He paused, and his gaze bent itself narrowly on
Mandelle as he repeated the words aloud. Man-
delle's eyes were fixed with a feverish burning on his
  "'Don Fogarty, Camden Scar. . . . Have
arrested Tom Carrington in St. Louis. . . . Is
bitter against Mandelle and ready to talk. Jim
Brice.' Thank you. Will you immediately file my
telegram already written and marked Number One"
  Fogarty set down the 'phone and Mandelle came up
out of his chair as though half electrocuted, then
sank into it again and sat in a clammy and nerveless
  "So Tom Carrington would seem to be the name,"
commented Fogarty amiably, "Tom Carrington alias
S. C. Cowes, alias Tom Rathbone. . . . Then
there's Jennings in New York. I dare say he's under
arrest as a material witness by now. After all, you
can't blame these boys if they feel the time has come
to talk-and are anxious to talk first. With the
D. A.'s office, it's first come, first served, you know."
  Mandelle was gulping and licking his lips. The
mention of these names had been as destructive to
his shredded confidence as exploding shells, and now
he mumbled in a terror-stricken voice, "Jennings-
what do you know about Jennings"
  "Turner looked him up, when we got interested in
phonographs," answered Fogarty. " Your office
didn't realize that there was any secret about who