Church. If you wish your ministers to be faithful,
happy, and useful, always give them a liberal support.
Don't give grudgingly, like the miser-but like your
heavenly Father-give bountifully; for, "the laborer
is worthy of his hire." Let every station and circuit
be furnished with a good parsonage-well inclosed-
with a good well and cistern-choice fruit-trees, and
some pretty shade-trees. And, now, I have a word
of advice to itinerant ministers: while I call to
your recollection one of your solemn vows you made
when you were admitted on trial-to give yourselves
wholly to God and his work, which was more binding
than any oath taken before a civil magistrate. When
you made this solemn vow to almighty God, and the
Church, then you had no mental reservations, but
meant what you said, and said what you meant--and
you intended to fulfill that vow, completely and en-
tirely, while your heavenly Father gave you health
and life. Let no circumstances or threatening pros-
pects of poverty or want, for yourselves and families,
turn you aside from the path of duty. Remember,
you are God's messengers; therefore, rely implicitly
on God, for your temporal support; for God is both a
sun and a shield; he will give you grace and glory,
and no good thing will he withhold from them who
walk uprightly. Never let your pious mind become
divided between God and the world. Be a man of
one business; and that God who fed Elijah, by the
ministry of ravens, will feed and clothe you and your