UK in the 11942 - 1952 em", * M¤rg¤r¢¢A~ Gr1d¤r’27 1
but graduated from another Former Necro   1·O111sV111€
1l¤lVelsllY-   dents The University of Kentucky December 9’ 1989
  National Alumni Association i
Paul B_ Hall of painlisville €XpI‘€SS€S sympathy to Ll'1€ fam-   F` Raymer JI" 27
Kellie Mecowan ,87s ,89 is l d h. os d b- hd ily and friends of these alumni. H1gl1l9119s’ N`C‘
the systemsmanagerforChris- CC 991999 1S _1 ln axon _ _ _ ]111Y 25» 1989 ‘
moo, Miuoo Woodford, loo, january 21. He lS also celebrat- Vuguua F, Anderson ’16
io Loxiooiooi ing the 67th anniversary of his Tuscon, Ariz. =•= Eneil Deen ·2g 1
return to Paintsville to begin February 11, 1990 Lexington 1
*1** the practice ofmedicine. When _ january iii 1990
John Ai Guthrio ,87, 3 he talks about how things have Mui-my M_ Montgomery *17
Navy Soomooi hos oomoioiod changed since 1923, he talks Walnut Creek, Calif Marie E_ Bosley >g0 .
recruit training at Recruit about “a“SP°“a11°“· 91 h9v€ Dooombol 91’ 1999 1'191`d11'1sb‘~11g
Toiioioooommoodiorioodoi walked,Iguess,athousand miles June 6, 1988 i
Flo. during my practice. Many and Louise Browning ’2() i
many a night 1 walked to Van Louisville Frank D_ wells =30
*`;' Lear or Muddy Branch. I wore May 28, 1988 8l_ Louis, Mo_
Scott Dodson ,88 is o Siofi. out. several horses going to S€€ january 28, 1990
ooooooiooi for [ho public oo patients during my early prac- *_]ohn R. Drummy ’21
oouoiioo firm of Eokow Sc [lee. lll December 1928 l d€l1V— Palm Beach Gardens, F]a_ Bonjaniin H_ Kegley ¢3l
Gresham, PSC. Hejoined the cred 31 b9bl9S’ averaging one 9 Novcmbsf 99’ 1999 Shallmali 1:19· 1
firn1 in 1989 as a staffassistant. 9919 and m 28 Of those Casfis I .19111131Y 11» 1990 ,
had to get on my horse and ride Noble C, Massey ’22 ,
‘;**' anywhere from three to 20 miles Memphis, '1`ehh_ Eudenah peri.}, vgg
Joffroy Sootfniomisoo,88 to deliver the babiy and then October 17, 1989 Dawson Springs ‘
is portfolio manager in the Come back hOm€' H91l’ who March 8» 1988
trust investment area of Fifth $919199 99 [hc UK Board Of Newton O` Bolt ,22
Third Book io (iiooioooiii Trustees from 1958 to 1961, is a Blguidyille Sallye L_ Hines =32 .
Ohio. UK Fellow, and is in the Hall of May 17, 1989 Iiouisville
Distinguished Alumni. A mem- lzebniary 8, 1990
ber of the UK National Alumni (jello Ashbrook ’23 i
MortioL·Millor,8o,ii Now Association, he has served on Cullowhee, N.C. * John lr_ Hall],-_ ·33
cnsign, was commissioned to the Alumm 11°2*“‘1‘{11111°°*°”· Ooloool 29* 1999 D?1YlO11» 01110 .
his presentrankafter graduat- and w9S lh? rcclplcni Of the _ _ _ January 19» 1990
ing from Officer Candidate Alumm Sconce Award m 1979 *   H' Smllh ,29 1
School in Newport, R.I. He is 1*‘”"‘1“g‘°“ Hvward W- LY11ch ,33 g
prepared to assume the duties January 9’ 1999 Am91"lllO» Texas
and responsibilities of a com- i December 10, 1989 1
missioned officer. 9 Ethel 11 Daugherty 25 `
U¤i9¤ james w. Hume, lr. *22 1
LY- ]a1111a1"Y 22 1988 jeffersontown Y
Pemiie 1.. johnson *29, ir 111** m°m1’€’ September 22, 1988
Naw ensign, has completed i 1
thc Officer indoctrination 9 w' Wayne Foust 25 HNTY H· Emmerich ,33
School at the Naval Education Owollsbolo D¤11as, Texas ·
and Traiiiing Center, New- Seplembel 18» 1989 August 28, 1989 1
port, R.I.   »
_____.. Nell W. Chipman ’26 =i< James l:_ Marquis >34 1
Falmouth Atlanta, (;n_ i
—l°““‘l"“‘ A‘ DY" 189* ‘1N‘“’1' J¤¤¤¤ry 7, 1990 December 22, 1989 1
cnsign, has been commissioned Lifo mombor i
to his present rank upon gradu- Ellen w_ Loudeaslagei. 727
ation front Officer Candidate Brentwood, Tami Dorothy D- Bishop ,34 1
School at Newport, R.l. March 197 1989 Prosooot i
November 27, 1989 T 
Mary B. Vaughan ’27
$h¤11>wi11€ =·= Margaret K. Dai1ey’35
September 19, 1989 Louisville i 
December 29, 1989 ` 
ui wv 1