-2847 .... Lot 22l_ National Seed C0., L89 L90
L. C. Littrell, Louisville, Ky. F- F-}-
0-2850 .... Lot 2000 The Market Gardeners’ Seed L 85 L 80 X
E. W. Simpson, Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}- Excessive · .
Owenton .
0-2894 .... Lot 1540 The Market Gardeners’ Seed L 85.2 L 82
Hess and Racke, , Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
0-2899 .... Lot 1802 The Market Gardeners’ Seed L 70.50 L 80
A. J. Woodward, Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
Mt. Olivet
O-2906 .... Lot C 1324 Livingston Seed Co., L80 L84
Laurel Groc. Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}- Excessive
East Bernstadt
0-2951 .... Lot 8446 The J. Chas. McCullough L8? L85 ,
Ashland Feed & Produce Co., Seed Co., Cincinnati, O. F- F4-
0-2990 .... Lot 171 Yopp Seed Co., L8l L85
Carlisle Hdw. C0., Paducah, Ky. F-}- F-

 8 Kmirucxy Aoaicumuaat Exrranvrizwr SrAT1oN
Lab. Kind of Seed, Purity, G€¤mi¤a* N°Xi°“S
N0. l Name and address of dealer \ Purchased from `percent pggght xévgsg _
0-3008 .... Lot 445 Scott Seed Co., L85 L80 _
Taylor County Supply Co., New Albany, Ind. F4- F- Excessive
0-3034 .... Baughman Milling Co., Lewis Seed Co., L83 L85
Stanford Louisville, Ky. F+ F+
0-3047 ..,. Lot 726 Chambers Seed Co., L85 L85
_ Pulliam Feed Store, Louisville, Ky. F—l— F-}-
0-2872 .... Lot 881 Scott Seed C0., L90 L90
W. P. Hanslord, New Albany, Ind. F4- F4-
0-2873 .... Geo. P. Taylor Co., Lewis Seed Co., L92 L90 _
Somerset Louisville, Ky. F+ F+
0-2908 .... Watkins Whlse. Groc. Co., Ross Seed Co., L80 L90
East Bernstadt Louisville, Ky. F- F+ `
0-2911 .... Lot 641 Scott Seed Co., L82 L85
Lancaster Milling Co., New Albany, Ind. F75.18 F4-
0-2913 .... Lot 657 Scott Seed Co., L98 L90
Leonard Moore, New Albany, Ind. F- F+ -
0-2918 .... Lot 673 A Scott Seed Co., L92 L90
Renfro Supply Co., New Albany, Ind. F+ F+ »
0-2919 .... Lot 817 Chambers Seed C0., L92 L95 9
Renfro Supply C0., Louisville, Ky. F4- F4-
0-2920...Lot 641 Scott Seed Co., L82 L80
C. W. White & Son, New Albany, Ind. F- F+
0-2921 .... Lot 910 C. B. Ragland Co., L90 L90
Elkton Hdw. Co., Nashville, Tenn. F4- F4-
0-2924...Lot 286 Dobson-Hicks Co., L92.85 L97
Hatter Hdw. Co., Nashville, Tenn. F4- F-
0-2936...Lot 1473 Purcell Seed Co., L92.34 L90
Horace Emmick, Evansville, Ind. F-I- F+
0-2937 .... Dixon Hdw. Co., Lambert-Grisham Hdw. Co., L92 L90
Dixon Henderson, Ky. F+ F—%-
0-2946... Lot 8366 The J. Chas. McCullough L92.07 L90
Stages Bros., Seed Co., Cincinnati, O. F- F-
Vanceburg ·
0-2972... Lot A M S-18 Unknown L92 L90
C. Rowland. F- F-? V
0-2977 .... Fox Hdw. Co., Ll2lil1l)El`I··(.}I`lSh3Ill Hdw. Co., L92 L90 .
Madisonville Henderson, Ky. F4- F+
0-2979 .... Lot L. S. Young & Conway, L92 L90
R. E. Moore & Son. Morganlleld, Ky. F+ F-

