10                    CONTENTS.

                   CHAPTER XVIT.
                      ENCE-1805-181 ].
Conference in Cincinnati-Reappointed-Transfer- Olihi  eircuit-John
  We.bt-Jacob  Gruber-Sickness-Redstone circuit- Revival-Pros-
  perity-J. B. Finley-M'EIroy-Temperance-Pleasant acquaintances-
  Close of the year.e------- e      -     --    ePAGE 268

                 CHAPTER XVIII.
                    OHIO DISTRICT-1812.
Baltimore conference-Nichlolas Sneethen-War declared-Much excite-
  ment-The two great parties-Apprchensions- Scarcity of bread-John
  P. Kent-Nl'Kendree's preaching-Presbyterian deputation-They ac-
  cuse M'Kendree-His defense- His fatherly advice-Hull's surrender-
  Great alarm.       .                                   278

                  CHAPTER XIX.
            A C A M, P M1 E E T I N G I N C I D E N T .
Camp mecting-A rowdy struck down-Great excitement-Sinners con-
  verted-Soldiers marching for Buffalo-They march into the encamp-
  ment--Asbury's sermon to the soldiers-Text-A vword in season-De-
  parture-Disorder-Asbury's warning to rowdies           2Y0

                   C II A P T E R X X.
Conference was very large-A  member expelled-Reappointed-Joseph
  Spahr--His character and early death-A  year of prosperity-Hard
  times-Provisions high-Stern winter-Camp meeting men-General
  Mead-Al Kendree's preaching-Clamor about lodgings-All accommo-
  dated-Mrs. HaleThe bishops -                           297

                 CHAPTER XXI.
          OHIO DISTRICT-CONTINUtED-1813-1815.
Opening of conference-Conversion of Miss Wells-Solemn refections-A
christening in the conference-room-Reappointed-Preachers-The
war- -Cold plague-Dreadfully fatal-Great scarcity--Extortioners-
Three young ladies-Anne Kent- Conference at Cincinnati-Bishops in
feeble health.-                                        305