Lanaster; Prof. Giltner, Coviugton: Mrs. A. C. Ellis, Covington;
Mrs. M. W. Bender, Louisville.
Nominations closed.
Moved that if, when the delegates arrive in Washington at the
National Convention, there is a vacancy, they have the power to
appoint some member of the Kentucky E R. A. present, to fill the
vacancy. c
Moved that the first alternate fill the first vacancy, the second i
alternate the second vacancy, etc., including the executive commit— i
tee member. > t
The committee" on incorporation reported that Judge James
Tarvin offered to attend to all the business pertaining thereto. l
Moved that the convention accept Judge Tarvin’s offer and ex— 1
tend our thanks to him.
The auditing committee presented the following report: ‘
\Ve, the auditing committee, have carefully examined the l
Treasurer‘s accounts and find them correct.
Auditing Committee. .
Mrs. Drucker, of Cincinnati, was introduced and the courtesies
of the floor were extended to her. She responded and spoke of the
good work done by the Kentucky E. R. A.
Rev. Anna Shaw followed with a decidedly entertaining address
' 011 Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
The convention was pleased at being able to celebrate both
Lucy Stone's and Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s birthdays.
The president said it was the policy of Mrs. Carrie Chapman
Catt, the National President, to recommend to the States to pay ‘
their Corresponding Secretaries a salary, and maintain headquarters 3,,
where possible. The Kentucky E. R. A. had followed this recom— ,
mendatiou for some years in voting a small salary to our correspond-
ing secretary, and asked if it was the wish of the convention to con- .é
tinue this policy. ‘ ' V
It was moved that a salary of five dollars a month be paid to
our corresponding secretary, as long as there are free will offerings
Mrs. S. M. Hubbard moved that the plan of the National E11—
rollment Committee, of which Mrs. Priscilla Hackstaff is Chairman,