 SEED INsrEcr1oN IN KENTUCKY, 1940-41 9
Lab. Kind of seed, Purity, Germma' Noxious
No. Name and address of dealer Purchased from percent non- weed
percent seed
0-2983 .,.. Lot AA 1403 Purcell Seed Co., L93.B2 L91 ~
City Feed Co., Evansville, Ind. F— F-}-
0-3101 .... Lot Red Bird Lewis Seed Co., L93 L90
Farmers Supply Co., Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-3108 .... Lot RT-2 Haile Seeds, Successors L93.06 L90
Thomas Hdw. C0., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F+
' Ryegrass V
0-2810 .... Lot 2068 Chambers Seed Co., L99.50 L93
C. L. Jewell & Son, Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2833 .... Lot 109 Scott Seed_ Co., L99 L90
Sower Hdw. Co., New Albany, Ind. F-}- F-}-
0-2836 .... R. S. Scott & Son, Louisville Seed C0., L99 L90 A
Frankfort Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2869 .... Edwards Feed Store, Lewis Seed Co., L99 L90
Campbellsville Louisville, Ky. F— F-}-
0-2884 ,.,. Lot Mix C. B. Ragland Co., L99 L90
J. E. Nole & Son, Nashville, Tenn. F-}- F-}-
0-2885 .... Lot 7 C. B. Ragland Co., L99.4B L92
Ruby H. Guffey, Nashville, Tenn. F—- F-}.
. 0-2889 .... Lot 1972 The Market Gardeners' Seed L98 L90
Leslie Bailey, Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
Corinth _
0-2895 .... Lot 1972 The Market Gardeners’ Seed L98 L90
Hess & Racke, Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
Alexandria V / ” —.._
0-2974 .... Lot 1670 Purcell Seed Co., L99.10 L90
Sturgis Impl. & Hdw. Co., Evansville, Ind. F-}- F-}- ·
Sturgis _
O-3016 .... Gentry McCauley Seed Co., Louisville Seed Co., L99 L90 T
Versailles Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2826 .... Lot C 706 Livingston Seed Co., L99.6 L90
John A. Sheehan, Cincinnati, O. F-}- F—-
0-2834 .... Benson Valley Milling Co., Louisville Seed Co., L99 L90
Frankfort Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2846 .... Lot 1002 The Market Gardeners' Seed L 99.5 L 90
L. C. Littrell, Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
0-2852....Shelby Feed & Seed Co., Ross Seed Co., L99.5 L90
Shelbyville Louisville, Ky. F-— F 71 Excessive
0-2853 .... Lot 8343 The J. Chas. McCullough L99.60 L90
C%lis1l_e1Mill & Supply Co., Seed Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F—
ar is e

 10 Ksnrucxy Acarcuixruaai. EXPERIMENT STATION
Lab. Kind of saga, pumy, G¤}1¤¤i¤¤- N¤>¤S
N0. I Name and address of dealer I Purchased from IpercentI p(;;_*`£ht lévggél U .
~ K
0-2854 ..., Lot C—706 Livingston Seed C0., L99.G0 L90
Ratliff Bros. Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-
0-2861 .... Lot 719 Livingston Seed C0., L99.25 L90
Bedford & Tuttle, Cincinnati, O. F- F-
0-2862 .... Lot 1006 The Market Gardeners’ Seed L 99.60 L 90
W. H. Brock & Co., C0., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F+
Winchester >
0-2880 .... Barber Hdw. Co., Louisville Seed Co., L95.l5 L90
Springfield Louisville, Ky. F- F-}-
0-2881 .... Lot 1214 Chambers Seed Co., L99.5 L90
Cecilian Milling Co., Louisville, Ky. F-}- F- -
0-2888 .... Lot 1005 The Market Gardeners Seed L 99 L85 _
Leslie Bailey, C0., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}- Excessive
0-2891 .... Lot C 713 Livingston Seed Co., L99.65 L80
Goodridge & Goodridge, Cincinnati, O. F- F+
0-2893 .... Lot C 720 Livingston Seed Co., L99.65 L90 ·
Walton & Rednour, Cincinnati, O. F- F-}-
0-2896 .... Lot 1986 The Market Gardeners’ Seed L 99.6 L 90
Youtscy Br0s,, Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
Alexandria j
0-2904 .... L0t 976 Scott Seed Co., L99.G0 L90
J. W. Purkey 8; Sons, New Albany, Ind. F- F}-
0-2949... Lot C 731 Livingston Seed C0., L99.68 L90
W. I-I. Brock & Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
ii-2985 .... Lot 835 Young & Conway, L99.50 L90
Watson Coal 8; Feed Co., Morganiield, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-3010 ...Lot 986 Scott Seed Co., L99.60 L90
Taylor County Supply Co., New Albany, Ind. F-}- F-
0-3017..Benson Valley Milling Co., Louisville Seed Co., L99.5 L90
Frankfort Louisville, Ky. F+ F}-
0-3019 .... Lot 8518 The J. Chas. McCullough L99.65 L92
N. S. Dudley & Sons, Seed Co., Cincinnati, O. F}- F-
0-3020...Lot C 723 Livingston Seed Co., L99.l0 L82
W. H. Brock Sc Co,, Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-
0-2809...Lot 93 Chambers Seed Co., L99.G8 L80-}-12 .
C. L. Jewell S; Son, Louisville, Ky. F- F-}- _
0-2929 .J. A. Bennett, Ross Seed Co., L99.50 L80-10
"[`aylorsville Louisville, Ky. F- F-}-

Lab. Kind of seed, . Purity, G€Fmi“a' Noxious
No. Name and address of dealer Purchased fwm percent hom Weed
percent seed
0-2962 .... Fayette Seed Co., Ross Seed Co., L99.50 L80-}-10
Lexington Louisville, Ky. F-}- F—
0-2970 .... Lot Red Bird Lewis Seed Co., L99.50 L804—10
Farm Bureau Store, Louisville, Ky. F4- F4-
0-2971 .... G. G. Wood, Louisville Seed Co., L99.50 L85-}-5
Carrollton Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}- _
0-2976 .... Lot 1029 Purcell Seed Co., L99.66 L70-}-25
· Sturgis Impl. & Hdw. Co., Evansville, Ind. F4- F-}-
i 0-2993 .... Lot 42007 The Market Gardeners’ Seed L 99.56 L 82-}-11
Leslie Bailey, Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
0-2997 .... Lot 311 Kansas The Mahan Co., L99 L90
Bell County Supply Co., Winchester, Ky. F-}- F—- ‘
0-3014 .... Benson Valley Milling Co., Louisville Seed Co., L99.5 L85 .
Frankfort Louisville, Ky. F-}- F— .
0-3028 .... Lot C 50417 Livingston Seed Co., L99.60 L804-12
John A. Sheehan, Cincinnati, O. F- F4-
· Falmouth
0-3032 .... Stanford Hdw. Co., Ross Seed Co., L99.50 L80-}-10
Stanford Louisville, Ky. F-}- F4-
0-3052 .... C. F. Howard & Son, Ross Seed C0., L99.50 L804-10
. New Haven Louisville, Ky. F-}- F—
0-3054 .... Lot 63 Chambers Seed Co., L99.50 L80-}-12
Barren County Groe. Co., Louisville, Ky. F4- F-}- ·
Glasgow ,»
0-3060 .... Lot C 504 A Livingston Seed Co., L99.6 L804-12
Walton & Rednour, Cincinnati, Oi F-}- F-
0-3083 .... Lot 176 H Cliambersl Seed Co., Ii:99.50 L9O ,.
Ceci ian Mi ing Co., ouisvi e, Ky. —}— F- ,
Elizabethtown \' ·
0-3084 .... Corbett Hdw. Co., Louisville Seed Co., L99.50 L85-}-5
Elizabethtown Louisville, Ky. F-}- F4-
. 0-3085 .... Aaron L. Moore, Louisville Seed Co., L99.50 L854-5
Leitchheld Louisville, Ky. F— F4-
0-3086 .... Barber Hdw. Co., Ross Seed Co., .L 99.50 L 80-}-10
Springfield Louisville, Ky. F4- F—
0-3088 .... M. C. Raymer, C. B. Ragland Co., L99.50 L80-}-13 _
Bowling Green Nashville, Tenn. F-}- F—
0-3089 .... Lot 291 Dobson-Hicks Co., L99.40 L7]-}-25
Vick Smith, Nashville, Tenn. F-}- F4-
Bowling Green
0-3091 .... Lot 80 Chambers Seed C0., L99.50 L90
Lebanon Carriage & Iinpl. Co., Louisville, Ky. F4- F-
0-3092 .... Lot 76 Chambers Seed Co., L99.50 L90
J. H. McClure & Sons, Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-

 A 12 Kmrrucxy AcR1cULrURAL Expnmmanr SrArioN V
Lab. Kind of seed, Purity, GoFmma' Noxious
No. Name and address of dealer Purohasod from percent nom Wood ’
percent seed
0-3093 ..., Lot 74 Chambers Seed Co., L99.50 L90
Mrs. C. P. Loving, Louisville, Ky. . F+ F- · .
Cave City ,
0-3094 .... Lot 461 National Seed Co., L99.60 L75-}-20 Il
Farmers Supply Co., Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
Harrodsburg `
. 0-3102 .... Lot 80 C S C_ Chambers Seed Co., L99.5 L90
Lebanon Carriage & Impl. Co., Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-
Alsike Clover
0-2930 .... Bohannon Coal & Feed C0., Ross Seed Co., L99.50 L80-}-10
Versailles Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2959 .... Lot 8682 The J. Chas. McCullough L 98.55 L 75-}-17 V
Fayette Seed C0., Seed Co., Cincinnati, O. F- F-
0-2969 .... Lot 1980 The Market Gardeners’ Seed L 95.50 L 73+15 .
Warsaw Hdw. Co., Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
0-3006 .... Edwards Feed Store. Ross Seed C0., L96.60 L90-}-6 `
. Campbellsville Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-
0-3036 .... Lot C-1102 Livingston Seed Co., L99.63 L80-}-10 "
Durham Impl. C0., Cincinnati, O. F- F-}-
0-3109 .... Lot 1923 The Market Gardeners' Seed L 98.60 L 76-}-20 *
E. W. Simpson, Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-
0-3112 .... Lot 207 The Mahan Co., L99 L90
Booneville Whse. Feed Co., Winchester, Ky. F-}- F-
Booneville V
Crimson Clover
0-2807 .... Lot 4244 National Seed C0., L98 L80
Hoagland & Masters, Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
` 0-2808 .... Lot 44 National Seed Co., L98 L90
Farmers Supply Co., Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2311 ____ Lgt 44 National Seed Co., L98 L90
Carroll County Farm Bureau, Louisville, Ky. F- F-}-
0-2813 .... Lot X 21 C. B. Ragland C0., L99.25 L81-}-5
Skaggs & Carver, Nashville, Tenn. F- F-
l-lorse Cave ·
0-2814 .... Lot M 82518 Norton Garth, L97.48 L85—}-5
Young Hdw. Co., Trenton, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2816 ..., Lot 65240 J. B. Lucas, L98 L80
Dairyman's Feed & Supply Franklin, Ky. F+ F-}-
Co., Mayfield
0-2875 .... Renfro Supply C0., Louisville Seed Co., L98 L80
Williamsburg Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2878 .... Lot 2502 Green Bros., L98 L81-}-9
Geo. P. Taylor Co., Nashville, Tenn. F- F66-}-6
Eubank °

Lab. Kind of seed, Purity, G€r}m“a‘ Noxious
Nc. Name and address of dealer Purchased rrom percent Uo¤· weed
percent seed
0-2887 .... Lot M 82518 Garth & Orr. L99.48 L85-}-4
Woodson Lewis, Trenton, KY- F+ F—
0-2947 .,,. Lot "Joe" Carver-Dickinson Seed C0., L90.25 L83-}-11
J. C. Everett Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F-}- F-}-
0-3012 .... Lot 717 Scott Seed Co., L99 L80}-10
Taylor County Supply Co., New Albany, Ind. F-}- F-}- . Excessive
0-3099 .... Lot 667 I Scott Seed Co., L96 L80-}-10
Anderson & Spillman, New Albany, Ind. F-}- F-}- ,
Danville ·
0-3104 .... Lot 717 Scott Seed Co., L99 L80}-10
Taylor County Supply C0., New Albany, Ind. F-}- F-}- Excessive
Red Clover
0-2886 .... Lot 1509 Green Bros., L99.5 L80-}-10
H. D. Jones, Nashville, Tenn. F-}- F-}-
Glasgow V
0-2925 .... Lot G Farmers Elevator Co., L99 L80+10
Hughes Hdw. C0., Franklin, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2927 .... Shelby Feed & Seed Co., Louisville Seed Co., L99.5 L85-}5
. Shelbyville Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2931 .... Farmers Union Supply Co., Ross Seed Co., L99.50 L90 "
Versailles Louisville, Ky. F-}- F-}-
0-2933 .... Lot 214 Louisville Seed C0., L99.64 L90
_ McCauley Bros. Seed C0., Louisville, Ky. F- F-
0-2943 .... Lot 8947 The J. Chas. McCullough L99.40 L87-}-G 4
L. V. Sullivan & Co., Seed Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F--
Vanceburg ‘
0-2945 .... Lot 8388 The J. Chas. McCullough L9g_50 Lg5.}.7 r
J. F. Bertram & SGH. Seed Co., Cincinnati, O. FJ. FJ. —•-\
Vanceburg . ··•—~.
0-2948 .... Lot C 305 D Livingston Seed C0., L95.92 L80-}-12
W. H. Brock & Co., Cincinnati, O. F-}- F-}-
Maysville i
0-2957 .... John B. Penn, Lewis Seed Co., L99_5() [,87.}.7 ‘
, Georgetown Louisville, Ky. F+ F-}-
A 0-2960-Fayette Seed Co., Ross Seed Co., L99.47 L84-}-1
Lexington Louisville, Ky. F-}- F- _ Excessive
0-2961 .... Fayette Seed Co., Unknown L99.75 L86—}—2
_ Lexington F- F-
O-2973 ..., C. Rowland, Unknown L99.25 L85—}—5
Owensboro F-}- F-}-
0-2975 .... Lot M Unknown L98.36 L86-}-7
Stéiagégigmpl. & Hdw. Co., F- F4. Excessive
0-2978 .... Lot U 9 Young & C wa , L99.82 L
Denton I-Idw. Co., Morganiielgl   F-}- F3.5-+8

 “ 14 Kmvruexr Acmcumrunai. Expiaaiiviisur STATION 4
Lab. Kind Oi Seed, P , d f pumy, Gelimma- N¤>